Johnson, Tadarrian Antwoine

PD-1083&1084&1085-15 PD-1085-15 CAUSE NUMBER: TADARRAIAN ANTWOINE JOHNSON § IN THE COURT OF Appellant § CRIMINAL APPEAL RECEIVED IN VS. § AUSTIN,TEXAS -•--OFCRIMINALAI THE STATE OF TEXAS § OCT a? 2015 APPELLANT'S MOTION REQUESTING LEAVE TO FILE AN ORIGINAL @©e3T0BF0ffEM©NB ^PpgAI PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY OCT 29 REVIEW Abel Acosta, Clerk Appellant asks the Court to allow him to file only one original Petition for Discretionary Review,to his incarceration and lack of the availability of a copy machine and in accordance with Rule 9.3(b)(l)/Of the Texas Rules of App ellate Procedure,which requires a party to file one"original and 11 copies of any document addressed to the Court of Criminal Appeals..." However,the Appellant relies on the provisions of Rule 2 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure,which states:"On a party's motion...and appellate co urt may-to expedite a decision or for other good cause-suspend a rule's oper ation and order a different procedure "this Appellant(^petitioner")mo ves the Court to suspend Rule 9.3(b),and allow him to file only one original Petition for Discretionary Review,due to his indigence,incarceration,and the fact that he is proceeding pro se. PRAYER' WHEREFORE,PREMISES CONSIDERED,the Petitioner prays this Court grant leave to file an original copy only of his Petition for Discretionary Review with this Court. Respectfully Submitted, TADARRARIATl A.JOHNSON Petitioner/Appellant pro Coffield Unit 2661 FM 2054 Tennessee Colony,Texas 75884 1. -* CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Petitioner hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Mo tion has been mailed to the office of the State Prosecuting Attorney,P.O.Box 12405,Capitol Station,Austin }Texas 78711,on this 7th day of October,2015,AND also on this date,the main or original said document was sent to the clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals,Mr.Abel Acostaaafl by prepaid U.S.mail,at P.O.Box 12308 Capitol Station,Austin,Texas 78711. TADARRIAN A.JOHNSON 2.