FILED IN 14th COURT OF APPEALS HOUaiON. ffcXSF— SEP 29 2015 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE THE STATE OF TEXAS CLERK „J In The FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS IN RE KHISTINA CALDWELL DEJEAN, CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR 2015 OF HOUSTON RELATOR tor; ffaofrfoj 6u/e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•'/• f-/ARRIIS COUNT/TEXAS TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO . 1066593 4^-7 ^ t <^J OFFICE OF STAN STANART •p COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 0 COUNTY CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT I 5 0 August 25, 2015 I 8 The Honorable Vince Ryan County Attorney c/o Harrison Gregg 1019 Congress, 15th Floor Houston, Texas 77002 4 9 0 Re: Case Number: 1066539 Court Number Four (4) 0 0 DEJEAN, KHISTINA CALDWELL Vs. PARKER, ANNISE D g Dear Sir: Please find a copy of the Affidavit of Inability to Pay Cost forthefiling ofthe above mentioned case filed on8/24/2015. Filing Fee: $217.00 Service Request Fee: $4.00 Service Fee (Constable): $75.00 Jury Fee: $0.00 » n SI Miscellaneous: $0.00 on < V ac cs Affiant: KHISTINA CALDWELL I respectfully request thatyoufile a contest to theAffidavit of Inability to PayCostandrepresent thisoffice at thehearing of the contest. STAN STANART County Clerk, Harris County, Texas Tonya Anr/Garza u Deputy ^nVa A. ftPrja CountyCivilCourt at LawDepartment cc: KHISTINA CALDWELL 7730 CAYTON ST. HOUSTON, TX 77061 P.O. Box 1525• Houston, TX 77251-1525 • (713)755-6421 Form No. H-01-107 (Rev. 04/01/2011) WWW.CCl.ERK.HCTX.NKT Page 1of 1 h- NOTICE: THIS FORM CONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA. Cause Number: (The Clerk's office will fill in the Cause Number when you file this form.) In the (checkone) Petitioner/ Plaintiff >of\ UrUlW^g-. tXtoM' County, Texas Defendant '(County) Affidavit of Indigency (Request to Not Pay Court Fees) Use this form to ask the court not to You must either 1) sign this form in You can be prosecuted if you lie oh charge you for court fees. This form is front of a notary public or 2) sign this this form. also called an "Affidavit of Inability to form and sjgn and attach a completed Tne court may or may not approve this Pay Court Costs" or a "Pauper's Oath." "Unsworn Declaration" form. By request to not pay court fees. The court You can only use this form if: (1) you signing in front of a notary, you swear may order you to answer questions get public benefits because you are under oath that the information about your finances at a hearing. At poor or (2) you can't pay court fees. provided is true and correct. By that hearing you will have to present The information you give on this form signing and attaching an "Unsworn evidence to the judge of your income must be current, complete, true and Declaration" form, you declare under and expenses to prove that you have no correct. penalty of perjury that the information ability to pay court fees. provided is true and correct ® The person who sighed this affidavit appeared, in person, before me, the undersigned notary, and stated under oath: "My name is VLl/^ Texc ? "Hoc \ "My email address is _^ _. . "I am above the age of eighteen (18) years, and I am fully competent to make this affidavit, I am unable to pay court costs. The nature and amount of my income, resources, debts, and expenses are described in this form. Check ALL boxes that apply and fill in the blanks describing the amounts and sources of your income. @ "I receive these public benefits/government entitlementsthat are based on indigency: f^hvoo. th eeto FfrrtH jpt Ho\ «• SSI • WIC • Food Stamps/SNAP • TANF • Medicaid • CHIP QAABD *-1-**°^ '" • Needs-based VA Pension D County Assistance, County Health Care, or General Assistance (GA) -^vcea.g • LIS in Medicare ("Extra Help") • Community Care via DADS • Low-Income Energy Assistance "ZC* "?oU • Emergency Assistance Q Child Care Assistance under Child Care and Development Block Grant "^"Vieert^D Public Housing EKJther: (Describe) LnxSjCbiq*^ SpoM^Qg. M^> : -^\k&^^.