ACCEPTED 01-15-00888-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 10/20/2015 3:22:33 PM Appellate Docket Number: Ol-15-00888-CV CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK I!\ppcllatc Case Style: Eagle Oil & Gas Co. & Eagle Wes-Tcx, L.P. I Vs. I Shale Exploration, LLC I ~----·-·-------------------------------------------------------j FILED IN l~·~~~£.::_~1ion Case No.: 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS ~---------------------------1 10/20/2015 3:22:33 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Amended/corrected statement: DOCKETING STATEMENT (Civil) Clerk Appellate Court: I st Court of Appeals (to be tiled in the coun of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32) , Y. Appellant H. Appellant Attorney(s) ' - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------1 [[] Person IZ] Organization (choose one) IZ] Lead Attorney I Or~ani/alion ~~amc: Eagle Oil & Gas Co. & Eagle Wes-Te:x, L!HJ First Name: Bruce i j First Name: Middle Name: W. Middle Name: Last Name: Bowman Last Name: Suffix: Jr. Suffix: Law Firm Name: Godwin Lewis PC ProSe: 0 Address 1: Renaissance Tower Address 2: 1201 Elm Street, Suite 1700 City: Dallas Stute: Texas Zip+4: 75270 Telephone: (214) 939-8679 ext. Fax: (214) 527-3104 Email: SBN: 02752000 I. Appellant U. Appellant Attorney(s) 1 1 1'-·.J Person ' D Organization (choose one) D Lead Attorney i II,.. II First Name: W. I' rrst 'rmation about your case, including parties and background, through selected Internet sites and Listscrv to its pool ofvoluntecr appellate attorneys. Do you want this case to be considered f(Jr inclusion in the Pro Bono Program? D Yes [;g] No Do you authorize the Pro Bono Committee to contact your trial counsel of record in this matter to answer questions the committee may have rcgmding the appeal? D Yes cgj No Please note that any such conversations would be maintained as confidcntiul by the Pro Bono Committee and the information used solely for I the purposes or considering the case for inclusion in the Pro Bono Program. I r: ou have not pre,'iously lilcd an at1idavit or lndigcney and uttuchcd a tile-stamped copy or that atlidavit, docs your income exceed 200% of the U.S. Department of Health and lluman Services Fcdcrul Povc11y Guidelines? DYes D No These guidelines can be found in the Pro Bono Program Pamphlet as well us on the internet at Date: October 20, 2015 Printed Name: Shawn M. McCaskill State Bar No.: 24007633 Flcctronic Signature: Shawn M. McCaskill ((lptional) L----------·----·-------·-------------rP;:::a=g-=-e-;:;8-::o:-:cf-;:;9------------------------___J XV H. Certificate of Service The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court's order or judgment as lollmvs on October 20,2015 S ignaturc of counsel (or pro sc party) Electronic Signature: Shawn M. McCaskill (Optional) State Bar No.: 24007633 Ccrli !I calc of Service Requirements (TRAP 9.5( c)): A certificate of sen icc must be signed by the person who made the scrvic·c and must state: (I) the date and manner of service; (2) the name and address of each person served. and (3) ifthc person served is a party's attorney. the name of the party represented by that attorney Plca~c enter the following lor each person served: IDate Sen cd: I October 16, 20 15 iv1anncr Served: eServed First Name: Matthe\v Middle Name: R. Last Name: Pearson Suflix: Law Firm Name: Gravely & Pearson, LLP Address I: 425 Soledad, Suite 600 ;\ cid:-cs~; 2: Ci1.y: San Antonio State Texas Zip+4: 78205 Telephone: (210) 472-1111 ext. Fax: (210) 472-1110 Email: [f/ltlnrncy. Representing Pariy's Name: Shale Exploration. LLC Page 9 of9
Eagle Oil & Gas CO. and Eagle Wes-Tex, L.P. v. Shale Exploration, LLC
Combined Opinion