November 9, 2015 HO. 03- /5- D0SM- 6R tH Ttt£ Court of flppBRLb FDR THE 1WWD tiUDIWi DISTRICT OF TEM5 BT AUSTINy TmS ftomy &HE smith 0/?d aO Appellant I/. the 6v?te of rms> flfpel/ec JfppmtD FROM CfiUSE HUMB&. M.W lH TH£ HStmt DISWCT 0>UHT sf bfll eoumy} tems fimiWfs BRIEF -DTdl ffr$mcnt fleiuested- 'Cfitose) Any/don,-ff.j 775/5 I. U/oy/206 rmw df fftti/TF/vn 7&fe of dontttife £ Jd&rffiiMtion of ih. f&rties $ Sbtfernent c$ tiurisd/dit&i q M tf Authorities 5 6'ummy dftke. drsumwt ^ moment of the dase H /jpfe/Mj Prints of Prwr Micz oi Appeal Chled $/>*//& A. The trit/detotts tyilatt fa Qllw defended to d&ndu/t fvtr/tt and test n?orts> an& the intent nnd bc& #f eiq&t testimona ifpon u)kh the apmnment htmkd to jd^piOV {p frUl, AS Ci ftps? \rfvndont. contusion £* —VintimmM of -m PmiB+wi>m_ Pursuant to Tft.fl-flPf. &40QM, mne$ of all interested p&rties are provide betouii flppelkntt Tfa/ fiforwtp MJehtet vth'ite 100 KdSbtr$ D£ glite ft finthmy smith )t South Moh stmt Suite, ew ftffelhnts Cain&fmflfjwl __£ Way/ie Bdcht6 30/ // MM Street T&nffc}-m0S I6S0I States 7**l fitfamey She!In striate- Stephanie tfe\dett f&it.hA *f )BW/,#>., \9&\ }iuey ftoid.s• 3d &$bix-/w tout)- it putoM{V.Stifc,W$u)-M ---Ke tfetadtefc. VM., 90 si&M swijvJin ty ifl$ *> Hemwfe K®ft> %i> S.u). 9d &)Ss(MfrMW& H kwM, 931 msA at v@ afc flMM K$«fe, ^5 &14 3d 59, yxijuMm-ftpp: Soed * jfrtfM 1/. \Mi«$w,iut> us h&.tfsClRM)-. „. Wi t/^^a 1/. 6Vwie,^ us. wtw4to(Wb- —,fa £T/fflJT£S- 726 %W/ #fefe &£// Lb t&. tok towi.fW- od.d-<\m _- -- - — 731 Wt afaftat «fc *W- —lh Lis. m ftml VI ** TW fa& Wt JiM- _ - - - - ' W St/tUABU OF TltE ARUiimEL TM united state wpfemtL datrt htb mode it mr-/^ tfat, tokP limited motions> a person abused #tf a. federalc>r sistt en'tie, Ms the riqrt under the snth Amendment- to die uri±d $&&$ tbnsfitut&t to have dour®I apfpM rf retained counselsnnot bedbtained, ftrgnih&r (/, Hffllin.Hin UsssCnig). %! the. 6idh ftmrfm£\ Titfti to Counsel )s not ertisiied bo, th& -rnm phqskat presence $f An dttt>rne us m^simi), potherj a person aceunl of a crime has tk right & effeetik asjstancz #f Counsel* pifpel/arts trial eour&ls did not provide* to pim #£ sort <£ ef&eettue, asshtome, reared ty the skpi flrmdmrte>r rib '7&#s tml/ary, Jet6 eomi< PrtJ^/D Jtore u)05 # dfrert demo/ #f effective, d^htdnee ynor to tri#t o)tee motet addr&ed the. trkt^dop dhectty tint he Lmidnnt p&rttikpttt h tiis -defense.. pMin mar, £&> tHem^ #f the fifth ani> fourteenth finKmdrmt to tk UnskD a«fe (tm<0tiiM*> T^'jfynst.PrtJi^/D* 7 tiirthermm, the failure of ncwss/atft**/to /te $r dedouef^ s&Jbq the pmcuhoris dh&Josm d eieuiptfatf odickm ant ftitlytirq evidence,, the errors u&esb ser/as it deprived Qppeikit ef a fbirtritt a pwl the frmution doim tlie resud% is rdkde (e'Pihg SjittiundJ mdo us od my Miett v.$6fc>ys s^.dd $%bz (sm>lMftfp-dGobLtiplJmlnj tpd a. k^ets deftitnt perfomrmte must undercut the "pr&per functioning of the Qdvemrkl proass"5ueh {hf the result of the trkl mmt be* nWaH&i toUTEMEUT l)F THE IMF 7hh is an appeal ft»w a triol )n foe 2% Dfcfyiet tmrt^ M M%frem,iJKi Honorable Fm% H- tezek, presWty 3 tttiW timber b1,WI. The 8#te Jnsttfafal proceeding Qtgnrst the ftppe/krt> Itoitily G&& WrH, -for the fe^jj o^&m eft s&uul 4sm/£. Texas Pern/code %&.Ml. Strirth u)GS ftuwj yjity by ^te juig - Smih elected to hdue The. janl asses pun'^iyneni' and utos 5errt&td •fa fc> years 'in TDti. llo Vine was 'imp^eJ. On flUQ0; W?/J0)5> a fro Be Hetk eft ft^&l uMs -flW on Smith's betel?, states flfefflj to b&nSrfs Motiw Den^ sub&iuent tAotion%( te-c&mbw DHit T&tfaOtM 1/S3//SX 'Prose Motiw & )9$oititMe>it &f ftunselt^y ^/$ilnS)HO $$$. AmLLnm Poim of f^r fbirt oi Brrov \. The trkl^e erred in Uilirq to gmt Afpeltonfc Motim frr ^enyiv^g 'independent pesi- ton\iieti'en bUt) TetfhCf\\ei nfa/K). <*• Tht trial tarts 0lM to allot) deiemdant £o Conduct prefrio/ discaJe^ and )n$?eti;ier? of derfa'm documents^ certain emnmtion ad test repents •, and the confetti and bases /7 the dtnteb fcpl^.jn sMs Motion to J)&y Mmd^thC?^ SP) Wbse&i&ti Malm hr ftst-tmht/tv J)M Testis, that upon jfs Te\f/eio fat }t a&Vffl&s yio /?ao (pound %r J)m rBStfiG- find tt& dttife- $c/t?m/& tt&t tt?e pri/mr}j purp&e efi the defendants seemd jvotior? appears to be ehit/en^ tte e$$etivene& &? tis tde/tM&l end the ehcim&tur $ -the eoidme 'introduced at trial the 6M6& repi$ IS vSithout stand]$* flffeprfe proved amended qetition t> Pis "Mloefquea^ Pdrer6/t(j)\id)r^^3 and Motion *k flffirttmffto*\ tomelh on )th f#K. t/?# pretrJatpfoaeedwqs that tocKplace prior to the s&rt of tmil,')r$&fed"t/?e trio/ as & LOkfc* Pte sM /?£> ad/wd\£d$ei rfjod made PnouJri to the tthf$urt, nndstittd mr^n^dt tfat tt?& Afpellenfe dim o{ }n$ddive> assistvriv. pj four&dj dnd tt?& direst clenkhdf twnsel, to &real'and true, betmee the prm%rf#?ss team ftnS the pt&^hs ^cl$t ,u)itne&ed the paforrmnez #f appttfarife defense t£am, durh$ He pretr/v/Motion-My£^2011. flfpllmt 05- M-Ptose btfmMnt )n the ftee-at-M Jps $e burden &f prouim to this court, Ms £tm &f jneW&ttiti dssk&we of Amsel lofflm Hs*Moti>n T^fin^indepQnd&rt^i)^ feA/y, ctnd tht demons in ^wt'w] of vatsmUe. judgment: jd. 4ttif0j P PjS &f&b S£, O^endmt, J /r?i£t rem friLj didw 0? /nefl&jue OS^stanee #f dcunse.1^ fewfie it product dn £-ffe£ #f mt onf^ o&csoml wncdm, kit tmtfcs ©f public 'interest uitiim the &wt System- &£ Sirickfaid V^h\npn^lhi> us. ygiiWs.&smQ&/&&.&£c>i>£>- lk 5triet(/tin) Stindixpi] /$ teen tltdofied h^ ite Texas tmrt rrf erimim/'flpfais )n /frninkz v< State> 191 siAsd s^s^h^Sp^ for weffhfi'iye cltirrs awsirg underthe tm? fyMtkufim •7k sffiedabts hds Mofd ermsh aJtdence though /& j&ords m rtukulty these dJleqtf/MS) ant) sheu/tl Mue qt&nikl tf?e tMe^ihr pjm emc $>r $e stmt not to amlipt under sfrdJOwd to defariite \xhdhf douniels feymmt&w tots sd defei&it $&&]£ votefat d. d^ndunts *t&i^rtttf/m/ wqht & $erf(* dS/Sif** ni &*&/> Mre %M izS ded/sin ^ -d&dw^ ik Miw $r DUD tefivs or the fdrffdii/dr dadisto/? wf to )mJ&iq«fe afftfM/fti a/fefptfxsr see striekjwi $> US at m, fimtbe OffQ/M Jith <8haM> and vJlth^ki^ SeenQ) ftw&$ pformtfe. mas de$itiei7f> QnA(£) the deficiai^j frfydfaJ tte defcmt during iml. 77i&? and Oth&r ftf/6 m Unsolved 'l£ues on tie DUtr, uJWn JvS tmht) defendant! ty/fae fa stixfy one pra$ my0e6 the faints need to donstd^r tte otter pwnq* tk tmzs 9nhs& to reyiouj tht$e j5js&~pmr to /Wu)fe ptih error, ZtricJtitJs 466 US dt 69%; Wtw? t5ffl>, 201SM 3d 615,687 II fvrdiermeKj the Plotian #r a ml !)Un pest and As Motidi to dppeinp eour&t ultSy Due to dorwrm aheut §wkawtA. -fame? he did not redeye in Pis indited. 7l?e t&nfW do eumwe njhedi&r SamB tneffutk asidtdnee "depdet&J tde. defendant <$f a. dubstandue or procedural'fjopt to ufiht? die And entitles Mm, fidyM, teem? the SqnffldMtof a direat denial ed Qssrdmee. of cearmjcaused ddfcttive p&r^rmnee syndimt As render ckftndcirrti idold^dimprtnil^ un9>/r3 tie den*?/tons tejo*: 4'^urq trie/. The trial judge ignored or dose -de rePhrid from notki/jB or reeozndm >tte pblatm t){ -de shth fltmdmlst csi/atfietfe at pretdd.- 7f the d/d Amendment yjoirp-jy? "peradew the entire proeeeddng." harmless error* oml^sis is inappdade and-the vitieddi is enetqh to aJerfarn d tmdiction ivpiard^Sed-the sowrit^M'the f&t/its.. en Stdbrdtite v.twz,^ us^%mO^ ddfrnies met analyse is also imfplpadtd (ippjifited fours?/ pioltte a sta&M rim- em us. v.WeHopit> Fid M,m (M t\r. ) de&ndad). 8< firyVhmt'. The- Issue-e>f tie ^ M triad da/n&le pe^re^tSm was relevant ibdkippoSe) d<$wknft -motion maest^ die d'&GDW^ seeforqptPe prosecutions diselosune &-f eymlpeterU evidence aM nirti^ths euidenee zT/Qiewmk$itltD examine 1ft. prior &tr/d AtfeWarth Mft u)as dfleral fnor to id arrest ©r edmp msepedeer 3,90101 and hd no )M uOho, foe 10c hem MM ffl questioned On aqbwtex 7,90/0, pie md appointed,sod H.\t\!\e&e as elureel. Counsel uJflS )rtform«f {id he hod WlwfcereAk tyuen n sample o\ hdP-0" to tk Tempt $h fW>zfc arrest andedrye Qnt) i05 \au6ft %r tk results of ^er&die puftt^, flffeltoni, />&* reeieued}d& results d\ the DMtestis ht yp/unte&ed- ftffelkrttu)P ckr^f u)l# rctim and indidodw peetxrh&r hdoio. pie tese-dtd>onddausemtdW'ds tie frmftwn em.uddh the proseaaan pursued.ipPde tee dtigM ease (cm> //ft b%m>u)<& sti/i pend)^. •phae U.WS no &nfytvton wide b^ decree, damsel for the OfYpnal tese, Prttdie 'pM'hod been tested or tie tssdMts {renamed, pie d$dee m impaired u)hen fofif ^rforrm^ of wMisehsare r Wft festingj the^ did not delete tk Chain #f unstick) ftr tie bum/ su)4bs telleetetl by the. Temple fo'im Pepwwnt, they did'/?tt s/?a any reports fbr MoM hcrcity 'u)lv is listed as tlie o$\cer vdbodelim huml smi)5 in question to the Wdto Mb WW testH, 2% cM net shoo) an e^brntbn §or the eubm&t&i £ hml wots&r ddhnny %s(ji\yhd in md-ttombtr^oio to the Wco mtS, aithmh Ihp. tell&dtm ^ ki0t mate frc^ hdtti IndmdMts mm to/lead on wptanbtir 1st pit), and $e$ did not pwiftdz an titfkrtitfffl $r u)hy the &unpk 9rom LTpr\ d suspect at ana [Vint mthis em \m net Usted(j>£i/d3/rij)< tkitly yQppeik/t in fmd tht tMt titttlfo miJestioMw and preptto&enftr trial u)Q5 net omptit and thstk im? not rend^ f> •6ml($&Vdi)''HI 7)ie dourt heard ihis tnctien prior to that. ^'i/ontfiltu (LMend Tmtw $r ionimmm en the Same eta& Mai/ iiMLUM'^5), Die to the sf?ort amount o{ $*& Mt flrthoni Smrth m afcte to 5/W on the etse} ci/frotimieiy sftm to e)gte iwiS0 lie inborn the wttthtf lie dMnthw mm§\ in&rrm^ r^mch and inv&joptiM fo jwtef effect assato* r/7 tk m beam he h\hed hi uMdjw tit obit jp rem eSfl&M jieymtiti'U The.trk/mrt^dop. tyrther denied titMicn& 8w»fcfc ye^st-to \o'rifrfati(MM3>$)- \5. TH-edfe. tdre.pxot- dft. HBd flOVife to* dtribal trial WH be Continued on -fat (k^d&nth written rnddon UfW d&nensdatioe of Oi^dert cm uMeli tntit Qppffl in die Motion, see, tales' V- sto&M 8,u). 3d WltW&MA& -Tfir zool). Phe wdtm mdm must be Sunn? 60 by a p&fson oS\dn personal knowledge 0f the Ms. -7&.4afe lr\tf> trot- &tt. MM. The denialdt a mm tor ttorfmim is gwer»% fdfad titan *abm cd dwretiod'. dar&la V, mt, m$d wbutr-w w$); uxfc v. $M, m SJUJ.&d ffljlttbetpftft Wt)> H 'is the [ppO Sf DdddantJ^ bJfden to demonstrate priptiri few {he dw of a. Men fadsnfittiwe. JffleOT, #7 8.U&I at dt$> seeMwd IdntnnsMddm $3 Cm. be. riff- iWb' ffaiwr, tie denialop m adequate epf&tuditu to mpoxe fir thai fas lOnstkutiMl rvmifiCdfiim under the d/0> and pmdtedi flmdrwb to the United'Ms odredMw, UnitedStats Vd/m, Hdb Lf.'S, Wtfft#& Ttie Cant &ffld' "eireemstnnm.../neytepresent... itihen alitiwdi tsuneel is tm'd^k to jsdsd phe mused during trkt ^ ^fifi Had'ihMd that us at 6s> Mficb -testirwnyjn his fflprwts befya. the tr/4/jud$e prior to trkl appellant etemmstrazfel ihet his atterne^s u)&rz ret yet prepared ft>r trim- /*>• -die -ffci/U* te tillad" pro Sddefendant io tmduet dis&m and insptdik of tectfiin do&utnet&i uommtiw ofwtdm dot reports deptwi hk &x Pari/urdisiMoA and ymt&hiwe, -rmnint to his chiii 6$ nested** issues w'lt/i the dtid tdidedt,uJdd id® die tendril fyus ef -the promotions tone- 7%i6,tk dedal of Q0fo& Wtoe for ionimne did tint dm yidde lis sddi nmiment rioftt to the. gffte osastorrt. ofecunsel, and jfe Todde*nBi prntrdmntnigk to duo PridS *f d&Mty T)h4 resetted in Wiiileus pmtuden, prendre beeaiM d? rttdm instituted wet iedeb'&i «P injurihi d?e de&m, ad dddostprobate m^,uMS xsdtet in dn inwiiddhd, tm fag fyMwekl trad tOMPdSibli tlHmott, WfMBES miDmd dp^Hant mreetiul% jepst that Bib htmvbk Sent nmn the trmedft tf Mtrial in did ease. and (titerwb nuiem. sustain pint of emmeterme aid twos^ tdt denid *f fa 'diodde end smn printc$ error nurttndeo aid KiMse $r &nl m&t-dn the. ai&rwif<&> Uppdlantrtspetpjl% repee? {/id llie tmd femd to the. tmUmft for a pealdmi J%Ouiy- ffb $F-1$toH '(Bftdkiti frap'dhd he Mion$)r$d-d>ndti» urn jesd^ be (Jte St) fytfadtoct n Qd% f tid itorioil, Tlppimi 6'idts: X dpplio&ntb Itnpranment uilf greatly limit ii/S ddditu do /dtfatte. The issues 'fliWved in due date dre vera temples end u)iit repatite 6i$fiW\mt reseath dud witest/yed/di. ftppdeed hes timited neeess do de Uuj dibrdjrji t)nd Indited tnoosled^ ef the led. It. dpplmnt is unebk to dfford Counsel. He has Te^esteJ fane, do prowd )n fom pauperis. M. d txid in this Pfss dill lidh '/ruio/ee todrfieiinj pedimenji and dtureel tdould better enobis Qppliead to p°resent evidence end tm examine, iditnesyes. mmm, flpptiotnt TS^est end esdd>e iwt to fa&*r Iits mber in djpdirtih^ an fUtvmi^ in din Case, jfep&tfhl/ti debmitdd, finnif eene Smith * H&m %. RWHyGffl- SMI tfim mm ^ • I* THE Pt57KKT mtr y. % H% duo/cmL Distbct rue e>Ttm of meis $ &"• v>wgr, i**s fifflMrr 1H support of WPOlHTMffl OF COUHSEL i Roddy Gbue 8my_ am the dfplie&nt 'in the atale ent'ttied erne. Tn etuppott of lib Mption ftequestirp} fiffoinfrnent 6f damsel. I declare that tk (Statements udd\ch T haue made bdwb ere true, and Correct underpernio ef (6Q*% (98 USdf tfid)- On th'6 pattyMr ease, appdeaet put 'in Q, MoTiod repestihj this bsbrid dmrt to appoint counsel to assist Mm in the ahoue. and numbered com. There die. &Uteptionnl dirtumstaneE u)&rrantir$ the appointment ef dounsel. Applicant has po viperierw in doss lain, this 'includes eats eiamnir^ \drtn&t$ ani no )ni/e5t/$4tdfl Skills- flpplwrtt has rib Still in the menee. ed laid, Cnd unfamiliar ulrth pe. rules of evidence., and left oddhart the aide of eoonseh if pat e>n trhl vj'ttfaut hatiinj no stdlon intDmpeteit ediden&, or evidence /rrdevatt to the issue of the Hbou^. emjse. or other io'js& 'inddhdt<6ibleJ apphknt lacIt both the still dnd pewledap adqwdel^ to ppepme Ih defense, h^ T&fam the guiding knl of imnstt at em -W=W sty h the peo&dv thisWk'-Md'diiee. jr. OF dp the rights tiat &person has, the rt$ht to he represented 6y cdumd is by far the ?ncet pervasive, Wit dffeets tys aiit/df do QSStrt Qnji other riQMS he enau /Mj Qnd Keep in mnd, Qppirint is Qpi'nS against an 'dttomen 0QW his Mudon- for flmflmr oF eevm., Jo, that aft/ant tiiqtj stend &im/I^ behe the inn). 'ihpetiflill^ S-lhrntdedj %0ydnmeTdiT/t^/'mm tmmiT ^ ^ | t^ <5^ I -0 u4 p t s k ^ 1 5- ^ 8 m v*^ r- S9 ST X3 3 SI i 3 1 8=1 53 V)