The Attorney General of Texas NOV’Naber 20, 1985 JIM MAlTOX Attorney General Supreme Cart Buildin Ms. Deborah Jo Mertdors Opinion No. ~~-383 P. 0. Box 1254S Robertson County mditor Austin. l%. 78711-2548 P. 0. Box 646 Re: Whether county funds must b 512147%?501 Franklin, Texas 77856 deposited in a designated count Talex 9101874.1367 Telecoplu Sl2/4?502+8 depository Dear Hs. Meadors: 714 Jackson. Suite 700 Dallas. TX. 75202- Pursuant to gJur limited authority to request opinions, you 85 2141742-6944 two questions in regard to the depositories for county funds i Xobertson County. You inform us that at the present time, the count 4S24 AlMRD Ave.. Suit0 180 has selected, thrnzgh the “bid” process, a county depository for th El Paso. TX. 799D5.2793 next two years. U’e assume that this “bid” process is the procedur 915!- outlined in 2545 aid 2546, V.T.C.S. You also inform us tha all of the county funds with the exception of the “Road and aridg 1001 Texas. Suits 7W Precinct Fund” hmre ,been deposited in the bank designated as tb llouston, TX. 77002-3111 couaty depository. 71312296888 You further kadicate that this “Road and Bridge Preclncc Fund was initially deposited in the designated depository bank when tb 808 Broadway, Suite 312 Lubbock. TX. 79401-3479 taxes were colleci:ed’ by the tax collector ‘for that purpose. However mw747.5238 these funds were tubsequently transferred to one of four banks locate in each of the for.r county precincts. We understand that warrants ar drawn on these four accounts located in the varfous banks and ar 4309 N. Tanth. Suite B signed both by the county auditor and the treasurer. You first as McAllen, TX. 7850%1885 512lM2-4547 whether this depo6:ltoty system is in compllmce with state law. W conclude that the system is contrary to the system prescribed by th leglalature In articles 2544-2549. V.T.C.S. 2w M.,” Plaza. SIllto 400, San Antonio. TX. 782052787 As a prel%miusry matter, the Robertson County commissioners tour %?/2254191 has only the pomrs conferred either expressly or by necessar implication by thtr constitution and statutes of this state. See Tex An Equal OPP’XtunltYl Coust. art. V, 51~8; Canales v. Laughlin, 214 S.W.Zd 451, 4r(Tex A,,lr,,mtlve Action EmPlOW 1948). The 1egis:iature has required a county commissioners court t follow a prescrite,d procedure in exercising its duty to safeguar county funds. See V.T.C.S. arts. 2544-2549. A conmissioners court I authorized to ez;r %nto a contract with any bank in the county as depository of county funds, after giving public notice that sue contract is made. See V.T.C.S. art. 2544. More than one count depository msy be selected. -See V.T.C.S. art. 2546. I p: 1756 ns. Deborah Jo Meadors - Pag’e 2 (JIG383) Article 2549(a), V.T.C.,S., provides: (a) As soon aB said bond be given and approved by the Comissione:rs Court, an order shall be made and entered upon the minutes oft said Court desig- narinn such bankian corooratlon, association or individual banker, as a ‘depositorg for the funds of said county r~n.til sixty (60) days after the time fixed for th; next selection of a depository; and thereuuon. . it-shall be the duty of the county treasurer of sa:.d county Immediately upon th; making of such order, to transfer to said deposi- tory all the fuud.a belonging to said county . . . and Immediately r.pon receipt of any money there- after, to deposit the same with said depository to the credit of said county. . . . It shall also be the duty of tha tax collector of such county to deposit all tlu:es collected by him, or under his authority, for the State and such County . . . in such depository or depositories, as soon as collected. . . .. (Emphasis added). Thus, all county funds are to be deposited In the county depository for the prescribed period of time. The ouly exception to this requir-t is found in ar<:Lc&e 2549(c), V.T.C.S.. which provides in part: (c) Unless rcpressly prqhibited by law or unless ‘it is in c:ontraventiort of any depository contract between ,L county and say depository bank, the Commissionerr, Court may direct the county treasurer to: (1) withdr;nr any amount of funds of the county that axe deposited In a county deposl- tory and that ere not required inrmcdiately to pay obligrtionl$ of the county or required to be kept on deposit under the terms of the deposi- tory contract; and (2) invest those funds In direct debt securities of zhe United States. Consequently, the present depository system In Robertson County is prohibited by this provisiorl.. As indicated above, tL? road and bridge fund is presently located in four banks that bave not been designated as county depositories. The “road and bridge” fund is lone of three statutory funds which are p. 1757 Ms. Deborah Jo Meadors - Page 3 (JM-383) to be deposited by the treasurer into the county depository. See V.T.C.S. art. 1628; see also Attorney General Opinion E-1185 m7a). In Attorney Genera,1 Opinion ~-33 (1967) it was held: The purpose of the procedures~ prescribed by the statutes relating to the selection of 8 county depository is to secure to the county a safe. responsible depository for its funds with a return of interest for ‘Jj6e thereof. . . . There is no indication that the commissioners court has required the additional four banks to ~:omplp with any of the bonding requirement6 specified In article 2347. V.T.C.S. Thus, the funds deposited are unprotected by the procedure. In addition. there is also no indication that these four banks have submitted applications to be considered as a proper cclusty depository. Accordingly, we conclude that the present depository systen Is contrary to the intent and purpose of articles 2544 tlueough 2349, V.T.C.S. You also aak whether it is perniasible to leave these road and bridge funds in the four b,anks until such time as you are to select your county depository. We think not. As indicated above, article 2349 require6 that these funds be deposited in the county depository until “60 days after thi time fLxed for the next selection of a depository.” See V.T.C.S. art. 2349. See also Attorney General Opinion O-38377941) (bank selected remains the county depository during the terms of the coutract). SUMMARY A county comnissL~mer6 court is not authorized to deposit funds Ln banks which have not been designated as the county depository in compliance with articles 2344 through 2349, V.T.C.S. Article 2349 requires county officials to depoeit all county fund6 in the designated county depository. JIM MATTOX Attorney Ganeral of Texas NARYKELLER Executive Assistant Attorney General p. 1738 Ms. Deborah Jo Meadors - Page 4 (m-383) ROBERTGRAY Special Assistant Attorney General RICK GILPIN Chairman. Opinion Comittee Prepared by Tony Gulllory Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Rick Gilpin, chairman Co1111 Carl Susan Garrhm Tony Guillory Jim Hoellingar Jenalfcr &Lggs Nancy Sutton Sarah Woelk p. 1759
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion