Op. Atty. Gen. 414a-5

'I`AXATION: lNDIAN L.-\NDS: The exemption from ad valorem taxation for lndian lands in Minn. Stat. § 272.01. subd. 1 applies only to lands held in trust by the_United States ror the benefit ot` an lndia.n 'l`ribe. its inembers. or an individual Indian. and lands owned by_ an lndran Tribe or an individual lndian subject to federal statutory restraints on'alienati.on._ _'Ihe exemption does riot apply to lands owned in fee simple title by lnoian Tribes or individual Indians. nav 4, 1993 414A'5 Mr. Gerald S. Paulson Mahnomen Counry Attorney Mal'inomen County Courthouse P.O. Box 439 Mahnomen. MN 56557 Dear Mr. Paulson: In your letter to the Attomey General. you state substantially the following: FAC'I`S Fee title to certain real property located within Mahnonien County is held by individual Indians.1 Fee title to other real property in the county is variously held in the name of the Minnesota Chippewa 'l'ribe, the White Earth Band of Chippewa. the governing body of the 'I`ribe or Band. or in other names or designations indicating tribal interest or ownership. Additionally, title to other land is held by the United States in trust for the use and benefit of individual Indians or the White Earth Band. Following the decision of the Uniteu' States Supreme Court in Coungg of Yaltima v. Yal