Brandon Bailey v. Adam Kliebert

on 11/23/2015 9:21 :57 AM OFFICE OF STAN STANART FILED IN COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 14th COURT OF APPEALS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT HOUSTON, TEXAS 11/23/2015 9:25:26 AM November 23, 2015 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, Texas 77002 LETTER OF Trial Court Docket Number: 971598 Trial Court Number: Three (3) Style: BRANDON BAILEY VS. ADAM KLIEBERT APPELLANT(S) APPELLEE(S) Judge: LINDA STOREY I Attorney: Appe11ee(s) Attorney: Steven D. Selbe, No. 18004600 Jr., No. 24028925 1900 West Loop South, Suite 1000 228 Westheimer Road Houston, Texas 77027 Houston, Texas 77006 Phone: (713) 961-3366 Phone: (713) 528-7711 Fax: (713) 961-3938 Fax: (713) 528-7710 E-Mial: E-Mail: N/A Brandon Bailey, appellant, filed a Notice of Appeal on November 19, 2015 from the Final that was signed on August 21, 2015. A Motion to Modify Judgment was filed on September 18, 2015 The Clerk’s Record is due to your office on or before December 21, 2015. /S/Joshua Alegria Joshua Alegria Deputy Clerk P.O. Box 1525 Houston, TX 77251-1525 (713) 755-64211>.o. 1525 I TX I (713) 755-6421 1 of 1 1 ' PM Stan Stanart County Harris 971598 ADAMKLIEBERT § IN THE COUNTYCOURT § vs. § AT LAW NO. 3 BRANDONBAILEY § Defendant. § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS OF APPEAL THEHONORABLE JUDGEOFSAIDCOURT: Notice is hereby given that Defendant Brandon Bailey appeals from the Final signed and entered by the Court on August 21, 2015, in the above-styled and numbered lawsuit. Attached as Exhibit "1" is the Local Rule Notice of and Assignment of Related Case in Appeals. Defendant appeals to either the Court of Harris County, submitted, & REES, LLP By:Steven D.Selbe No. Gumicnny StateBarNo.24036696 West Loop South, 1000 77027 (713) 961-3366 961-3938 A'l`TORNEYS FORD BAILEY 2 I hereby certify that a true and correct of the document was served upon the counsel below, via certified mail return receipt requested on this the of November, 2015: Mr. Javier Marcos, Jr. Law Offices of Marcos & Associates, PC 228 Westheimer Road TX 77006 John Ramsey Ramsey Law Group 8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 105 Houston, 77024STEVEN D. SELBE 3 CAUSENo. 971598 KLIEBERT ADAM IN § § AT LAW NO. 3 vs. BRANDON BAILEY § § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Local Rule Notice of and of Related Case in Appeals As by the Local Rules to of Related to and of between the First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals, I that the following related appeal or original proceeding has been previously in either the First or Fourteenth Court None Dated November 19, & REES, StevenD. Selbe State No. Gumienny No. 24036696 Loop Suite 1000 TX 77027 (713) 961-3938 (Facsimile) FOR BAILEY 1 4 CERTIFICATEOF I hereby that a true and correct copy of the document was served upon the counsel below, via certified mail receipt on this the day of Mr. Javier Marcos, Jr. LawOfficesofMarcos&Associates,PC 228 Westheimer Road Houston, TX 77006 John Ramsey Ramsey Law Group 8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 105 Houston, 77024 D. SELBE 1066263/25570443v.l 5 NO. 97598 KLIEBERT LLC § IN THE COUNTY ATLAW BRANDONBAILEY § § HARRISCOUNTY,TEXAS On the of August, 2015, the Court called the above styled and numbered case to trial. LLC; and BRANDON appeared BAILEY their attorneysof and announcedready for The and swore the which heard the of counsel. Both parties rested, the instructionsto jury. In response,the made that and entered of record. for on the and the court Defendantsdid not object to the of the The court considered motion and for DEVELOPMENT, BRANDON BAILEY. is ORDERED LLC, DEVELOPMENT, Defendant, BRANDONBAILEY,the principle sum of (Fifty Dollars and n0/100)as damages. It is further, ORDEREDthat LLC, DEVELOPMENT, from thesumof BAILEY, BRANDON (`Twenty Dollarsandno! attorney'sfees,plusan (TwentyThousandDollarsandno/100)ifthis is appealed to the Court of Appeals and prevails, plus an 6 andno!100)if is appealedto the TexasSupremeCourt Itis ORDEREDthat LLC, recover from Defendant, BRANDON BAILEY, on the total sum of to be $13,000.00 no/100) the rate of 5% per from 180 days from when BRANDON received notice of the claim day Judgment It is ORDERED Plaintiff, KLIEBERT LLC, BRANDON BAILEY, on the sum of at rate of 5% per annum, judgment collected. It is ORDERED that all court costs herein be BRANDON in the sumof $668,00(SixHundred 00/100).It is that he issued for this judgment for KLIEBERT DEVELOPMENT,LLC, against Defendant, It is all relief not in this is denied. This of all of all parties and is a 2 1 2015 _ P| —-· . 7 ASTO ONLY: 0 . & Associates,P.C. LawOfficeof _ 228Westheimer TX77006 Houston, Tel:(713) (713) 528-7710 C. B. P.C. 8584 Fwy., Suite 105 Houston,TX77024 Phone: (713) 489-7577 (888) Attorneysfor Kliebert LLC _ D.Selbe for BAILEY BRANDON Gordon&ReesLLP 1900West Loop Suite 1000 Houston, 77027 (713)961-3366 (713)961-3938 8