`1,665"%?"09` c@-Qz-/§' Q;M w ‘ ~ Ab&\ ACUSM #""[‘7.12331 w)Q 33 0139” 771 64 ida 1;11=0¢\~¢ 301 @?::7£'}5/€ 7/0 71%€ [Ou/Y/ (9~{)[/€1!1’11’1“ /»/) é“/ 36 ZA€ CO(‘,L/‘ '§ aj 7 .615 £Y 9 ,O d !1$1\4 M€ h h 45 m F“`/ °‘9*< '7[)?/€ 5'@ <:' -' OUf"l_ @F C@U/'\$€/ 7!1\€§€; ~D°‘ nova H\Ok(?y\v, V\ dlc:~fb(dc/ 63 615 gq/OF`UML ? . /17 O»éSr°/z/\@ NMA/ 1/@( Bl les§ 1/¢90( 63 ec‘(”(,q(( /0 (:(L’( 501 ”\1++€€!` C;QA/\QM /:Pz// RECENED m cOuR‘r 0\= chuNAL APPEALS ocr 26 zm§ Abemcosta,€lerk AEMLI THE sTATE oF TEXAS ) ` ) CoUNTY oF 130le ) ON THIS the gap day of ®,\l,y , ZOB_, personally- appeared before me the jidersigned authority, DeQueener Mitchell, who being 'by me first duly sworn did state upon her jath that th'e following is her statement “The cops came February 3 to me and Cornell McHenry’s house; Cops found ice, kush and pills in my personal bottles lhe police took me outside and wanted me to say that everything they, found was Co`rnell’s. I to d the cops that everything was mine. They took both of us to Bi-State in the same police car. 1 took the charge because I was taking responsibility for my actions ~ because none of the illegal things found were his. » Further, Afflant sayeth not.” DeQueener»Mitchcll affirms that she freely and voluntarily executed this affidavit /,}zio,/€M/J’ //5 V@Aj /1 AFFi ANT SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO before me this NM day' of BOWIE CO TY, TEXAS ..,-`_,-`~__»._A,- 'i_SBREN 'JDHN .ON m \l\;\\l , Affldavit of Cornell McHenry My name is Cornel McHenry and I am the Defendant in cause no. 12-F-0117-202 now pending in the District Court of Bowie County, Texas. I am charged with the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance, over four grams and under 200 grams, a second degree felony with one prior felony enhancement conviciton. My range of punishment is a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 99 years or Life. I have previously been offered a plea bargain of 2 years in the Texas Department of Corrections which I refused to accept on numerous times. On April 8, 2014 I met with my attorneys, Rick C. Shumaker and Charles Crowl of the Bowie County Public Defender’s Office to explain my right and discuss my case. I was present when Mr. Shumaker contacted Mr. Michael Shepherd of the Bowie County District Attorney’s Office and was informed that the minimum plea bargain is now 5 years in the Texas Depart of Corrections. My attorneys explained to me, that in their opinion based upon their trial experience and the past history of Bowie County juries, that in the event of a conviction l am most likely looking at a high number of years in the Texas Department of Corrections. It is my decision, against the advice of my attomeys, to re ect the 5 ears T. D. C. offer and proceed to a trial the week of April 14, _2014. I have read this Affidavit and acknowledge that it is true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief. , signed this 811 day of Aprii, 2014-. M MOMM UCornel_l McHenry sUBsCRIBED AND sWoRN to on this 5 1dayf‘ of ,2 1. . ¢/ 1, Notary Public Witnessed:c\%/ Rick umake 6 harms b ry .y/ Charles C/ owl /~"~ ”""`\-»~`~\