ACCEPTED 03-15-00386-CV 7919025 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 11/20/2015 9:29:21 AM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK FILED IN 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS E LIZABETH R. B. S TERLIN G 11/20/2015 9:29:21 AM 512.475.4152 A SSISTANT A TTO RN EY G ENERAL JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk November 20, 2015 Jeffrey D. Kyle Clerk, Third Court of Appeals Price Daniel Sr. Building 209 West 14th Street, Room 101 Austin, Texas 78701 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00386-CV Trial Court Case Number: D-1-GN-09-002116 Style: Harris County Hospital District v. Public Utility Commission of Texas Dear Mr. Kyle: In response to your letter dated November 4, 2015, Kellie Billings-Ray will be presenting oral argument on behalf of the Public Utility Commission of Texas in the above-styled cause on December 16, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. Sincerely yours, /s/Elizabeth R. B. Sterling Elizabeth R. B. Sterling Assistant Attorney General State Bar No. 19171100 Environmental Protection Division 512.463.2012 512.457.4616 (fax) Post O ff ic e B o x 1 2 5 4 8 , A u s t in , T e x a s 7 8 7 1 1 - 2 5 4 8 • ( 5 1 2 ) 4 6 3 - 2 1 0 0 • w w w.t e x a s a t t o r n e y g e n e r a l.g o v Mr. Jeffry Kyle November 20, 2015 Page 2 Certificate of Service I hereby certify that on this the 20th day of November 2015, a true and correct copy of this letter was served on the following counsel electronically, through an electronic filing service and by email. HARRIS COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE Bruce S. Powers Texas Bar. No. 1019 Congress, 15 th Fl. Houston, Texas 77002 713.274.5144 713.755.8924 (fax) e-mail: A TTORNEYS FOR H ARRIS C OUNTY H OSPITAL D ISTRICT /s/ Elizabeth R. B. Sterling Elizabeth R. B. Sterling Post O ff ic e B o x 1 2 5 4 8 , A u s t in , T e x a s 7 8 7 1 1 - 2 5 4 8 • ( 5 1 2 ) 4 6 3 - 2 1 0 0 • w w w.t e x a s a t t o r n e y g e n e r a l.g o v
Harris County Hospital District v. Public Utility Commission of Texas
Combined Opinion