\o££&v5- Ifyou receive any of the above public benefits, attach proof and label it "Exhibit: Proof of Public Benefits" ' © "My income sources are stated below. (Check all that apply) • Unemployed since: (date) <^c &*" Pl&l{e~€ -or- • Wages: Iwork as a ._. . .... for fa^4c> tW r^fe Yourjob title Youremployer • Child/spousal support • My spouse's income or income from another member of my household (if available) D Tips, bonuses • Military Housing l] Worker's Comp D Disability [U Unemployment • Social Security D Retirement/Pension • Dividends, interest, royalties • 2nd job orother income: (describe) © "My income amounts are stated below. (a) My monthly net income after taxes are taken out is: Total income after taxes (b) The amount I receive each month in public benefits is: Total amount received (c) The amount of income from other people in my household is:* Total amount received (d) The amount I receive each month from other sources is: Total amount received (e) My TOTAL monthly income is Add allsources ofincome above-* *List this income only if other members contribute to your household income. Page 1 of 2 © - Affidavit of Indigency, February 2014 H2. © About my dependents: "The people who depend on me financially are listed below: Name f Age Relationship to Me 1 2 3 4 5 © "My property includes: Value* ©"My monthly expenses are: Amount Cash : Rent/house payments/maintenance i Cl Bank accpunjs, other financial assets {List) Food and household supplies f.Q* crp Utilities and telephone $ Clothing and laundry Vehicles (cars, boats) (List make andyear) $ 3l Medical and dental expenses Insurance (life, health, auto, etc) a £l School and child care ^Z- 'ffl-ice £&fwT $ &_ Vehicle payments Gas^bus1 fare, auto repair $ ChikT/spousal support O Real estate (hous^e or land) (Do notlist thehouseyoulive in.) Wages withheld by court order $ £> Debt payments a % Other expenses (Describe) Other property (like jewelry, stocks, DCkS, etc.) (Describe) (Describe, Total value of property = $3*C& Total monthly Expenses -> =$(^O- C$ 'The value is the amount the item would sell for less the amount you still owe oryt (ifanything). D "My debts include: List debt and amount owed. To list any other facts you want the court to know, such as unusual medical expenses, family emergencies, etc., attach another page to thisform and label it "Exhibit: Additional Supporting Facts." Check here ifyou attach anotherpage.U ® "I am unable to pay court costs. I verify that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct." Your Signature. You must either: 1) sign this form in front of a notary public or 2) sign this form and sign and attach a completed "Unsworn Declaration" form. J?W5 Date Notary fills out this section ifyou are signing in front of a notary. County of Print the name of count? where thisAffidavit is notarized. Sworn to and Date Print name of person who is signing this Affidavit. NOT the notary's name. Page 2 of 2 © - Affidavitof Indigency, February 2014 £f3 NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA. Cause Number: K/?7-/^?^^ t>tv/^vc^ (The Clerk'soffice willfill in the Cause *•*—— Number ••••—•- •- you *•- when file •"--•- this *form.)> In the: Petitioner/ Plaintiff U • District Court Court Number • County Court at Law D Justice of the Peace Respondent/ Defendant County, Texas Unsworn Declaration of Indigency n 1. I am filing this Unsworn Declaration of Indigency in place of an Affidavit of Indigency as allowed by Section 132.001 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code. 2. I am unable to pay court costs. I declare under penalty of perjury that the statements made in this Unsworn Declaration of Indigency are true and correct. 3. Mv name is: Klrufti^fr QUAlo-P^ .t^JSArO B , . Rrsl" r /*\/l i^ Middle Last My dateof birth is: Ol I OH I WVZ. Month Day , Year . • r_- . /( My address is: ~T) 3Q Catv/yoiO (4ou&wV l< flOU>\ H&crvr Qtraat Address Street AWrfoocc > City State Zip Country My email address is: Government Entitlements (Check one.) 0'1'donot currently receive any government entitlements based on indigency (poverty). • Icurrently receive the following government entitlements based on indigency (poverty): Government entitlements based on indigency include but are not limited to: Food Stamps/SNAP, TANF, SSI, Medicaid, WIC Chip, AABD, Needs-based VA Pension, Public Housing, County Assistance, County Health Care, General Assistance, US in Medicare ("Extra Help"), Community Care via DADS, Low-Income EnergyAssistance, Emergency Assistance, Child Care Assistance under Child Care and Development Block Grant. List all government entitlements based on indigency received by you or your dependents and the dollar amount of the benefit if applicable. Attach proof of the government