Ruby A. Castilleja, Certified Shorthand Reporter 428th Judicial District Court Hays County Government Center 712 South Stagecoach Trail, Room 3269 San Marcos, Texas 78666 Phone: 512-393-7752 Fax: 512-393-7713 August 31, 2015 Mr. Jeffrey D. Kyle, Clerk of the Court Third District Court of Appeals P.O. Box 12547 Austin, Texas 78711-2547 Re: Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00431-CV Trial Court Case Number: 13-1666 Style: (1) 2002 Dodge 2500, Pick-Up Truck, TXLP: BE31768 VIN: 3B7KF236X2M262M262448 AND 20 Foot, Dual Axle, Black, Flatbed, Home-made, Gooseneck Trailer, bearing the initials AJH v. The State of Texas Dear Mr. Kyle: I am in receipt of your letter Dated August 25, 2015, regarding the above-referenced cause, indicating that my reporter’s record is past due. After researching the case, I have been informed that this matter was done by submission; therefore, there was no reporter’s record to be pr3epared and submitted by me in this matter. Respectfully submitted, /S/ Ruby Castilleja, CSR /rac CC: Ms. Yahitza Nunez, Assistant Hays County Criminal District Attorney Mr. Aaron Hoes, Pro Se
One (1) 2002 Dodge 2500 Pick-Up Truck TX LP: BE31768 VIN: 3B7KF236X2M262448 and 20 Foot, Dual Axle, Black, Flatbed, Home Made, Gooseneck Trailer, Bearing the Initials AJH v. State
Combined Opinion