Jerry Scarbrough, Denise Steele, and Melissa Victoria Deaton v. Helen Purser, Sue E. Purser A/K/A Sue E. Van Zanten, Gary W. Purser, Jr., Joann M. Purser, and Elizabeth H. Tipton

ACCEPTED 03-13-00025-CV 7301451 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 10/8/2015 9:02:00 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK The Chimene Law Firm 2827 Linkwood Dr. Houston, TX.IN77025 FILED 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 10/8/2015 9:02:00 PM October 8, 2015 JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk Clerk, Third Court of Appeals Via ECF Re: Scarbrough v. Purser; On Appeal to the Third Court of Appeal Dear Sir: In Scarbrough’s Motion to Take Judicial Notice, the undersigned noted in her certificate of conference that she had not been able to contact Daryl Moore. She has now heard from Mr. Moore and he is opposed to our Motion. Thank you. Respectfully, /s/ MB CHIMENE Michele Barber Chimene 04207500 Cc: D. Moore J. Crews