entitlements received to this form. Name of Public Benefit Person Getting the Benefit Dollar Amour; $ $ uC 5. Income c a. My net monthly income from employment (after taxes) is: $_ or • I ajjwTOt currently employed or self-employed. b. My spouse'snet monthly income (after taxes) is: $. ~-&—rf/*r orYA | am not married. or D My spouse's income is not available to me. C All other income I receive is listed below: List thesourceof income (i.e. unemployment, retirement, socialsecurity, interest, dividends, child support spousalsupport) and themonthly amount you receive^ y>3VS>t>*\01*flrT Spo^SfX VTOxk^: fMloioCe $ tOT>~^ ©, Declaration of Indigency, December 2014 Page 1 of 2 Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 145 and Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code, Rule 132.001 L> ft •k •v^ 6. Dependents - The people who depend on me financially are listed below: Name Age Relationship to Me n Property -1 own the following property: List the property and itsvalue - the amount the property would sellfor less the amount youstill owe onit. If there is no property in a particular category, write "none." Bank ank Accounts Accounts (list (list bank, bank, type type ofaccount of account and ai amount of$in accounijr p $ _3o_qi $ Vehicles (listmake and year) Real Estate -House or Land (do not list the house you live in) Other Property of Value (like boats, jewelry, stocks, etc.) $ "$77 8. Monthly Expenses -1 have the following monthly expenses mt / Mortgage Insurance (auto, lifeNrjealth/etc.) Food Vehicle payments «&V£ Utilities (electric/gas) nS: cr° Gas,(mjg)fare, auto repair Child support / spousal support Telephone $ /Q Clothing and laundry -zy Other expenses/debts: (describe) Medical, dental expenses $ -Cr Child care, school tuition Household supplies $ <=&- Total monthly expenses: $ Cx 9. Additional Information List anyotherfactsyou want the court to know, such as unusual medical expenses, family emergencies, etc. TAi* £eQu««l-r7™AdL*nJ--+o 6J3~fc?A ZL.~bTo Vyi>j«4 X -yieeX 7b OM*«f4#' ^^^m^^^^^^^^r'r/AJnW 10. Formally signed under penalty Of perjury in . / bounty, Texas on this date: :. OQ 1($ I a'/ST. ) - declaration ofIndigencyi December 2014 Texas Rules ofCivil Procedure, Rule i4&and Texas Civil Practice &Remedies Code, Rule 13, ^bbte/TV Office ofHarris County District Clerk - Chris Daniel l^://www.hcdistrictelerJccoiri/edocs/publie/CaseDetailsWnting.aspx.. The State of Texas vs. COTTON, JAYCEE (SPN: 02760809) 9/29/2015 Cause: 146602401010 CDI:3 Court: 209 SUMMARY CASE DETAILS DEFENDANT DETAILS File Date 4/25/2015 , Race/Sex B/M Height/Weight 5'09 / 140 LBS Case (Cause) Status Inactive Bond Forfeiture Eyes BRO Hair BLK Offense THEFT S1500-20K Skin DRK Build MED Last Instrument Filed Felony Indictment DOB 9/4/1997 In Custody N Case Disposition US Citizen YES Place Of Birth TX Case Completion Date N/A Address 15010 WHITE HEATHER HOUSTON TX Defendant Status NO ARREST Markings Bond Amount $0.00 COURT DETAILS Next/Last Setting Date 6/2/2015 Court 209th Address 1201 Franklin (Floor: 17) Houston, TX 77002 Phone:7137556378 JudgeName Michael T. McSpadden -JrH \W^s. -rvi5 vj^Lrvc, m^a uocxS uj^ -tVe second. CnroMA o¥~\kcvc loy^ck! TW©4r ^as o^TroAk ^ ^ ^'^ ^c°- ^JX^^OfJ VOQ.3 \fQrXX. OrMflU-QS OX^f "T^O T\ £r« AcU*^\ J1 Iteytoot^Tte S«Zl TwJ^-oo^ f^ one TKoJr- To ^ rwu \LiHbC lofl Q/?Q/?.f)1S7^7 PM United States Postal Service Todays Date Sender sN-ame Sorry We Missed Ypul We ^Deliver tSFtmn I) Ml*^ V I a/ ( 4 ft \/A;b Item s it Aviilabla fur Pir k up After For Redelivery _^stOffice'" iSwfca k) Go ton'isos-.cbTv/rei..^, D-Jte7 /]^Tl] 5 T.m*isJ &-M SjO&L ^ILelter ForDellveiy [Entertotal numb»rof items • If checked you or your agertt must be present deliveredbv iorvice type ) at time of delivery to sign for'ttem" * — ^T°~,^ For Notice Left (Che-k applicable item) USPS Tracking # or Article Humberts) erive opp magarni> MaI Insured f»'ai -atal vi «[ Express' ReturnReceipt Pdl B —^CertifiedMai' — forMerchindise Penshdtle 0, articte w , ^ reftWiw* ltp™i Adult Sianatuif x^q,. R»stnctud Ddli' Left ••Sentioii S qnaturp customer Name and Address RegisteredMaI" Confirmation' ArLcle Requinng Payment Amount Due QDun^DcOD nCustombJs^^' nib Ca n Final Notice Article will'sendpr on Delivered By end Date, PS Form 3849, July 2013 S $d'I *fDelivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt I /O
in Re Khistina Caldwell DeJean
Combined Opinion