Morrell Masonry Supply, Inc. v. Scott Griffin & Associates, Inc.

FIDELITY NATIoNAL LAW GRoUP 5151 BELT LINE RoAD, SUITE 410 - men m 1ST CO,URT OF APPEALS DALLAS’ TEXAS 75254'7026 HousToN, TExAs ToMMlsTELl,EsQ. DEC 17 2015 AVP/ IN-HoUsE LITI<;ATION CoUNsEL DIRECT:(972)812-6550 . cHRlS PH:;'R A. PH¢NE FACSIMILE:' (972) 812-9408 CLER EMAIL: ’ December 14, 2015 VIA FIRST CLASS. MAIL Court of Appeials 1St District of Texas 301 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77002-2066 RE: ___Cop*y ;.Reguest; Caus'e No. 01-09-01147-CV;_ Morrell M_asonry Supply, ln_c_. vs, Scott Griffin & Associates, Inc.'; My File No. L076152 Dear Clerk, Please allow this letter to serve as our formal request for a copy of the Bri'ef filed by the Appellee, Scott Grijfin & Associates, Inc., on 12/ 30/ 2010 in regards to the above matter. Per your request, we include a self-addressed envelope and check in the amount of $3.00 to cover all fees. Your anticipated assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated If you have any questions, please contact our office at the number listed above. Sincerely, Ls[ Tom Misteli, Esg. TMM/aef Enclosures(2) THE l...»/\W DlVlSl(_)N OF Al,AMO "l'lTI..,E lNSURANCI:'£. CHlC/\GO T.I'I`l.,l:`:`, lNSUR.~'\NCl':`. COMPAN\', C(f)l\'llvl()N\’\-’EA L"f`l'l l..A`ND l'l`l'l`l_,ll‘l lNSURAN(fYE C(j)lvll"‘ANY, AN D l""[DE Ll"l`\' NA`T!ONAL Tl'l`I.-E lNSURAN(_`.!£ CC)Ml-’ANY vmwmw mDOO a_N §Omu_ Dm\__<_>_ mvo~vv OmO mmm@ §Qooov '1' muan.Hom >|\\w.\r\. 0 . §§oa 347 _ _ § @@@ @ z g raw fnl oco~-moog wauon .co~wSoI umw.§m cicmm sum 3on wo uombmmn_ ~2 m_moma< wo tsow _. .______________________________-________________________________- , , . "0._. vmmmm moxo.» `mc=an_ `o 3a exam `_uuo~_ oE_.__wm pm _m ;w»>oh voo~>:o$o._n_ 15ng >><._ ._<_ZO=.=.._.an___"_ ~__~.___ *,1`,, q