Hogan, Darrell Wayne

-m- '0Lflt J~··· 'Zj'T \:,~'-1j .I . RECtE~VED ~ N . ·. COURT OF CRIMINAl APPFAI.~ l NOV 05 2015 INRE :=cause 'No ) \ J Qf;XQ WRIT HELD IN THE~) J.UDICIAL: .- .· Abel ,Acosi~, Clerk ·.... DISTRICT COURT. . . WASHINGTON COUNTY."nEXAS I . PRO SE·A~~LICANT~· DARREtL' W.HohAN#1014834 POLUNSKY UNIT . 3872 FM 350 SOUTH LIVINGSTON ~~k~S 77351 } ;~ ABEL A'COSTA \ I ' .! ·_.:- ·CLERK . . f .. ~ COURT :oF CRI·MINAL APPEALS. P.O •. BOX 12308[ CAPITOL STATIO.N AU.STIN TEXAS.: 78711 ,.. Clerk, !•1, ·: •- I' PLEASE FIND E.NCLOSED T.HE FOLLtif4ING LEGAL ·DOCUM.ENT TO BE FILED ON THIS COURT·s DOCKET IN'THB. ABOVE- CRIM':J;NAL CAUSE NUMBER AS FOLLOWS:MOTION:FOR MANDAMUS c~·c~·p'.ART 4.0·4 A'No···MANDAMUS.Please ·file this on the Courts docket in the above c~u~e and provide me with ~eturn ~edeipt.Thank you fo~·· your assistan6e in this matter. Sincerely ~/~· ' ' ,_' .. •' ,·; ... .: ..: _; -~ '; ... ••· -:••.:1 f'. . ,'-.;~.'. (' ~:··'... : .. 1'<.' '; : · ' •' •.• '·· ... •' ' . - . . :\·' .·;\ :;.·· :t~\ '· ~ ~~ ,; ___::..~- .~ ;.- ,; '. I ! ;· .~ :· 1 ··. '/ ,, . ·..'- . . .::. -~:.r.',....~,:. / ~---::: . : -1 ,.·.·: ' COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN TEXAS ,, 1 4,-=~V=·-·.- - - - - CAUSE No. -.LJ\\If- PRO SE APPLICANT/RELATOR DARRELL W.HOGAN vs TH~ STATE OF TEXAS RF;SPO~DENT ··i. M~TION:FOR COURT MANDAMUS COD~-oF.~ CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Art.4.04 TRAP 72.1 \• ~. TO TH~·HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: Comes-~6w Da~rell ~.Hogan the Relator/pro se appl ic~n:t ancl' . t would ~p:resent to this court the' followfng: :t . } J~R ~. ~ Qli: ~tr~9.~; -~.. ·' ,. '-~~ . ' ...·J., ·. - . . . .. "' .. THIS COURT HOLD PLENA·RY POWER AND. J;UR!ISD,ICTION 'l'O EXEC~T~ A MANDAMUS COMPEL·LING THE CONVICTINGj COURT~ TO :ANSWER AND :COMPLY WITH LIMITA'!'ION ·.TIME STATUTE UND.ER CODE/ OF CRIMINAL P.ROCEDURE ART 11.07 §(c). ·3 see now CODE:OF.CRIMINAL PROQ~_D.~R~ 1frt 4~P,1'i TRAP . 72.1 :Martin v Haml.in·25 ·1 • - S.W.3d 718.,719. . ~ ~-~ I I .--- · - ' ·- . . .- _:;-........,., SHOt-J OF. CAUSE li ):·. I A~ early as ;t',h'e\·date·. q;f· September 912015 A • .o the rela·tor. Darrell 1 ~ . 'l.. . Hogan \ -;: .T!iled -:,.'I . , ., a'Appiicc:l't:ion •• , , . under· , C.C.P·. Art ll.071in.the 21st •''Jl?•~: ,>c'~ . ' ' . • Juchci'all • I Distr1ct Court .of WASHINGTON . COUNTY . TEXAS 1 IN CRIMINAL CAUSE .No • ......!\.\.~~-'-=aiC.lO::..·- - - - II. The convicting Court. 's· is falling· alseep on adj.ucicafion Statut·e for the I GREAT WRI.T where. the cp~:rt' in.,the. instant case-·fail;,eq to repohd in accord with Statute s~f out under code of criminal procedute art 11.07.)3 ·(a) (b) w~Jch provide.tha~ Atforney represe?ting the State:~hall an~wer the appl1catLon no later than t-he !.,?TH day o f i t ' s copy ~f the application received and the secbt'ion (c)· provides that .the Court is to decide· whether . there ~~e I controverted , issues within 20 - day's of the expiration~ ·., ..._,. of the time in which the State is allowed to answer: • ... • • ,,1 . -1- •· ·' . --:::..:.,·,.:.,;_. ~·- .... ,'.~ Because the convicting. c·o~rt 2t'~-t·.. Judlcial District of Washington County Tex~s . in cause. n? \\ 1 9!,@?0. . ha's, ea.iled to .answ~r and comply w~,~~- Statute of Code ·of Ct;i:mi.nal~ Procedure; Article 1~.07 l 3 (a),{B) the relator Darrell Hogan moved th1s court tb execbte Manda~us,Ordering the Convicting Court. to give ans~er lin comp1 lance with the Statute set fort!:' ,,;C. C.•. P. Art 11. 07. §3 (a}fb) · · . \_ .. .·.·'· ..~ .. ~EQU~STED RE~JEF ·./ I ~ . Wherefo~e Pr-~ises consider~d the ~elator D~rre~l; Hogan prays tha~ this court grant- him relief in executing the attached Manda~rus in this cau~~ and Order the c~nvicting Court to· ~o~ply in answer to StatQte of CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Art. ·.11 .•. 07·:§:3 (a) (B).· ·· · -EXECUTED BEFORE THIS ~q['JORABLE COURT ON THIS~ THE.l_OAY OF NPVEMBER 2015. " .,.:·· •1!. A' ',• ·.' .· ..... _,·_' . ·,,·· . \,' i•"·l' -~ . ',, .... I, • I ·,:..;:, . . ~ ' ,;. UNSWORN DECLARATION ......,. . . CIVIL 'PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE §132.000-132~003 0 ~ I 0 J -~ •· ' I 6arrell Hogan·#l014834 th~ reiator 'loc~~ed·at Polunsky Urtit 3872 FM. 350 SOUTH LI:V:INGSTON TEXAS 77351 do hereby swe.ar under ~h.e· pet:tal ty of perj·u.ry that the following i"egal ..document . MOTION: F0R c·OURT MANDAMUS. CODE OF. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Art. 4. 04 TRAP 1.'4- •. 1. fs true and. correct. . . . ;{, . ' ·. ·, EXECU'f.Eb ON THE 1st· Day of Novemb'~r 2015. ' .. . :· _).' ·S/REtt/PR9·r~.: DAJ'{ . . .· ) - . . ·~ . . . :· . . I i-· ..... •• •. I .,·. :,· l. -3- • I .... ,, .·· ,f, ' ( : : r· _......... -.. . _,,._,,, COUR'l':·!!s~ CRIMINAL AUSTIN TEXAS INRE:tRIMINAL CAUSE Nb. 11,220 WRIT . r'- (b) '· i; ~ .. SIGNED AND EXECUTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED . . AU~HORITY PRESIDlNG: .,.. ~ ,1 · ..·.· ... " t i J