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Arr'i:AL.> ur 11:)&/\5 PO. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 11/18/2015 TURNER, GREGARY A. wR §§ 971 02 ` without written order motion for leave to file the original application for writ o_;'mandamus Pad/'//a v McDan/'e/, 122 SW 3d . 805 (Tex. Crim. App. 2003) Abe| Acosta, C|erk - = GREGARY A. TURNER \j TARRANT COUNTY JA|L - TDC‘# 805233 100 N. LAiV|AR FORT WORTH, TX 76102 ,n ,;‘_zi b |*|Ii|‘}|llil"|‘l|’|-i¥|£ll!;l!}|ii¥lil"|i"l*!||'|,,!)lliinf',i|li C§*:‘Z?( f.~*~?z;-““ /i/@"‘ / .?§/._5’;/2?“ /-/5" ”°7/%"/"' ~ '/2’ £?{?"0 52 5 3 772 /;W-' cma/70 ¢:/~“ ,'/7/§ §Fc"¢:'~/;L/? 52 L//»’“/*“@F /7/’/1%;/?/§‘ /77V /i//WW£’ Z> §`C`/£EG/)Wy /7’ 72//%7/1//:'/1? S‘/;’ _Z" /')`7/// 271/f /~7//°/?@////1/7'.2”/1;£[£0 005 M¢z£;zz;zz aziz/2 §“/’1//'¢~‘/7 '_ C`/?L/§'¢:_ l /9/1//) 7/!}"/3£-"/?§ H/ 97/- -./_>/‘ f/>sz;z¢;c' @5,5_0 60er .>2~»£¢ g£Qg/M/ nw C`/zW/? 7;/%?7`.2' /FEC,Ei/£'D /“/?@M f°/§’/’) 7‘0/ §7;977'/)/$//?05 rz/i) /?')//76’ O/i/ c)/? /W;'bL/'f' 820 »/'é/, H£Z’éZ/¢M/?c 572 57/-’0// / , /77¢19)1/¢/5’ 7" l/ 0 /7%/0 nw wA/E/y H /5"0’/£`/ /i/c? W/// /?z: /?7/?£<: 0/\/ 771/1 <;9 022/525 41‘_¢;/¢_/@0/;0 //h'F 7'0 ‘/1”/7/7'€/2¢/// ~7”/‘/7/¢--` 70 r//AA//r 777/z <':‘/E/;f'/ /:@/? )/@ 0/? 770/5 I/i/ 7'///5' /77/277/.-“/? /ZAZ/% /?/i/Y}/f/?/¢Z///}/ '/?¢¢//V/r?z\/@F ,yz;- 200 /zz"§/PM /¢~:E %z€@, .’§#/ 629 m 5;"€7/ l ~ §/"GA&;Q /7;5/2~¢7“/'2//74/ _i c;/?E§/-y/f,s//g 72//,_~E_':.» \QVAPD~BOX 1_~_23§_8',CAPLI§@L STATION-AUSTINWTEXAS 7_8711 ST’- \';`F T'e"" ;‘i‘¥?` :11;§:\1‘§~ " ”~=.»31§ ~:'= :~;i’;)&:\‘,§ f f.¢' i¢=.. - ..-:-. 10/19/2015 l TURNER, GREGARY A. On this day; the original a presented to the Court. ,.\J_. ' Abe| Acosta, C|erk 1' § ,` t,| ,;. §§ / GREGARYATURNER \ £.~.; §§ \ 1 TARRANT CouNTY JA¢L TDC#805233 \_ ‘.1 100 N LAMAR FORT WORTH, TX 76102 jr~mrs¢ 1.- =,11_=1&' 'x"|c"'"'"li_""s'mv'u'"n'"h'llzl"`l|'.u"!"u’r"'»l"’l l -;- CiniRii‘ orr AIPPEALS SECoNo DlsTRlCT OF TExAs cHlEF JusTicE cLERK TERRIE LIleGsToN TlM CURRY CRlMlN/\L JUSTlCE CENTER DEBRA sPiSAK 401 w. BELKNAP, suisz 9000 JusTicEs ~ FORT WORTH\ TEXAS 76196 cHlEF STAFF ATToRNEY LEE ANN DAUPH]NOT LlSA M. wEsT ANNE GARDNER TEL; (817) 834-1900 sUE wALKER GENERAL couNsEL BoB McCoY FAXf (8'7) 884‘\932 cLARlssA HoDGEs BILL MEiER LEE GABRIEL www.2ndcoa.cour\s,state.tx,us l l . DATE: 10_-27-14 TO: Gregary Allen Turner #080'5233' RE: CAsé No lSTYi_E: ' vs. State . l . We are in receipt of your correspondence in connection With the above case. - Our records do not indicate an appeal pending in this'court. Contact the attorney or the trial court tor information about the case, or provide this court With an appeal number. Our records indicate youare pro se/have counsel. The attorney is/Was Appellant's/State's v Was/is due on The status of the above referenced case is: __ Still pending. No opinion has issued as of this date. ____ Opinion has issued. Your case Was affirmed/reversed/dismissed/abated to the trial court on 'l'lne case is closed. Pending on motion for rehearing. Pending at the Court of Criminal Appeals on a Petition for Discretionary Review. ' ' Page 2 Neither the judges nor the staff of this court can give legal advice. You may Wish to contact |nmate Legal Services, Texas Department of Criminal »Justice, institutional