ACCEPTED 03-15-00008-CV 7445220 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 10/20/2015 8:42:17 AM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK No. 03-15-00008-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FILED IN THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 10/20/2015 8:42:17 AM JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk PAULD. SIMMONS APPBLLANT V. TERESAA. SIMMONS APPELLEE UNOPPOSED MOTION FOREXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPELLEE'S BRIEF 'l'O'llILì I IONOI{^BI,l'i COURI' OF APPFAI,c' 'Pursuanf to lìule 53.7(9) and lìu1e 10.5þ) of the 'fex¿s lìules of Appellate Procedurc, 'I'etesa A. Simmons, the.Appcllcc in this procccding, seeks an extension of the deadline for filing her Äppellee's llrief with this Court. In support of her request for an extension of time, 'I'eresa -A. Sirnmons submìts the followìng: 1. In compliancc with iìulc 10.5þ) of the Texas lìules of Appellate Proce dure, Appcllce's counsel advises this Court of the following mattcrs: Simnrons, t"eresz/2015-10-20 Motion to Jlxtcncl 'I'ime .wpd ' Page 1 of 5 () Appellee's reply brìef is due to be filed rvith the Clctli r¡f this Court or-r Octol¡e r 19, 2015. (B) Appellee is seeliing an cxteusion of tine for filir-rg het Appellee's rcply fiom Oct<¡ber 19,2015 until October 21,2015 (2 day$ (c) the numbet of previous extensions granted regardilrg the itern in question - One (D) the facts teasonably relied on to explarn thc nced for an extcnsion ate described belorv. 2. 'Ihe undersig-ned counsel has had othet commitments which have ptevented filing of ,Appcllee's teply ptiot to the present deadline. ln addition, thc undersigned counsel has (or has had) several hearings, tncdiations, and discovery deadlincs whicl'r mahe time\' preparatior-r of the Appelle e's reply impossible. 3. 'I-he undetsigned counsel respectfully tepresents to this Court that additional titne is needed to propcr'ly reply and explain the issucs in a cleat and concise 1ran1rer. WlIl¡lRIlFOlìË, A,BOVlr PÌìþMlSES CONSIDEIUiI), thc unde rsigned counscl on behalf of Teresa A. Simmons respectfully prays that upo1l consideration of the mattcrs set forth herein, this Coutt extend the deadline for filurg of the Appellee's teply to Oct<¡bcr 21,2015. Simmons, 'I'eresa /20"t5-1,0-20 Motion to l-,lxtencl 'I'imc.wpd Page 2 of 5 'I'etesa Sìmrnous also respectfully prays for such other aûd further rclief to rvhich she may be justly elltitled. lìcspectful\' submitted, l,Aw oFFtols ou Ììo]ìì{t' Il. l.uTtJElì, P.C. 1800 Iìio (lrande Austin,'l'exas 78701 'fel: (512) 411-2323 lìax: (512) 478-1824 Bv: /S/ RoL¡clt lJ. Luthcr lìobert 11. l,uther Statc llar No. 12704000 rbluther@luthlaw. com Attorney for Appellee CBRTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE Putsuant tc¡ lìule t0.t (a) (5) of the 'I'exas l{ules of Appellatc Ptocedute, thc undersþed counsel advises this Court that prior to rnaking this request, he has contacted .Appellate 's attolney of tecord, Melvin (ìray, ¿bout the l:nerits of thc trrotion. The undersþed was infotmed that Mt. Gray had pâssed auzây and that Mr (ìray's partnet would be taking over the case. Mr. Bdgman does not opposc Appellee's Motion for Extension of 'I'ime. /S,/ Robert ll. I-.uther lìobe rt ll. Luther Sìrnmons,'leresa/ 2075-10-20 Motion to lixtend'I'imc.wpd Pzrge 3 oF 5 VERIFICATION S'IA'fE OIì'IÌìXÂS COUN]Y OI1'I]ìAVIS lll,ilìOlìE Mll, the undersigned authotity, on this day personally appeated llOIlË,Rf ß. LUll Ilrll, who after berng by me first duly swotn, upon his oath statcd that he is lead counscl fc¡r lltooke llell in this procceding, that he 1'ras read the foregoing Motion for Extension of 'l-ime including all of the factual statemcnts contained in it. i:jach of the factual stâtements is ttue ¿nd correct to the best of rn1' knowlcclge . L-r additior-r, I cettify that ail of the documents attached hereto ate true ancl cortect copics. /S/ lìobett 11. l-uthet ROIltllLI il. l".U'fIÌ111ì SWOIìN '1'O SUllSClìIllLiD be fote me on the 19th day of Octobet, 2015. ^ND /S/ lìcl¡ecca G. Osbotn Rebecca (ì. Osbon Notaty Public, State of 'I'exas CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I cettìfy that a true copy of the al¡ove was scrvcd on Äpellant, by and througl-r his attomeys of rccord, Melvin Gray and Fred Btigman via esen'icc at sgreen(@grayandbri¡, in accotdance with the 'fe xas ììules of Civil Procedurc and the Texas Rules of Äppellate Procedure on October 19,2015. /S/ Robert 13. l,uther lìol¡ert IJ. I-uthe t,'Ieresa/2015-10-20 Motion to llxtend Tìmc.wpd Page 4 of 5 CERTIFICATB OF COMPLIANCE I l-reteby ccrtify that the substantivc word couflt of thìs documcnt is 661 rvords, and is rvithin the length allowed by the rulcs. /S/ lìobert ll. L,uther Iìobert il. l,uthcr Simrnons,' Ieresa/ 2015-70-20 Motion to llxtend'I'ime.w¡;d Page 5 o[ 5
Paul D. Simmons v. Teresa A. Simmons
Combined Opinion