RECEDED ^ ^ ORIGINAL 3H2015 . mvw 2015. hr\ _m IHe 1 r\e - Ec^ScVpi^CAuri 6V Criminal Appeals . ce,fl,s:^k,c^ t\l( 13-015 2 Ml5Tin DkW+Coaff of f&rfer (Wy - ftlllion Fbr Discefioi^arY Re\Jl&o Pro 4, ^fcy A.I&fem #1*^5(07 Sc) Chfringrcn (\d. IoMe o{ Cbtnienh & aqt jkKle tit C6n\e\r\h //I utafemevrk Reg&i/dmg lW hrqawitvis 1 Ria}en\ev\\ 6r W\t Case Sfcdevwenf or Tmceaural niijory LyrtSUvvd ."for kkv/lCLO 1 I Tkrf. jnckstan of fke pavrtsLf - [ojuo LnsTnic-fLon ; tin "H\e pui/usliweirfi ctvurge v/toWed -fke rLjkf -fc> I due COUirse ck Iouj guamn'fceJ by ar4ic/e I>&te» \ 15 ayvJ (T a-f -Hv i)o Cbnsi. AfguMevvp 4 5 Cermicdc of Sendee 5: • * Index Gt f\uJhonhtS &3e Dakky si Safe. 236 Sco. ad l07ill3aCC.fl.fi92) . H, 5 Tfc.Gde Crwi-lW. M 37,07 % posa^s&tfyn ^f * djfemlr6lfec( -Sufosfcioce Din ll-2lrli i a Smc UoJ Fklmy "Bvrf iaJos enhtmceA OJtHn kua pmr\ •Cm\fuMM\s>, He U-^lS ~n5(W gml/y by ^ Jotryzih 8-J27-W' &wJ Senfcioce lb 17 years in ~T7D.£J. htmre. quAlrg ^dice at appeal, The mdlm tot nao fncl.ujas^Lfeir- jaded 010 ?-2-W. ! I rrppeaf i>Jtf£ TLWYeb perfected fk+(he &o(/teL&Lurra i j/fppesk lia Fk CJorttav Tfc im/IflW Wo. 62-H-a303 Qivfearlyrer Ictise Cr/s ffd frue"), Me pifcSecafr c£dndexp£iti\ pKp/tciffy: ffkd ff)e Jury /S rdperwihfrd £ CWl&der ife pmh^hikSy f/dg<%df/jMe £aJ&rdedtJadjr flfdy^fioden , Tnt r/ardarfl JT itOmrrerd/trn ~w r&uy Ssdetflce. /eiAJerd fifmosfff)e pmeacfrr sfahd /Ad A Z/udfe budfttfd fafnisfn &mp/UJbdlP /£ ewinirm fer ques/rw? -fj/ppn^ Ecermp&Ylr /id ffus cfderdtt/)fiJLfiM^r^efSidy dip ^! ^aaddike recJuds, heioce, fie dhjic&M. '/3fc£*f Yd). ' mAetnc/'ir d <7\._ JamL JD^rueiiov) £)esedeJ ! n/ i&ge- 3 ddie "fburfe Cfia^e/ai paragraph 1) He Jury cutis, /hfirml ifd fie defecdad"oucufe'fiegradedepd- fme nrmcd6ef)ai/0r— file fader UttdedintMr)diepm~ sped d Gtrff *frzrd emdrefeaJe. The seccmdp&rajrapf? imfimW fieJury frkddie dt~ iendsrif.tdmhffie c?onSfc/eredf>r pzrafe andfins UMi/d ue fdeasedafstme paid \ Tie fAlndp&rmnaycf) informs ffieuunf fmf.faufibr fhe fj^hLfli/e fdrvfe fiiuj appffani)^ fd fills defewcfaid and DnefiSe, fie lU%dffie fendred fd acaulre Si/dcie^i/ ifiaf''and'^d'//Mr fib read ffy ofdie fbWSenfeoosp \fz fieeowie ^eftfycfife 4rfartfe^ ( f/£ defenwine ffie amotcd d godfiMe fid IdffllM fink p&rfiedkr cteSe and. Umpre- eficedo/e as fi> Aol> e^oad /ike appf/zs i) fwz dfeudmf- The fdmflafcfjzifcpfo 'wfbmTS fhejarp dkMsenfdfd wacktf&id^dtyp fie fad ffdyyccd-fme itMifidfite aurud- eddcidnf We itQaaMera/irn? fiufi fo dkf^,rdffiemimtd fftof m My fie ezppf/id fid Ms fetefcedar dfiencfanf & fkirf' Qkvye fy.d See> ipped/r d 3.