PD-1505-15 NO, $ CRIMINAL mfV-WPEAlS V. THE STAE OF TEXAS $ APPEALS OF TEXAS ^2flf5 MOTION TO SUSPEND RULE 9.3(b) AbQ^costa,ClBrk TO THE HONORABLE OCURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS: NOW COMES, Alfred Lee Rice, appellant respectfully presenting this foregoing motion to suspend rule 9.3(b) which would require him to send (ll)-copies of his Petition For Discretionar\C|R&vieM, a allow and n his . ^ u- to -j to send be required j only n one copyCOURT OFCRIMINAL of his (PDR), APPEALS VIM 90 ?l315 and in support present's the following in support; ^y " 1). Appellant does not have access to a copy machine, andj ^hgtgejgierk no way to obtain copies here on the unit. uc 2). Appellant does not have the funds to pay for out-side service to pay to have copies made, nor does he have the funds if such services were available. '3}7-~Appellant is* appealing a couviction fron the 142th District Court, Midland County, cause number is Cr41989t and he appealed to the 11th Court of Appeals cause #ll-13-00302-CR. Appellant respectfully present's this motion, and ask the court to grant appellant's request. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ED LEE RICE#1888258 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify the a true and correct copy of the foregoing motion was sent to the Court of Appeals for the 11th District. .~ ALFRED LEE RICE #1888258 ALKEN POLUNSKY UNIT 3872 F.M. 350 South LIVINGSTON, TEX. 77351 (1)
Rice, Alfred Lee
Combined Opinion