Fourth of Court Of Appeals
San Antonio Texas
Octot^er 6 2015
Trial Court No 15-241-CCL
Thomas Dasheiell
Joo Gonicx n Janle Gomez
143 Spanish Pass Road
Con^fort Texas 78013
Boeme Texas 78006
Statement In response to Court order Our Most sinceiest apolo^es for
fa Uiio to filo Our briefstatement Wo did not receive a court order to file a brief By set
tfcito Wo have t>een verybusyfinding a place to live And where homeless fOr twoweeKS
all Iho stress of this move And had no excess to Internet or foxing We smcerely
aiX^OQi^o to the Court
Joe n Janie Gomez
lOOd ""085:80 5102 5 W