Division, P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, TX 77340. This court has no jurisdiction to compel the trial court to provide you With free copies. This court does not provide copies of any documents Without_ prepayment of costs. Our charge is 10 cents per page up to 50 pages and 50 cents per page thereafter, payable in advance by cashier's check or money order. lf you desire copies of any part of your record, send a cashier's check or money order in the amount of $75.00. There is a $38.66 fee for retrieving any closed case from our private storage facil_ities. As much of yo_ur record Will be copied as the remaining Will cover. You Will be advised as to the cost for copying the remainder of the record. Payment for the remainder of the record must be paid Within thirty (30) days from the date you are notif` ed lf your request does not add up to the $75. 00, the balance Will be returned to you. lV|ake cashier’ s check or money order payable to Clerk, Court of Appeals. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Austin, Texas, has jurisdiction over article 11.07 post conviction Writs of habeas corpus/out of time appeals. TEX. .CODE CRll\/l. PROC. ANN. art. 11. 07 (West Supp. 2011). This Writ can only l be filed With the district clerk’s office of the county in Which you Were convicted. ld. ‘ The papers you requested are enclosed. The papers you tendered are being returned to you. Respectfully yours, D_EBRA SP|_SAK, CLER_K /L/d/‘@/( B/‘W{//( l By: Karen Brown, Deputy Clerk l\lO“ll'lE: You should contact the Court of Criminal Appeals regarding the Writ of mandamus in question Per the attached notice, your Writ Was received and presented to the Court of Criminal Appeals on August 20, 2014, under VVR- 81 971- 01. Verification of Unswom Decllaration - _______________________--~_-- _ ' l,'§/i£:'é/q/? V/q.~ fUi?AYF . Defendant pro se in this cause, state the follo\vin_g..,___, __ under penalty of perjury: l am a prisoner, #QEQ 52 § 3 , currently incarcerated in the Tarram county jail in Tamm counry, Texas. il am duly qualified and authorized in.all respects to make this declaration l have read the foregoing Declaration of Conflict and declare that l have personal knowledge of the facts contained therein and said facts are true and correct. ) EXECUTED in Tarrant County, Texas3 pursuant to Art. 1327001 et. seq., 'l"exas C.P.R.C. and 28 USC §1746, On this 232 day of Qfé , ZOL§. /aaaa w%`;?;l/ [Defendaaf’t Nawe], Defendant Pro Se CID #Qa’aazz;__ DoB/Q//_é/.:i 100 N. lamar St. ~ _ t ' Fort Woi'th, TX 76102-1954- l _ *Under both federal law (28 USC §1746) and state law (Art. 132.001, Texas C.P.R.C.), inmates incarcerated in 'l`exas.rnay use an unsworn declaration under penalty of _ perjury in place of a Written declaration sworn before a notary public l Certifiicatte of Service l ` lL-Z/£; 7: , hereby certify that a true and correct copy _of the above motion \)vas served on Attorney for the State Tirn Curry by mailing via first-class mail to ]OE l SHANNON, DISTRICT ATT(DRNEY, 401 ‘v‘<'/. BELI<:_NAP ST., FORT WORTH, Tx_rei% en this §§¢Z dayfof,/Q£Z ,'2‘0/_’5 . /Defeadaar’s N_aaze], Defendant Pro Se . . clt) #Q§o;zzz DoB/£/_é/§é 100 N. Larnar St. - ___ ' 'Fort Worth, TX 76102-’1954
Turner, Gregary A
Combined Opinion