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" ~ < . . . {702 Rio Grande
LaW OffiC€ Of ' _ ` - Austin, Texas 78701
" SCOTT C SMITH ' ` f§’£§]’i?;‘:§§§;‘§§i;
' _ ' ~ ' d RECEIVED |N
. De°ember-Zl’ 2015 couRT oF cRanNAL APPEALS.
, _ - ' v1315(:232015
Texas Court of Crlmma] Appeals t _ _
P.O. Box 12308 ' . Abe| Acosta, Cleri<
Austin, Texas 7 8711 ~ '
Rei Change of Address ~ Kyle Guthrie; 'Cause No. WR-82,131-01 '
To Whom lt Coneerns_,
This letter'.is` to notify the 'Court of Criminal Appeals that there has been a change`of .
address for the client in the above mentioned case. Mr. Guthrie is no longer living at Luther Unit
¢- TDS #_.18'11357 1800 .Luther Dr; Navasota, TX 77869. Mr.- Kyle Guthrie’s current address is:
t .‘.Kyle Wade .Guthrie
_ 9129 F.M. 369 North
Burkb`umett, Texas 76354
Please notify our office when you have updated your records and if you have any
additional questions
'Christine Sygal ‘
Legal Assistant