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H1M551_1¢ ' 111111”(115@1;\51@\)115 1\_)- 81131_1511.3’§ 1_1_1€}.ES ?0.11\/51)5 §011?:(11&0 110§1>1\\; 1110 1650115 111 1/\1115@111§ Q§:em 11 55\1§11111111513 5551&*‘*[21’).’@9§ 23%%?8 513»[1/2037 \{ R'L/LC;U 101 &1_.§001/00 115 1125 130(313`@?1300;1 3010\1 _ IN-THE QNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ` 1 l FoR THE w nISTRICT oF TEXAS A:l gates ‘¥ DIVISION @mc),éu. &>a.¢;n_<§ l”_)~'l'§l}‘g Plaintiff’ s name and ID Number wmata » Place of Confinement l _ , _Yu_»,a:\'l CASE NO. (Clerk will assign the number) 4‘§(“::)§ 7 12 fm ~ l Al¥PLICATIoN To PRoCEED 43 £D\ n,o.< ar on/ ' ` ` = IN FoRMA PAUPERIS 90 - \Q)o)< QQ umw ma ’F)< Defendant’ s name and address ‘ I,WMIQDM, declare, depose, and say I am the Plaintiff m the above entitled case. In support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs, or give security therefor, I state because of my poverty, I am unable to pay in advance the filing fee for said proceedings or to give security for the filing fee. I believe I _ am entitled to relief. 7 " I, furtherdeclare the responses which `l'izave made z".`€')"tli'e 'qs;.et~'.~;;=lo:t'm"~(,.;1.,»,'.!.?_1.;,";?:-'.=.t=.<";,lor_is,=t.<;?lt;-uz 2.:.';.,:::;-.`".._ 1. Have you received, within the last 12 months, any money from any of the following sources? ‘ va. ` Busine`ss, profession or from self-employment? ' _ , Yes \:\ _No § b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? » Yes § , ' _ c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? _ ' ‘ Yes \:] No o@( d. Gifts or inheritances? , _ j Yes [] No IQ/ .e. ` Family or friends? _ `~ - " »Yes [\ ' No d ' f. Any other sources? ~ ' .. ,_ . . Yes [] No VQ"_ If you answered YES to any of 'the questions above, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past 12 months." _2. Do you own cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account, including any funds _ ~ in prison accounts? . ‘ yYes [:!4_ iv No If you answered.YES to` any of the questions above, state the total value,of the items owned. q‘_\¢vATClFP (REV. 9/02) z _ 3. Do you own real estate, stocks, bonds, note, automobiles, or other valuable property, excluding e,,~: _ l ordinary household furnishings and clothing? Yes [:| No 131 If you answered YES, describe the property and state its approximate 'va_lue.` I’ understand a false statement in answer to any question in this affidavit will subject me to penalties for b perjury. I declare (certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct (28 U. S. C. §1746). signed this the 10 q /C¢ day of ge P¢(._ ",20 ( Q @ WW maxim WOQ O®@ \fl "€© Mv Co(r)nar;)zl:;%go s 199 2063 ,0@0 n w fpm-j STATE_ o€ TE;1)1)< 79735 <;N Q§§[ji amos 7\’_- _` j' -./¢1MFN@1@M// comm _"a`“u` s.-'c. §1_746 u=- 1321 THE FO ~ same Paesm'mc mcmceaman 1211 .\{13_ . DMMMPMMMMMNG lamuam)_ a NO 3('€7'§&) (0@{ -9_ 1311 ?©OZO 199 17 919 `NSWORN DECLARAT|ON ‘€ LOQQQ¢‘[( QQM ();(S ` TDCJNUMBER (7’/]/§:1?¥ BElNc-; PRESENT_LY 1NCARCERATED 11\1 THE l VMML H uNlT 0F THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT 0F cR11\/111\1AL JusTlcE, 11\1 W ®S COuNTY 0F TEXAS DEcLARE uNDER PENALTY 01= PERJURY THAT 1 A1v1 THE APPL|CANT 11\1 THE ABOVE AND FoRGOlNG 1\/_10T101\1. 1 HAVE READ sA1D MOTloN AND THE FAcTuAL ALLEGAT10NS 01= THE S_A|V|E ARE TRUE AND CORRECT EXECUTEDONTH|S 'Q‘> let DAYOF_§_EF((. ‘ 20 ‘./a . /) MovANfPROsE APP)<. E> M olcTMENT it.e No. XX-XXXXXXX Pio/TRK 873653/003~06041 1 STATE OF TEXAS DARRELL SROBERTS OFFENSE: C_OUNT I- AGGRA VA TED ROBBERY COUNT ll - AGGRA VATED ROBBERY COUNTIlI- AGGRA VA TED ROBBERY IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS eA-Ff{j$‘£d??}urors for the County of El Paso St e of Texas, duly organized as such at _J___________,Term A D 2003 of the Judicial District Court for said County upon their oaths in said Court. present that on or about the 24th day of March, 2003 and anterior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, DARRELL ROBERTS, hereinafter referred to as Defendant, did then and there while in the course of committing theft and with the intent to obtain and ’ maintain control of property, to-wit: electronic equipment. intentiona||y, and knowingly threaten and place ALFREDO SOTO in fear of imminent bodily injury and death by using and exhibiting a deadly weapon, to~wit: a knife, that in the manner of its use and intended use was capable of causing death and serious bodily injury, And it is further presented that the said Defendant used and exhibited a deadly weapon, to-wit; a knife, during the commission of and immediate flight from said offense, AGA|NST THE PEACE AND DlGN|TY OF THE STATE. (@51>1»‘111111… THE STATE OF TEXAS , \]/ COUNTY OF EL PASO ,` '\_' q FiLeDrHE 1139 1\1, »*-i 1111 DEPuTY l certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original lndic§nent on,fuq.` my ottica. Given under my hand and seal of the court at my office in El paso. Texas on the ll t § . GltBERT SANCHEZ. District Clen<, El Paso County, Texas by D 4 sAiL AMouNT; s- equ l ,»#-" 4 .,~` ' STATE OF TEXAS VS. DARRELL ROBERTS |ND|CTMENT ~ AGGRA VA TED ROBBERY COUNT l| And the Grand Jurors of aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid, do further say, charge and present in and to said Court at said term that on or about the 24th day ofMarch, 2003 and anterior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, DARRELL RGBERTS, hereinafter referred to as Defendant, did then and there while in the course of committing theft and with the intent to obtain and maintain control of property, to-wit: electronic equipment, intentionally and knowingly threaten and place ANTON|O ROBLES in fear of imminent bodily injury and death by using and exhibiting a deadly weapon, to-wit: a knife, that in the manner of its use and intended use was capable of causing death and serious bodily injury, And it is further presented that the said Defendant used and exhibited a deadly weapon, to-wit: a knife, during the commission of and immediate flight from said offense, AGA|NST THE PEACE AND DIGN`|TY OF THE STATE. . y . ,»_,»1'-.'\ t ' riteorHE APF§ ti ll "` ' DEPurY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF EL PASO l certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the orlglnal}§qictmenb\o §§an my office. Given under my hand and seal of the court at my office in El Paso, Texas on the ' I'{ il , ?v v . GlLBERT SANCHEZ, District Clerk, El Paso County, Texas by De u BAILAMOUNT: $m"m p ry »v` I"'~. ' STATE OF TEXAS VS. DARRELL RCBERTS |NDlCTMENT - AGGRA VATED ROBBERY COUNT ill And the Grand Jurors of aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid. do further say, charge and present in and to said Court at said term that on or about the 24th day of March, 2003 and anterior to the presentment of this indictment in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, DARRELL ROBERTS, hereinafter referred to as Defendant, did then and there while in the course of committing theft and with the intent to obtain and maintain control of property, to-wit: electronic equipment, intentionally and knowingly threaten and place RlCARDO PONCE in fear of imminent bodily injury and death by using and exhibiting a deadly weapon, to-wit; a knife, that in the manner of its use and intended use was capable of causing death and serious bodily injury, And it is further presented that the said Defendant used and exhibited a deadly weapon, to'wit: a knife, during the commission of and immediate flight from said offense, AGA|NST THE PEACE AND D|GN|TY OF THE STATE. 1=11.Eo THE APR ii ?" 23ng THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF EL PASO l certify that the foregoing ls a true and correct copy of the original lndictment,o HGjn my office. Given under my hand and seal ot the court at my office in E| Paso, Texas on the * ‘i§ 1\} )§ z . GlLBERT SANCHEZ. Dlstrict Cierk, El Paso County, Texas by Deputy BAlL AMOUNT: $
Roberts, Darrell
Combined Opinion