This Writ Actually Belongs to Writ Applicant Wr-12,866. Case Transferred to Wr-12,866-06

511'30-^2. MR. GETZELL 3. MURRELL #1954144 81i0nFMM2B21:i HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS 77349 RECEIVED IN December 11 ,201 5q0URT QF CRIMINAL APPEALS DEC 17 2015 HE:•••iCEA:-:Na0n.CIR-51 ,130-02, STATUS REPORT Abel Acosta, Clerk ABEL ACOSTA, CLERK COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION AUSTIN, TEXAS 7B711 Dear Sir. My name is Getzell Johnson Murrell. I am the applicant in UR-51,130-02 now pending before the court. I am requesting that your office provide me with a status report of the current writ before the court. I want to thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter; Respectfully submitted, Getzell 3, Murrell Reg. No. 1954144 810 FM 2821 Huntsville, Texas 77349