The Attorrwy General of Texas JIM MATTOX April 24, 1986 Attorney General Supreme Court Budding Ronorable Gerald \I. Schmidt Opinion No. .JM-$85 P. 0. BOX 12548 Gillespie County I&torney Austin. TX. 7871 l- 2548 51214752501 County Courthouse RS: Whether an individual may Telex 9101874.1367 Fredericksburg. Texas 78624 serve simultaneously as con- Telecoow 512M75.0266 stable and jailer 714 JaCkSO”. su:re 700 gear Ur. Schmidt: Dallas. TX. 75202-4506 2141742.8944 You inform us that an individual who had been working as d jailer at the Gillespie C:ounty jail became a constable in Gillespie County. You ask whether 'Texas 1aG prohibits him from holdicg both positicrs 4824 Alberta Ave.. Sude 1.50 simultaneously. El Paso. TX. 79905.2793 9151533.3484 You advise us that the Individual has worked as a jailer and has not been made a deputy sheriff. Although you do not explain exactly -‘Wl Texas. Suite 700 what his duties are as jailer, we assume that you use the term ,sto”. TX. 77002-3111 "jailer" ss it is used in article 5116;V.T.C.S.. which desciibes a I 13/223-5886 jailer as someone who is ia charge of a county jail but under rhe supervision.and control of the sheriff. a06 Broadway. SU!S 312 LubboCk, TX. 79401.3479 We find nothing in Texas law that prohibits, as a matter of Lx, SO6/747-5238 an individual fxm serving simultaneously as a constable and zs z :ailer. 4309 N. Tenth. Suile 8 McAllan. TX. 78501.1685 The prohibition in the Texas Constitution against dual office 5121682-4547 holding prevents .one person from holding more than one "civil office of emolument" at one time. Tex. Const., art. XVI. 540. The courts 200 Main Plaza. Suite 400 have held that 2. person holds a "civil office" for purposes of that San Antonio. TX. 78205.2797 provision if he wrercises any sovereign function of government for the 51212254191 benefit of the rublic ar.d is larerlv indauendent of others' control. Ruiz V. State, iA0 S.WiZd 809. Bil '(Tex. Civ. App. - Corpus Christ1 1976, no writ); xilley v. Rpgers, 405 S.W.2d 220, 224 (Tex. Civ. Lpp. An Equal Opportunity/ Aflirmative Action Employer - Beaumont 1965, WIhit rtzf'd n.r.e.); Aldine Independent School District v. Stanch, 280 S.W.Zd 578, 583 (Tex. 1955). A constable is a civil officer of emolument. Attorney General Opinion M-45 (196SI. A jailer is not a civil officer of emolument because he is completely under the contrcl of a sheriff. Thus, the constitutiocsl prohibition against dual office holding does not preclude a constable from workicg as a jailer. The common law doctrine of incompatibility prohibits one person from occupying pilo offices when one office may "thereby impose its p. 2223 Honorable Gerald W. Schmidt - Page 2 (m-485) policies on the other or subject it to control in SOM other %a?." Attorney General Opinions; JM-129. JM-133 (198s); see Thomas v. Abernathy Counry Line Indewndeat School District. 29Os.w. 152 (Tex. Coum'r~App. 1927. holdin approved); _State ea rel. Brmnan V. Martic!, St S.W.Zd 815, 817 (Tur. C:.v.App. - San Antonio 1932. no writ). A sheriff has a statrsory right of control over the jail in his county and over the jaile,cs he employs. Da la Garza V. State, 579 S.W.Zd 220 (Tax. Crim. App. 1979); V.T.C.S. art. 5116. Consequently, once a constable brings a Prisoner to the county jail, the constable loses jurisdiction over that prisoner. Attorney General Opinion Q-1548 (1952). Thus, the ~control a sheriff exercises over a jailer does not invade an area in which the jailer aiso has powers and duties as a constable and the TVO offices arc therefore not necessarily incompatlblc. As the tour':said In State ax rel. Brennan v. Martin: - The duties of the two offices are wholly un- related, are in no manner inconsistent, are never in conflict. Neither officer is accountable to the other, nor under bis dominion. Yeither is subordinate to the other, nor has any power or right to interfwe with the other in the perfor- mance of any duty. The offices are therefore not inconsistent or incompatible. . . . 51 S.WiZd 815 at 817. AlI:houghwe cannot conc?clc chat the FCsfti0n-c cf constable ar.djailer are legally incoapstiblc, our cpinlon does zct preclude the possibility chat a particular jaiier's duties would be incompatible with the off,lce cf constable, as a matter of fact. -S.St Attorney General Opinion Mh'-415 (1981). Finally, none of tte information you have given us suggests either a conflict of inl:erest under article ?eeb, V.T.C.S., or a violation of any other Texas law. SUMMARY The constitw::tonalban on dual office holding does not prohibit someone from serving simul- taneously as a wnstable and a jailer. The common lav doctrine of incompatibility does not, as a matter of law, Irohibit such a situation. .I ZM MATTCX Attorney General of Texas p. 2226 Ronorable Gerald W. Schmi'it- Page 3 (341-485) JACK BIGSTOWER First Assistant Attorney ;eneral MARY KELLER Executive Assistant Attornsy GeEera ROBERT GRAY Special Assistant Attorney General RICK GILPIE; Chairman, Opinion Committee Prepared by Sarah Woelk Assistzrt Attorney Cereral p. 2225
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion