QBfficeof tip JWmet, Q3eneral Sbtate of Qexae DAN MORALES July 21.1993 .,lTORS’EY GESERAL Honorable Got40 Barrientos Opinion No. DM-237 Chairman Committee on Nominations Re: Validity of a state licensing fee assessed on Texas State Senate certified public accountants who are employed by P.O. Box 12068 the federal government (RQ-485) Austin, Texas 78711 Dear Senator Barrientos: You have asked this office to consider whether certified public accountants employed by the federal government may validly be subjected to the S200 fee increase mandated by House Bill 11 of the First Called Session, of the 72d Legislature. Article 10, section 10.06 of House Bill 11 amends the Public Accountancy Act of 1991. It adds section 9A to read as follows: (b) Jn addition to the fee imposed under Subsection (a) of this section, an additional biennial fee of S200 is imposed. . A licensee who does not pay the additional biennial fee and all late fees before the first Mniwrsary of the due date of the additional biennial fee may only receive a renewal license by submitting an application, all accrued fees, and the direct administrative costs incurred by the board in using the renewal license. The board shall by rule provide the information that must be contained in the application. The bwrci shall have no author@ to wait fhe collection of aryj2e or per&y. Acts 1991, 72d Leg., 1st C.S.. ch. 5. 5 10.06, at 180 (emphasis added). You ask whether this fee may properly be levied upon certified public accountants who work exclusively for the federal government. You note that diibring views have been expressed on this question. It has been suggested, on the one hand, that certified public accountants who provide services solely to the federal govemment are exempt from this fee. On the other hand, it has been argued that the additional S200 licensing fee imposed by 8 9A(b) of the Public Accountancy Act of 1991 is not unconstitutional by vittue of its applicability to federal employees. After consideration of the relevant case Jaw and statutory provisions, we agree with the latter conclusion. ne argument that a state cannot impose a licensing fee on an employee of the fedd government rests upon an antiquated understanding of the doctrine of ~t~gov~mtd tax immunity. a doctrine whose origins are to be found in h4cCulloch v. p. 1224 Honorable &umalo Barrientos - Page 2 (DM-237) Mmylmd,4Wheat.316(1819). JnMcCulkxh,ChiefJusticebkshaJJoxrhmmdata~ kvied dkdy by the State of hkyland on the Bank of the United States. The basis for the decision was the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution. As Justice White summa&d the A4cCtdhch argumem in United Stafes v. Cwnty of Fhmo, 429 U.S. 452 (1977): An Act of Congress had created the bank in order to cany out kmtions of the National Government enumerated in the United States Constitution. The Court noted that the power to tax the bank “by the States may be exercised so as to destroy it,’ 4 Wheat, at 427, 4L.Ed.579,md~~u~ythatthepowerto~ifadmitted. could be exercised so as eEectively to repeal the Act of Congress which created the Bank. Fnsno. 429 U.S. at 458. McCulbxh establishes dedrly the propositiOn that states may not impose a tax direcdyonthefixieralgovemm ad, and more genedy may not impose Yaxes the legal incidence of which &Us on the Federal government.” Id. at 459. McCuIluch was at OIIC time more broadly read to forbid taxation on those who cormacted with the federal govaunent, its agents or instntmentalities, if such taxation might inctwuethecostof doing bush= for the federal government. See, eg., Lkbbins v. Ccnnm’rsof Eric Cwqy, 16 Pet. 435. 10 L. Ed. 1022 (1842) (state tax on income of federal employee unwnstitutional); Panhandle Oil Co. v. Miss&&pi a rel. Ahox, 277 U.S. 218 (1928) (sales tax imposed on one whn sold to federal govemment lmcxmsiDJtional). under such an expansive reading ofMc&lloch, it might well be the case that an occupation tax of the sort imposed by the 1991 amendment to the Public AccountMcy Act would be unwnstitutional as applied to a federal employee. However, the modem trend in intergov emmental tax immnity law, which began with the Stone Court and has continued to the present day, is to find far fewer kinds of transactions immune on constitutional grounds from taxation. Jn Jumes v. Dmvo Contrclcriing Co., 302 U.S. 134 (1937). a Pennsylvania corporation which had a federal contract for lochs and dams on the Kanawha and Ohio rivers brought suit to enjoin collection of a West Viginia state gross receipts tax on the contract. The cou* by a five- to-four vote, rejected the corporation’s argument: We hold that the West Viginia tax so far as it is laid upon the gross receipts of respondent derived from its activities within the borders of the state does not interfere in any substantial way with tbe petformance of federal fimctions, and is a valid exaction. Jmnes, 302 U.S. at 161. Justice Roberts, in dissent, averred that the decision “overrule[dI, sub sihtio, a century of precedents.’ 302 U.S. at 161. This claim has proven to be aceurate. Jn 1939, in Graves v. New Yark ex rd. O‘Keefe, 306 U. S. 466. the court expkitly overruled p. 1225 Honorable Gonzalo Banientos - Page 3 (DM-237) Dobbins ud its progeny. It rejected the view .tht a tm cm income i legally or economidly a tax on its m” 306 U.S. at 480, and noted that the only possible basis for implying a constitutional immunhy 6om state income tax of the salary of an employee of the national government or of a governmental agency is that the economic burden of the tax is in some way passed on so as to impose a burden on the national government tantamount to an interference by one government with the other in the performance of its Smctions. Graves,306 U.S. at 4813. Somuchoftbeburdmofanoa-diocriminrtorygeneraltaxupon theincomesofemployeesofagovanmart, stateornationa&asmay be passed on economicagy to that govemm ent,throughtheeffectof thtwonthepricelmloflaboror~,isbutthtnormal incident of the orgakation within the aante territory of two governments, each possesing the taxing power. The. burden, ao far roitCMbeMidtoacistortoiffe*thcgowrnmentinmyindiredor incidental way, is one which the Constitution presupposes, and hence it cannot rightly be deemed to be within an implied restriction upon thetaxingpowaofthc~tionalandrtategovaMlauswhichtbe Constitution has expressly granted to one and hss contirmed to the other. The immunity is not one to be implied f+om the ConstiMio~ becauseifllloweditwouldimposetoaninadmkiieextenta resbictiononthetaxingpowerwhichtheConstitutionba.srefaMd to the State govemmem. Id. at 487. The result of such cases as James and Graves, as well as such later decisions as, e.g., Ci@ of Detroit v. Murrq Corp.. 355 U.S. 489 (1958); United Slrrresv. Civ of Detroit, 355 U.S. 466 (1958); United $ates v. Towmhip of Muskegon, 355 U.S. 484 (‘E?); Vn!ted States v. Cwnv of Fresno, 429 U.S. 452 (1977); United States v. New Mexico, 455 U.S. 720 (1982); and South CaroIina v. Baker, 485 U.S. 505 (1988) is both to simplify and to narrow the doctrine of intergovemmental tax immunity. The most succinct statement of modem tax hmmmity doctrine with respect to federal employees or’contractors is provided by the court in Fremw: The rule to be derived from the Court’s more recent decisions, then, is that the economic burden on a federal function of a state tax imposed on those who deal with the Federal Govermnent does not p. 1226 ~lIorable~nzaloBanientos - Page 4 (DM-237) ratderthetaxunconsthutionalsolongasthetaxisimposedequally on the 0th sitnil& situated wnstituents of the State. 429 U.S. at 4634. UnderrF~~lnalysiqtwoqueotio~mustbersktdaboutraatetsxthatis levelled on a federal employee. Piit. does the legal, as distinct from the economic. impact of the levy fall upon the United States? Second. does the tax dkkinate between federal and state employees to the dettiment of the federal employees2 TbelcgalimpactofthclldditionalfeesleviedbyHwseBillll fallsuponcuti6ed pub&c rccountants, and not upon their unployers. The fee is levied directly on the acamWta. Audit&, the sole maining question is whether this fee impem&iily dl.emhues fqlinst federal employees. Werhould~notethrtrblanlr*cranptiwroldyof~~l~~~ would, in all probabii, be such an impemissiile diachidon. In bvts v. Midrgurr Deft of rhr 7kusmy. 489 U.S. 803 (1989). the United States Supreme Court held that the State of hGhigan could not exempt fiom taxation the rekment benefits of state employees, when the benefits of federal employees were subject to the tax. The decision was based on the Public Salary Tax Act of 1939.4 U.S.C. 5 111. which the court viewed as “cadging] the result in Gmves and fbreclosrmg) the possibii that subsequent judicial reconsiderrttion of that case might reestablish the broader intapretation of the immunity dootrhe.” Dank, 489 U.S. at 812. The court read the act as “coaaensivc with the prohibition against dismimina tory taxes embodied in the modern wnstiMional doctrine of intergo vernmentaltax itmnunity.”Id. at 813. In~,,thecourtfwnd~thertate’sacanptionofitsntiredanploye+sfroma general tax impo@ inter alia, on retired federal anploy#q violated the anti- discrimhmtion principle of the Public Salary Tax Act of 1939 and of intergovernmental tax immunity doctrine. However, the Public Accountancy Act does not discriminate in this fashion. By its terms, the additiotud fee amessed by article IO, section 10.06 of House Bill 11 is of general application. The fee is assessed on all certified public accountants licensed to practice in Texas. The legislation is, there&ore, plainly constitutional on its face You express some concun, however, as to whether the statute is be-ing constitutionally applied. It is your understanding that “CPA’s working for state agencies arc not required to pay this fee to the Board of Public Accountancy. It is simply ‘understood’ that their fees have been paid by their respective agencies although no money actually exchatiges hands.’ On the other hand it has been suggested to us that ~CCOLUI~M~S employed by state agencies first pay the fees, and are then upon application reimbursed by their employers. p. 1227 Honorable GonzaJo Barrientos - Page 5 (DM-237) While the question of how the statute is being applied may be of constitutional moment in this regard, this office does not ordinarily make factual determinations of the sort that would be necessary here in ttie opinions process. Accordingly, we camtot speak to this particular question. We therefore conclude only that the S200 fee required of accountants by the Public Accountancy Act of 1991 is not facially unwnstitutionaJ. Accordingly, since the legal incidence of the 5200 fee increase in certified public accountants’ fees falls on the accountants, and since federal and state accountants are similarly treated with respect to the fee, we find that neither the Public Salary Tax Act nor the doctrine of intergovernmental tax immunity require federally-employed accountants to be exempted from paying the fee. SUMMARY The 5200 fee increase mandated by the Public Accountancy Act of 1991 is not facially unwnstitutional. DAN MORALES Attorney General of Texas WJLL PRYOR Fbst Assistant Attorney General MARYKELLER Deputy Attorney General for Ligation RBNBA HICKS State Solicitor MADELEINB B. JOHNSON Chair, Opinion Committee Prepared by James Tourtelott Assistant Attorney General p. 1228
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion