lN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVAN|A |n the |\/|atter of : No. 172 DB 2016 (No. 2 RST 2017) L|NDA SUE F|CHT : Attorney Registration No. 94991 PET|T|ON FOR RE|NSTATE|\/|ENT . FRO|\/| |NACT|VE STATUS : (Co|umbia County) 0 R D E R PER CUR|AM AND NOW, this 13th day of January, 2017, the Report and Recommendation of Discip|inary Board |\/|ember dated January 3, 2017, is approved and it is ORDERED that Linda Sue Ficht, who has been on |nactive Status, has never been suspended or disbarred, and has demonstrated that she has the moral qualifications, competency and learning in law required for admission to practice in the Commonwea|th, sha|| be and is, hereby reinstated to active status as a member of the Bar of this Commonwea|th. The expenses incurred by the Board in the investigation and processing of this matter sha|| be paid by the Petitioner.
In the Matter of: Linda Sue Ficht
Combined Opinion