QBfficeof ttje Igttornep QSenerat Bttatr af nxae DAN MORALES Al-rORNEY GENERAL June 24,1993 Mr. Fred S. Bhkky, Jr., RX. OpinionNo. DM-231 E Directorkcretwy TexasStateBoardofPbarmacy Re: Whether a quorm ofa licensinghoard 8505 Cross Park Drive, Suite 110 attend@ a ticcttsee disciplimy hauing hstio,Texas 787544594 conducted by the state OJLECCof . . . AdWlWWCHWfitlgSlMyUlfkCtilldhgS of f&t, conclllsions of law, and vote on discipline without lec&ng &out the state of3iceof-Hearingsapropoatll for decision (RQ-408) Dar Mr. Brinkley: ThelegblamctwtedtheSOAHin1991by~SulateBiu884. SeeActs 1991,72d Leg., ch. 591, at 2127-28 (codified V.T.C.S. article 6252-130. The I~ d~~theSOAHtoconduct~~~incomeotedcasaundatbc . . . Admmwaw Procedure and Texas Rqister Act (IAP’llU”). V.T.C.S. article 6252-13~ thatmbcfon~clgency~doesnotemployaparonwhosesoledutyistopresideas~a harings officer over matters related to wntestcd cases hefore the agencyP V.T.C.S. art. 652513$5 2(h). The k@latwe hoped that the implawntation of Senate Bii 884 would accomplish at least two purposes. Fii the legishue hoped to incraw economic eakimcy by pooling the resources of smaller agaGes that are unable to employ iilll-time p. 1196 Mr. Fred S. Brbkky, Jr., R.Ph. - Page 2 (Un-231) . . . adamsmmlawjudgea. Sewnd,thcl~hopedtocrrrtcm- judk+ifldqmdentoftheagencythatcouldhalrobjcciively-dispPrtes. Heatiqs on Senate Bill 884 Before the Senate Comm. on State Af&rs (Apr. 8,lWl) (tudmony of Senator l&&or& author) (tape availableti Samte Staff Savices). Among other thinga, Senate Bill 884 added article 6252-I3f to the Revised Cii htutea. Scr Acts 1991.72d Leg., ch. 591,@ l-4 at 2127-28. Section 3(b) ofatticle 6252-13f at&or&s an ad&katk lawjudm to parform the Mowing kstiomz (3) Nlewquati~ofsvidara; (4)k3ueonksfdatiagtodiscovaryaadotilerbenriogor lsdmrhg~incJudingordersbnposingsanctionstllattllc age.ncythatthecomtaluaeiabeforemayimpo~albjectto reviewbytheagenqy and (5) issueproposalsiixdecisionthatin&deiindiqaoftbctmd amclusi~oflaw. .!hdwStateOf6ceofA’ “. ‘keHem@a, 17Tex.Re&644243(1992)(tok cod&d at 1 TALC. 85 155.15(b), 155.51). You bokve that this provkm aterdy admizu,hutdoe3notrequ&anadt&WahlawjudgefbrtheSOAHtoiasuea propoulfbrdecisionand-nrpporclyourwntwdontbattbeboardnmytnakeita own6ndingsoffhctandconddonaoflawafter~a~onadbciplisrry matterbeforethesoAH. Howevcr,theplainlaquagcofotha~L?fSalatcBin 884, as well as the bill’s IegiWve history, indicates that the legkkure intended the SOAHtomake6ndingaofiictandconcllmiolmoflawottmzuterabeforek Theagency XWpOd&tbC~kwjUdge'S~8Udcondurionr,bUt~bl c4xnpliaucewiththe~statedillSumteBiu884. APTl&aswdlastllerulesofpncdceandpmwdurebefbretbebw4gownr laydisciplinary~ontheboudtalresundaraction26oftheTaarP~Ad. V.T.C.S. tide 4542a-1. V.T.C.S. art. 4542e-1.0 27. Sennte BiU884 added to APTRA aection 13(j). which provides as follows: This subsection applies only to an ndminiararivs law judge employedbytheStateOfiiceofAdministrativeHwtings. The . . . lldnnmstratnnlawjudgewhoconductsthehcatiagshallconsiderany applicable agenq n&s or policiesin conductingthe hearing, but rnqY nolbrsuprrvisdby~~agrncyuVrrthrcoatrsledccwisbrfopr. TheagmcystmllprovidetheadmbUa&lawjudgcwithawrincn statanent of applicable rules or policies. An wv q mr q p. 1197 Mr. Fred S. Brinldey.Jr., RPh. - Page 3 (m-231) ~ilwzingprocess: theajp%cymustprovidetheadmi&&velawjudgewitll awritten~ofrulerorpoliciarit~-rrenlevanttothcorrte3tedg#(sn &oStateOEccofM “. tiveHear+s,17Te~Reg.6441(1992)(tobecodi6edat 1 T.A.C. 0 155.5(c)); the agency may present evidence and legal aqumatt to the . . . . Thclq&tivehistoryofSenateBiU884sqportsourdct~ Amanber oftbecommitteetbatd&edSenateBill884tati&dheforetheHouscComt&aon StateAGrsthattlteumlminahadtriedto~rbilraa~thepowsnofthe agwcyaKlthesoAH. Hearingsws.B.884B&rctbeHouseCormnonstate~ (Mry6.1991)(tcrthnoayofReggieJpnes,~colrnmvnUllion)(trpe available i+om House Committee Coo&ator). Section S(b) of tha big whirb added tectiw13(i)toApTRA,~culateJthc~thecormnineercnrcl:tbesoAHis ~~lefor~~~gtotheagcncy~~offact~~~oflaw,but thelylencyhsstheuhimateauthoritytoapprovetheproposalfordeciskm. Srcid. Fmthumore, the committee draf&l the bill to restrict an agenq+s powa to ovaturn . . . ~~wjudge’sdccisionbypamittingtheagencytochangea ~f&oraconclusionoflawonlyforpolicyreasonsandoniyinwriting. Seeid. Inour~~~rhelegislatunwMtedtoensun~~w~~thatwererequindto use the services of the SOAH would not intafere with the administmtive law judge’s decision. See id. (testimony ?f.Judith Sokolow, representing Advocacy. Inc.) (testi@ng about need for impa~M admmc%mtivehearings conducted by judiciary independent of agency); id. (testimony of Mary Jo -den, representing T~ras Planniq Council for p. 1198 Mr.FredS.Bdnkky, Jr.,R.Ph. - Page 4 (DH-231) DeveloptnentalDhbUities)(same). Unti&ther&mm~hasrroeivtdapmpuaal fordecision5omtheadministntivckwjudge,tlteageatcycanparticipateinthe . . . rdrmmstntlve~OnlybypreKntingevideaamdlMkillg~UgUalWt~tbC hedq. See V.T.C.S. art. 625243a, 0 13(j); Hearing on Senata Bill 884 Before the House Conun. on State ASairs (May 41991) (tutimmy ofLinda Sword, .-y@ O5ceoftheAftonlcyGauxat)(tapeavaihble6umIiousa~coordrmtor. We do not believe that article 625243f motion 3(b), V.T.C.S., ammdiu~ this wndurion~itrrrtuthatm~kwjudge”mry.’inrtadaf”rhg issueapropomltardecihn. Inthispro%on,~meaus”tobaveauthityto”or”to be pen&ted to: See B. G&tN8& hiODERNLEGALU8ME 98.354 (1987). Section 3(b) hstswwraltasksmadhismhlawjudge”may”perfotm. ThebillamiysisforSawc Bill884deraibestheIisthr#ctiw3(b)rcl’p~of~irwjudga. A ”ptlm@vcis’mardwivcorspecialrigllt,power,orprivil~: as...onebdoqing tOMofliiar~UtOffiCi8lbody.* w8R8IER?3lQrmiN8w caLEGlAlBDlcnoNARY 930 (1990). we bdiew that the cbaractwizstkm of section 3(b) as a list of pfemgha is wMiatwt*thel~intMt: tllel~intaldal~vfeo*thoseagenciu raplydtoutilizethe ssmicosofthesoAH,tbesoAyandonlytbesoAH,is allth&toconductann~andissuetllepropoulfbrdeoisiou The agaK&-tomodifythepmponlbutonlyin~rdancewitb8ectioo13oof You8r@lethtaection150fAPTRAat&orkutllebo8rdtofbnsorraiviag8 propoaal~d~~fiantheSOAHifamcljorityodtheboardmrrmknbve&ardtbe caseorteadthetecord. Section15providesiaperhcntpartasfo~ Ifinaumtesedaseatn&ityoftbcofEcihoftbeagutfy wlwamtoratdmthe6mldecisionbavmaotkardthecaseorrad therewn&thedecisi~ifadvusetoaparkytothepPocsadiag0tbu thantheagenq-its@maynotbemadetmtilaproposslfbrdaGon isswvedonthepartia,andanop&Mxm&taffordedtoucllparty advemlya&ctedto6leexceptionsandpremtbriefktotheofficials wlloaretorenderthedecision. SectionlSdoeonot~an~~toforagorrcdvinga~~ford~oa~ tbeSOAHinanyc&mstam. FortboscagcnciestbatarcsubjccttoApTRAandtht must use the suvicu of the SOAH, section 13(j) of APTR& together witb uticle 6252-13$ section 3(b), V.T.C.S., requires the SOAH admhhhe law judge to conduct a hearing and prepare a proposal for decision for the agq@ approval. If the . . . admuwmm law judge proposes a decision that will be adverse to a party to the proc#dingotherthantheeg~,sectionlSprovidepthattheagmcycarmotrrndaaS final de&ion until it has satisfied the rquiranents articulated in section 15. p. 1199 Mr. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr.. RPh. - Page 5 (DM-231) Youalsosuggestthatbecausemmyumtestalcasubeforrtheboardinvolvea pharmakt accused ofillegally diverdng controlled substances the board should be able to rcvoketheaaalsedpharmfi&sli-wm-perilbasia. Youamtaldthat requiriagrucbacaseto~befonan~kwjudgeoftheSOAHwilldday ruchMnorda,~a.#iousthreattothepublichealthandwelfue.’ Wenote, however, tlmt article 6252-132 section 3(c), V.T.C.S.. rcquks the SOAH to bear a case withinareaao&letime. scC&StateO&eofMnrinimativeHeakgs,17Tex.Reg. 2565. 6442, 6443 (1992) (to be c&&xl at 1 T&C. 00 155.15(a)(2), 157.1(a)). ~~,~~19AofApTRArutborizcstnilesncy,includiagthebwd,tonquest thcittorneygmaaltobringm~winadirtriacourtwithjurisdictionovathemwa to compel compliancewith an agency rule. .Qe 28 T.A.C. 0 281.24(a)(3), (4), (5) @sting rmong~fordiscipline~o~~~Mddistributi0nofdrugsinvi0lation of Controlled Sub- Act and Dangenw Drug Act). Se&on 17(k) of the Texas pharrnaq Act, V.T.C.S. article 4542a-1. also authorizes the board to sue in district comt to ruttain or enjoin a person from violating article 4542a-1. See V.T.C.S. att. 4542a-1, 0 26(a)(9) (pvidhg that board may disciplinepharmakt who violates any pr0vision of tbe Controlled Substanw Act or Daqenws Drug Act). In our opinion, the~&w, the aknat&sbywhi0hitmayscektorWrainorenjoinapharma&t~illegally p. 1200 Mr. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr., RPh. - Pale 6 @M-231) Abswtreaclhganagrud5aldisposltionofamatm.a uculsingboardtlmtirrrequhedtousethe SCWiOUOft&SWtCOBOG ofAdmiGmkH~mayaotmekeitaown~of~ ccldusion$oflaw,ofvateondiscipiine. InstaK&ttKIboardunlsl rcccivcf.tomtheSOAHrpropomlfbrde&ion,whichthcboludmry xmdiQonlyincomplianawithsecdon13~)ofthe- Pmwduru and Teas Registu Act, V.T.C.S. article 6252-13~ Fmthamorc,8bOtKdlUQ-aotpIWU@b~NlegiViOgitthC alalitytomakeitsown6ndlngsoffactandamclusionsoflaw. DAN MORALES AttOXIWGmmlGfTaU WlLL PRYOR FnrtASS<AnonryGenaJ MARYKELLER DepulyAttwntyGenualfrw~on BmEAHlcKs statefblstor MADELEJNE B. JOHNSON chak,Gpildoncomadttee p. 1201
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion