WR-83,228-03 RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Da+e!Deciember \^iO»5*"" DEC 23 2015 XD^J-CVD^o:. \%im$ 3?72 F.!nA3SO Sou4-U Re;Cause No:l32225^A-WR-%22*-03 n S+yfectlN Re:Wiliram Wayward Free,maM,Sr. CUrK-Por 4W CoorA- of Appeal RO. Box 12302 A os4i M.Texas 727 H Dear WVr.. AbeLhcosta, x, ,. Xr» aod»i uon4H^i •qou-'te -Ict:-qo^ Kmouj+hcif X address hau eouv4 appot'iJkd s^weu,M^oW\e^ A. u/.U ausuj.er tat) ie44ers CoMcefTul.A/re4*hoAi ^4^^^ twyes+.cja^o^ 4V&4 Vie \s -te> have cfo/ue-Yor N\e. J a/w oaaKiM^cjoll- d^oarc -(Wh "^ (Lour4- W\re, UV -ho See« retW-f -for ^c (Oio w^ Weouies4o k\s dW