Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. The Attorney General of Texas JIM MATTOX April 23, 1986 Attorney General Supreme Court Building Hr. Allen Parker, Sr. Opinion No. .JM-483 P. 0. BOX 12549 Cimmiseimer Austl”. TX. 79711. 2549 Tsxas Departmentc~f'Labor and Be: Conatltutionalityof article 51214752501 Standards 6687-9a. V.T.C.S., and related Telex 8101874.1387 Telecopier 51214750266 P. 0. Box 12157 questions Austin,Texas 71iill 714 Jackson. Suite 700 Dear Mr. Parker: Dallas. TX. 752024508 214l742.9944 You ask seve::alquestionsabout the Vehicle StorageFacilityAct, article 6687-98, V.T.C.S., which was anacted by the Sixty-ninth 4824 Alberta Ave.. Suite 180 Legislature. The act authorizes the Texas Department of Labor and El Paso, TX. 79905.2793 Standards to "isme licenses to operate vehicle storage facilities" 915633.3494 and to "adopt rules establishingrequirementsfor the licensingcf persons to operatevehicle storage facilitiesto ensure that licensed 1001 Texas, Suite 700 storage facilitiesmaintainadequate standardsfor the care of stored Hou~)ton. TX. 770023111 vehicles." V.T.C.S.art. 6687-9a;§4. 7t3n23-59S9 Your first questionconcerusthe "local option"provisionof the act. ~Section13(a) of the act provides: 606 Broadway, Suite 312 Lubbock, TX. 79401.3479 W&747-5239 The governingbody of a city by ordinancemay provide that this article and rules adoptedunder this articledo not apply inside the limitsof the 4209 N. Tenth, Suite B McAlleri, TX. 78501-1685 city. Slau92-4547 Iu regard to that provisionyou ask whether 2M) Main Plaza, Suite 400 the ordinance adopted by a city pursuant to San Antonio, TX. 702052797 512l2254181 article,6687-9a(13)must be as stringentas that article.or rules and regulationsadopted by the Texas I'epartment of Labor and Standards. An Equal Opportunity! Affirmatlve Action Employer Your question assmes that the act requiresa city to adopt an ordinance regulating vehicle storage facilities if it chooses to sxsmpt itself frontregulationunder article6687-9a. The act does not require cities to do so. It simply authorizesa city to adopt an ordinance that snakesarticle 6687-9a inapplicableinside the citp limitsof that c:.ty. p. 2215 Mr. Allen Parksr, Sr. - Page 2 (JM-483) You also ask about 1:he constitutionalityof section 13(a). Although the question Is ,a difficultone, we conclude chat section 13(a) is unconstitutionalunder article I, section 28. of the Texas Constitution,which providc,s: No power of mapending laws in this State shall be exercisedexceptby the Legislature. In 1915 the Supremehurt held that a statute authorizingvoters to decide whether the operationof a pool hall would be a criminal offense in a particularcounty violated article I, section 28. Rx parte Mitchell, 177 S.W. 9,53(Tex. 1915). The court held that the statutewculd permit the voters ic a county to suspecd a general law that allowed the licensingof pool halls. @cord, I.ylev. State, 193 S.W. 680 (Tex. Grim. App. 1917). See also Brown Cracker & Candy Co. v. City of Dallas, 137 S.W. 342 (Tex. 19' m . (citv _ ordinanceoermittina houses of prostitution tunconstitutionally suspended state - 1s; prohibitingthem). 'sinceFXtcbell. hoverer, the courts have upheld a nuwhcr of statutesallowiaa politicalsubdivisionsto choose whether to accent the provisionsof-a geusral law. See City of Fort Worth v. Fire Departmentof City of Fort , 2rS.W.2d 347 (Tex. Civ. App. - Fort Worth 1948). aff'd w, rev'd in part on other grounds,217 S.W.2d 664 (Tex. lm(uri;eld statutethat allows voters of citv to ' accept the provisionsof a :general law pemitting cities to provibea police and firemen'scivil servicesystem);Reynoldsv. Dallas County, 203,S.W.2d 320 (Tex. Civ. App. - Amarillo 1947, no writ) (upheld statute that authorizes county comissioners courts to adopt provisionsof voting machinelaw); RosebudIndependentSchoolDistrict v. Richardson,2 S.W.2d 5'13(Tex. Civ. App. - Austin 1928, no vrit) (upheldstatutethat allowr, county schooltrusteesto chaoge the lines of legislativelycrsateds&o01 districts);Sullivanv. Roach-Mani= Paving Co. of Texas, 220 S.W. 444 (Tcx.Civ. App. - San Antonio 1920, Wit dism'd) (upheldststum:that authorizescity to accept urovisious of street improvementstilrute); see also Attorney Gene&l Opinion MW-11 (1979) (statuteis constitutional that exempts automobilesfrom ad valorem taxation exceptwhere local taxing jurisdictionschoose to impose a tax on automobiler~). For several rsasons,we do not think that the cases cited above controlthe issue before us. Those cases are based on a rule that is consideredan exceptiontc'the generallanguageof limitationin the constitution. See Reynol53, 203 S.W.2d at 324; see also Attorney General Opinions-11 ('1979). That exception avolics when the leglslatur; has given a municipalitythe- autboriti to determine whether a general LtLt2r:e shall becone effective within the jurisdictionof the munic:lpality in situationsin which it would be impossiblefor the 1egisLztureto determinewhether the benefits of p. 2216 Mr. Allen Parker,Sr. - Page 2’ (J&483) in that municipality. Reynolds, 203 the general statute are aeedfrti S.W.Zd at 324. That axcepritmdoes not apply here. Article 6687-Ya providesfor the licensingof operatorsof vehicle storagefacilities. The purpose underlying arti~zle6687-Ya Is to ensure that storage facilities maintain adequate standards for the care of stored vehicles. V.T.C.S. art. 66:37-Ya,54. We see no reason why the standards or the need for standardsshould vary from city to city. Therefore,the rationaleof Reynoldsand similar cases does not apply in this instance. Where t:hs exception set out in Reynolds Is inapplicable,we think the general rule of unconstitutionality in Hitchellmust apply. Also, Reynolds and the other cases cited above uphaltistatutes creating a situationin which the voters or the governingbody of a political subdivision could choose whether or not the pcliticsl subdivision itself wculd exercise certain powers provided for by general law. Article 6687-98, in contrast, presents a situationin which the governingbody of ,acity may decide that an administrative agency may not exercisepowers:provided for by generallaw within the city limits of the city. We do not think that the authorityof a city to limit the power of a stat,eadministrativeagency can be justified on the basis of cases that a:ll.ow politicalsubdivisionto limit their own power, particularlyeln~ those cases are an exception to the general rule of unconstitutionality.Consequently,it is our opinion that section 13(a)of article6687-9sis unconstitutional. We also hold that the,unconstitutionalprovision of article 6687-Ya is severablefrom the rest of the statute. An unconstitu- tional provisiondoes not runder an entire enactmentvoid unless it appears that the legislaturewould not have enacted the statute without the unconstitutlonslprovision or unless the statute is unworkable without the unconstitutionalprovision. Harris County .Water Control & ImprovementJistrict No. 39 v. Albright,263 S.W.2d 944, 947 (Tex. 1954). The Local optionsprovisionof article 66S7-Ya is not the centerpieceof thlcstatute,so it does not appear that the legislaturewould not have truactedarticle 6687-9awithout the local option provision. Also, the regulatoryscheme providedfor by article 6687-Ya can certainlybe executedwithout the provisionthat allows cities to exempt themselvesfrom the regulatoryscheme. Therefore, the rest of article6687-Ya:Lsvalid. Tour secondquestionis whether the Texas Departmentof Labor and Standards may adopt a fee schedule governing the amount vehicle storage facilitiesmay charge for storage. Rules promulgatedby an administrativeagency must 1~ within the granted power and "may cot ie?poseadditionalburdens,cxditions, or restrictfoosin excessof or lcccasisttrtt with statutory;:rovisic~b.” Eexar CountyFail Eond ----Board v. Ceckard,604 S.W.2d214, 216 (Tex.Civ.-App.- San Antonio IYEC, no writ). Article 6687-?a g:ivesthe department authority to issue p. 2217 Mr. Allen Parker,Sr. - Page 4 (JM-483) licensesto personswho opcratl?stcragcfacilitiesand to make various rules regardinglicensing. 11:gives the departmentno authorityto regulate the fees charged by storage facilities. Therefox;. the departmentmay not adopt a fee schedulegoverningthe amount storage facilitiesmay charge. SlJ M M A R Y Article6687-Ya,mction 13(a),V.T.C.S.,which allows cities to exempt themselves from applicationof the provisionsof article6687-96, is unconstitutional, The Texas Department of Labor and Standardsmay net adopt a fee schedule governing the ~IDOCGL vrhicir storage facilities my chargefor storage. s bJt+ Very ruly your JIM A RATTOX AttorneyGeneralof Texas JACK HIGRTOWXR First AssistantAttorney General MARY KELLER ExecutiveAssistantAttorney Galera ROBXRT GRAY SpecialAssistantAttorneyGenrral RICK GILPIN Chairman.OpinionCommittee Preparedby SarahWoelk AssistantAttorneyGeneral p. 2218