Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

The Attomry ~General of Texas JIM MAlTOX October 18. 1985 Attorney General supwllw court BulldW nr. 0. L. nccottn opinion So. J%362 P. 0. Box 1254a Director AUdh. lx. 78711.254a Texas Department of! Corrections P.C: Interpretation of the Texas 512M752501 P. 0. Box 99 Prison. &magement Act, article Telex 9lwS741387 l*lacoplqr 512N75Q2ee Euntsvillc, Texas 77340 61840. V.T.C.S. Dear ~nr. ,McCotter: 714 JaCkwfI. She 700 rhll0B. lx. 752024fm You ask seve:xal questions regarding the Texas Prison Management 214i?42eau Act. article 61842, V.T.C.S, An explanation of some of the provisions of that act is aecfessary to put your questions In context. 4824 AlbeftE Ave.. suita IS0 El Paso. TX. 788052793 Tbe act pravides that if the inmate population of the Texas 915l5333uu Department of Corrections [hereinafter TDC] reaches 95 percent or tire of Its bouaing capacity, you must notify the governor of that fact and 1001 Texs0. Suits 700 credit 30 days of adminiatratlve good conduct time to certain Houston. TX. 77002-3111 categories of immtes. ra.,2(!_).~ Tbe act further provides t+~$f~ 7lY@5888 the governor determines certain specified facts to be true. be must notify the Board of Pardons and Paroles that emergency overcrowding exists vltbin 30 days of receiving your notice. Id. 12(c). Once the BW Broadway, Suite 312 Lubbock. TX. 79401-3479 governor notlfien the boaid of the emergency ovetcrovding, the board ecw747-623a umst advance the parole revlav and eligibility date of the same cstegories nf-Lmstfsm~tlgat received administtatrve good conduct time under section 2(b). .Id. )2(d). If the urgency still exists 60 4309 N. Tenth. Suite B days after tbe Ikovernor’ notification to the board, the board must MCAltm, lx. 7S501.1685 512mS2-4S47 again advance the parole~review and eligibility date of such inmates. Id. 12(e). If the emergency -still exists 120 days after the zernor’s notification to the board, the governor must order you to 200 M0ln Plaza. suite 4ca make another avard of good conduct time to such inmates. Id. 12(f). an Antonio, TX. 782052797 The emergency ends vhen the inmate population is reduced to-&s than 51a2254191 95 percent of cap,mcity: An Equal Opportunity/ AllirmltlV. ActIon EmPlOW 1. In your letter you mention that a “pool” of inmates is identified vhen :sectlon 2(b) is lmplewnted and imply that the sub- sequent measure:a set out in the act apply only to the inmates ~~~ .~ wbo ~.~~~ received an award of good conduct time under section 2(b). Sections 2(d), (e), and (f) apply to “those inmates who are described by [section 2(b)]” rather than “those inmates who received awards of good conduct th undscr section 2(b).” Thus, sections 2(d), (e) , and (f) apply to any ~iucate who ve