. . The Attorne,y General of Texas Au~;u.st 23. 1985 JIM MATTOX Attorney General Supreme Court Building Ms. Joyce A. Hammer Opinion No. ~~-344 P. 0. Box 12546 Executive Director Austin. TX. 76711. 2546 Board of Vocational Nurse Re: Meaning of Itapproved course 5121475-2501 Examiners of not less than 12 months" for Telex 9101674-1367 Telecopier 512/475-0266 1300 East Anderson Lane purposes of the Licensed Voca- Building C, Suite 285 tional Nurse Act, article 4528~. Austin, Texas 18752 V.T.C.S. 714 Jackson, Suite 700 Dallas, TX. 75202.4506 Dear Ms. Hammer: 214/742-6944 You have reqwsted our assistance to clarify rhe meaning of 4624 Alberta Ave., Suite 160 certain language in the Licensed Vocational Nurse Act, article 4528~. El Paso. TX. 799052793 V.T.C.S. Specifica3.3y,you ask whether subsection 6(a) of the act, 9151533.3464 providing that an applicant for the licensing examinarion administered by the Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners submit proof that the 1001 Texas, Suite 700 applicant "has compteted an approved course of nor less than twelve Houston, TX. 77002-3111 (12) months in an itpproved school for educating vocational nurses," 7131223.5686 literally requires t:hat the course be of at least 12 months in duration. 606 Broadway, Suite 312 Lubbock, TX. 79401.3479 Your concerns t&out the 12-month minimum educational requirement 6061747-5236 of article 4528~ stem from what you describe as the trend in most states (including Twas) to remove vocational nurse training from the hospital setting to the academic setting. In light of this trend, you 4309 N. Tenth. Suite B McAllen, TX. 78501-1685 suggest that these programs cannot be literally described as being 12 512,662~4547 months in duration. The guiding ru.e of sratutory construcrion is to give effect to 200 Main Plaza, Suite 400 the intention of t&r legislature. City of Sherman v. Public Utilire San Antonio, TX. 76205.2797 51212254191 Commission of Texas, 643 S.W.2d 681; 684 (Tex. 1983). In general, statutory time prov:isions are construed strictly, for the simple reason that such requirements are clear and unambiguous and therefore An Equal Opportunity/ leave little doubt o:Ethe legislature's intent. See, e.g., Attorney Affirmative Action EvploYe- General Opinions .X4,-:!78 (1984) (srawte requiring five years' active professional experience ,"immediately preceding" license application means five years nearest to the date of filing of the application); JM-107 (1983) (a j&i1 sentence of 72 hours requires prisoner to be released upon expiration of that period or as close to that time as is practicable); H-840 (1976) (former section 4(c) of article 4528c, requiring director of training to "have had at least five (5) years p. 1567 . Ms. Joyce A. Hammer - Page 2 (JM-344) experience in teaching nursjng . . ." must be applied and enforced as it reads regardless of the "justice of its effect"). Article 4528~ was substantially amended in 1981. Acts 1981, 67th Leg., ch. 787, at 2990. Subsection 6(a) was amended to eliminate the need for an applicant for examination to submit proof of certain personal qualifications -- ;~a, age, character, physical and mental condition, and citizenship. See S.J. of Tex., 67th Leg., 2238, 2244 (1981). The language requkix proof of the applicant's successful completion of an approved course in vocational nursing was only slightly modified; however, the 12-month minimum course requirement was left intact. Id. Sectj.ans6 and 7 were amended once more during the last legislati~session. House Bill No. 823. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. d at (not yet published). Once again, the 12-month durational require= was preserved. Id. Consequently, because the legislature is presumed to be acquaintedwith conditions affecting the subject matter- of legislat,lon, Brown v. Memorial Villages Water Au;oH-;y, ',"',",.;.2d453 ('Iex.Civ. App. - Houston 114th Dist.1 1962, . . . . we must nresume that the lenislature intended the 12-month provision to remaiiin effect, notwithstanding the trend to conduct vocational nurse trrtiningin the classroom rather than in the hospital. Article 4528~ clearly prescribes the minimum duration of an approved course in vocatioral nursing. The board may not waive the 12-month minimum educatiolull.requirement, for it is clear that an administrative agency may not waive statutory requirements in the licensing process. Attornql General Opinion MW-131 (1980). Further- more, the board may not create au exception for any institution, either by rule or agreement, in any circumstance not expressly authorized by article 4528~. See V.T.C.S. art. 4528c, 506(b), 7. See also Boss International, Inc.7 General Portland, Inc., 670 S.Wx m(Tex. App. - Austin 1981; no writ) (where the legislature states a specific exception to a Matute, legislative intent that statute should apply in all cases not excepted is clear). Accordingly, subsection 6(a) must be administered as it reads regardless of the "justice of its effect." Attorney General Opinion H-840 (1976). Furthermore, because we believe the wording of article 4528~. subsection 6(a) is cl.earand unambiguous, it must be given a literal interpretation and any defects or deficiencies must be corrected by the legislatwe and not this office. See Armstrong v. Harris County, 669 S.W.2d Zs23 (Tex. App. - Houston [G Dist.] 1983, writ ref'd n.r.e.). p. 1568 Ms. Joyce A. Rammer - Page 3 (JM-344) SUMMARY The 12-month alnimum educational requirement of article 4528c, subsection 6(a), requires that an approved course i.nvocational nursing amount to at least 12 months of instruction. gg* w- Attorney General of Texas TOM GREEN First Assistant Attorney Genwal DAVID R. RICHARDS Executive Assistant Attorney General ROBERT GRAT Special Assistant Attorney General RICK GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Committee Prepared by Rick Gilpin Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Rick Gilpin, Chairman Colin Carl Susan Garrison Tony Guillory Jim Moellinger Jennifer Riggs Nancy Sutton Sarah Woelk p. 1569
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion