§§§§§ . . Chris Dan jet - cause No.1428697-A ' » °'Sfr"¢=v ci§,-§ _ “ ' _ ij61132015 _ _ 'T|mTe`.' E)< PART_E § , iN THE 1,§4 ~ ~ - oouifiy _ _ - _ § oF - ERlc sAMuELTucKER, 1 cr q ' - Applicant , §A HARRis coquFY~;T~§x?'i\ifs _F . ' l . " `;' STATE' S PRCPOSED FlND|NGS OF FA_G]§J Acosta C|er~k CONCLUS|ONS OF LAW, AND ORDER The Court has considered the application for Writ of habeas .corpu`s, the ' $tate’s Original Answer, and.officia| court records in the-above-captione'd cause. ` " The Cou`rt finds :_~_th_at there -are: no contr_o\:/_erted, previously unresolved facts material to' the legality of the 'app|icant's confinement Which require an evidentiary hearing and recommends that the instant habeas application,_ cause ' _ number 1428697-'A, _'be dismissed for the following r_easons: ' FlNolNc-is oF F`AcT .~. ..-.,_,.. , W .)-. 1. The applicant is confined`pursuant to the judgment and sentence of the 184th District Court~ of Harris County, Te)._..m 01 ._.mX>m ..,, QOCZ._.< O_" I>Wm_w , _ ga _E=_._. § § a §§ 9 __ § s § $¥_35_¢§83283&3¢ §___._M_QSSAF§_=Q __. a< 33 a§¢___£=< 2 ga 83. 2 = mix § ss §§ §§§3<030_¢_=»=¢ am _o_oa _ _m,. . __ `.a\me\_w... exam o>z_ o_w:~§ ormzzi\ o §§ ccc . ._M . b ~ Cl\\i$c' it l Ll ¢?' 8 - ia cl~? t ' j . t `\'\.l'_{r-$ _ ’£'S T\~l§ I\C,TOM `L»l'lZI ‘1", ' 2 l\ ' C"GI\/;.tNAL_ Oo§v TR;¢‘AL`_ '<,-il\\\' ,' R\cct-;§sro d:-ras\rr rv\/ ¢¢.~:B`tim' l"\Y CoN\lIQT;INC (`A\.zft:r'-'\)S¥l)-D A '&9. S`H' LJRIT‘ T\~Urv§ i/S;§_Q' Fo\’(. 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AGOJT T"\§¢A 556 `1‘1’\15511;> mem 91115@¢_»1@€< z\e A€>c+ 511<, 1>11514:€-,5 PQAU::uz-` Bi\§,\& 9\ \|€`1\(15 95 emmons oz § \1€1\<_\05 rms_ mma/mtc I_»I.Po_.;w»_,.'bcr\zw_ 2.’-_:.,~_.,___, - \ IF P§_H;Bra,,§ww*zr°_d_£tw§ r.\e‘¢€t R€wlo O‘ \ f § ubllc ' n 1201 Franan Street, 13“1 Floor ` Houston, Texas 77002 efender* s _ 1 713.368.0016 l\jffice '713'.3.6_8.9273_ saw Hariis County, Texas Aprii 1, 2014§ Mr. Eric Samuel Tucker 'I`DC]# 01983465 l*lolliday Unit, TDC_] 295 _H~I-45 North l`-.h,mtsville, 'I'X 77320-8443 P\`;e: Cause No. 01~15-00274~_CR t First Court of Appeals Appeal of Cause No. 1428697 184th District Court State of Texas vs. Eric Samuel Tucker Dear Mr. Tucker, As you know, I have been appointed to represent you in the appeal of your conviction I have received the many letters you have been sending me, and l will arrange a telephone conference with you soon so we can discuss your case in more detail. As you probably know, the purpose of a direct appeal is to convince a higher court (the Court of Appeals) that a mistake was made in the trial court. If we can convince the Court of Appeals that theie was a very serious mistake, then it could be possible to get a new trial or even an acquittal. Please know that very few cases are won on appeal Once a conviction happens, it is extremely dif§cult to undo. However, we always try our very best on every case to win the appeal. We care about our clients and will do everything we can to help your case. W!zat flappens on Appeal? l"~§eariy everything in an appeal happens on paper, not in a courtroom. You will not be able to be present for anything'that happens on appeal 'Courts of appeal do not hear new evidence or ` `acts lhey can only look at what already happened in the trial court and see if any serious mistakes we1e made Your appeal has been a ssitfned to the First Court of /.\ppeals in downtown Houston. Your appeal case number is Ol~ 15 00274CR. \ l)age 2 of 3 Tucker, Eric Samuel The ]Ymeline , Your sentence of 30 years in the institutional division, TDC_], was imposed on February 18, 2015. Your Notice of Appeal was filed on February`20, 2015. _ The Record The court reporter will file the 'Reporter’s Record of your trial with the court of appeals. The Reporter’s Record contains nearly every word transcribed from the trial The Clerk’s Record has been filed lt includes the legal papers from the court’s file (indictment, motions etc-.). The Briefs Z";Ié',§?&§§§'§“g§$$§e&tlaz §§ ;" Once. the Clerk’s Record and R.eporter’s Record have both been filed, we'have 30 days to file our brief. The brief is a written argument as to why you deserve a new trial If needed, the court of appeals can give us more time to file our brief. After we file our brief, it is the State’s turn to file its brief in response to what we’ve argued The State has 30 days from the filing of our brief to file its brief, and more time if needed Many times we will also file a reply brief, in which we answer the arguments the State has raised. l O_ral Argument' After all briefs are filed, the court of appeals then decides whether to hold oral argument O_ral argument is when both sides argue the case in person to the judges in the Court of .Appeals, and the judges get to ask questions. Oral argument is not common, but we request it in most cases. Waiting for a Ruling Once the case has been subrnitted, we wait for a ruling. lt is sometimes a long time before the court of appeals decides a case. The length of time depends on many things_, such as how big the record is. lt may take 6 months from the time the briefs have been filed, or it may take much longer It’s hard to predict The Opinion At some point, the court of appeals will hand down a written opinion that either upholds your Conviction or reverses it for a new trial On rare occasions, the appellate court may even order an acquittal but that is very rare. Th.ere areother possible results, like modifying or changing the written judgment in your case. Sadly, cases are not usually won on appeal But it is possible and we will try as hard as we can. Once the court of appeals hands down an opinion in your case, the losing side may file a motion for rehearing if it hopes it can convince the court to change its mind. However, this is not usually done lt really depends on what the court of appeals said in its opinion. Page 3 of 3 \l:\`x~‘{: ..,M,W_».W..W,M~.,.'._~a _ h wife :¢e ‘ `¥‘P"“~i{ ` Mw;“aestaaaas ..- .. 4 MQMM ~ v g ` *rru'r;iL vnA'dscrz;p$$'§ - `c°»l:en“v)¢\\. S€X " os»~¢u\hm~'l"`- 115 . Certitied Document Number: 6499l048 - Page l oi`Z E’E'E.,ED Chds D lstrl¢??:?;ei; cause NO. 1428697 m MAR 1 3 2015 . m` THE STATE OF TEXA_S § ' DIS'I'RICT COURT , § _ . _ V § H_ARRIS COUNTY,'TEXAS t amc Tuct § . Cause: 142869701010 CDI: 3 HCDistrictclerk.com WITNESS Subpoena Status Name ID b d Custodian, 137128 Retumed Records Custodian, 137129 Returned Records 137160 Retumed Owens, J. . 137161 Rewmed E?‘ami“e.r> Fmgerpnnt l 37162 ' Retumed Ramos, J. 137163 ' Retumed Chen, C. v Eisemann, 137164 Returned Bradley ' Scott, 1371 65 Retumed Bradford l 37166 ' Retumed Scully, Brandi 137167 Returned Cate, Casey l 37168 Retumed Tsai, Peter 137169 ‘Retumed Sun, David 137170 Remmed _ G°‘d°n’ Steven 137171 Retumed Br°‘“" . 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Tucker, Eric Samuel AKA Tucker Eric S AKA Tucker, Carmon
Combined Opinion