ACCEPTED 03-15-00370-CV 6784359 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 9/3/2015 1:40:43 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK NO. 03-15-00370-CV ________________________________________________________________________ FILED IN IN THE COURT OF APPEALS 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS FOR THE THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS TRAVIS COUNTY, AUSTIN, TEXAS 9/3/2015 1:40:43 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE ________________________________________________________________________ Clerk REAGAN NATIONAL ADVERTISING OF AUSTIN, INC., APPELLANT VS. THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND MARC A. OTT, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY, APPELLEES ________________________________________________________________________ ON APPEAL FROM th THE 200 JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-12-001211 ________________________________________________________________________ APPELLANT’S UNOPPOSED SECOND MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME ________________________________________________________________________ Appellant Reagan National Advertising of Austin files this unopposed motion seeking a 14-day extension of the deadline for its Appellant’s Brief. 1. The deadline for Appellant’s Brief is Friday, September 11, 2015. 2. Appellant requests a 14-day extension until Friday, September 25, 2015. This is Appellant’s second request for an extension. The first request was similarly for 14 days, as the original deadline on the brief was August 28, 2015. 3. The additional time is sought due to recent and unexpected demands on counsel’s time in another matter, the deadline for which could not be extended by agreement. 1 4. Appellees do not oppose the relief requested in this motion. 5. This extension is not sought for delay, but so that justice may be done. For these reasons, Appellant prays that the Court grant an extension of its deadline to file the Appellant’s Brief until September 25, 2015. Respectfully submitted, /s/ B. Russell Horton B. Russell Horton State Bar No. 10014450 George Brothers Kincaid & Horton, L.L.P. 114 West 7th Street, Suite 1100 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 495-1400 (512) 499-0094 FACSIMILE ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE Patricia Link indicated on September 3, 2015, that Appellees do not oppose the relief requested in this motion. /s/ B. Russell Horton B. Russell Horton CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned certifies that a copy of this motion was served on September 3, 2015, on the following through the court’s e-filing system: Patricia L. Link Gray Laird City of Austin-Law Department PO Box 1546 Austin, TX 78767-1546 512-974-1311 (facsimile) /s/ B. Russell Horton B. Russell Horton 2
Reagan National Advertising of Austin, Inc. D/B/A Reagan National Advertising v. City of Austin, Texas And Marc A. Ott, Being Sued in His Official Capacity
Combined Opinion