. . . The Attorney General of Texas .“H MAl-fOX December 21. 1984 / torney General ! preme calfl BUllding Honorable John B. Holmes. Jr. Opinion NO. JM-266 b. 0. Box 12540 Harris County District Attorney *“*lln. TX. 78711- 254 201 Pannin. Suite 200 Re: Whether a district f’21475.2501 attorney is subject to the Houeton,:Tex.ae 77002 1 I4X SlWS74.13S7 Open Records Act : .Iecopier512147W2M Dear Nr. Iiolmee: ; * Jackron. Sulle 700 i. -Ilab. TX. 7S20245oS You.have informed us that two inmates at the Texas Department of 2lu742aS44 Corrections “have each requested copies of the entire file or files pertaining to themselves vhlch might be held in the [Rarrie County] ~24 Alberle Ave.. ,$ulle 160 district ,attorney’s office.” You have asked whether the district El Paso. TX. -2793 attorney must release these files. You argue that the Open Records “‘Y533.3404 Act, article 6252-17a, V.T.C.S.. does not require him to do SO because: (1) the office of the district attorney is part of the 1001 Texas. Suilq 700 judicial department of state government created by article V of the ’ w*ton. lx. 77w2-3111 Texas Constitution and therefore is within the judiciary exception to 3l223.5888 the definition of “governmental body” contained in section 2(l) of the act; (2) the district attorney’s office la not a “record-generating agency,” and “documents held by it that are public records should be . -6 Broadway. Sulle 312 obbcxk, TX. 7S401-479 obtalned from the agency that is the legal custodian of said records”; aarr47-5238 and (3) the files are excepted from required disclosure under sections .3(a)(l). 3(a)(3)$ 3(e)(7). and 3(a)(8) of the act. 08 N. Tenlh. St1114S In responac to your first argument, It Is true that the office of h.CAIlm. TX. 7SSw1885 512lSS2-4Y7 the dietrict attorney ,ls part of the judicial department created by article. V of the Texas Constitution. Thle does not mean. however. that this office la vlthin the judiciary exception to the Open Records .JO Main Plu*. Sulle 400 Act. !Z.anAntonlo. TX. 782052797 -:2/2254191 The office of county sheriff is also within the judicial depart- ment of state government. Tex. Const. art. V. 123. Nevertheless, in An Equal Opporlunllyl Open Records Decision No. ,7g (1975). this office held that the office Wrm.tlre ActIon Employer of sheriff is within section 2(1)(F) of the Open Records Act. which defines “governwntal body” to include “the part, section. or portion of. every organization. corporation. commi6slon. committee. institu- tion* or agency which is supported In vhole or in part by public fundo. or which expends public funda.” and that it is not within the section Z(l)(C) judiciary exception. The decision reasoned as follovs: p. 1185 Honorable John B. Holmes, Jr. - Page 2 (JH-266) The office of sheriff Is created under the ludicial article of the Constitution . . . and is a part of the judicial department of the State government. See State v. Moore. 57 Tex. 307 (1882). The G Records Act in section 2(1)(G) excludes ‘the -Judiciary from the definition of governmental body; however. we do not believe this exclusion operates here to remove the sheriff from the coverege of the Act. It is our opinion that the Legislature did not use the term ‘judiciary’ to denote all those persons who are in the judicial department. Thus, it is our vlev that e district court vould be excluded from the opera- tion of the Act, vhile the Sheriff would not. The Legislature’s specific inclusion of comissioners courts in the Act reinforces this view since comelsaioners courts are also created in the judicial article of the Constitution. In Benavides v. Lee. 665 S.W.2d 151 (Tex. Civ. App. - San Antonio 1983, no writ). moreover, the San Antonio Court of Appeals construed the judiciary exception. Benavldes involved an appeal from a district court order granting a writ of mandamus under the Open Records Act. The district court had ordered a member of the. Webb County Juvenile Board to release those parts of resumea containing the qualifications of applicants for the position of chief juvenile probation officer. The board, however, sought to have the order overturned, arguing that .the board was an extension of the judiciary and therefore was not subject to the act. The court of appeals disagreed. stating: Appellant suggests that the Board is an exten- sion of the judiciary because the dutlee of the juvenile probation officer for which that offker anauere directly to the Board are entwined vith the functions of the judiciary. Furthermore, all the Board members are members of the judiciary except for the county judge vho has both judicial and non-judicial functions. Analysis should focus not on the functions of the probation officer but on the Board Itself and the kind of information requested. Since the applicant informatlon vae collected and used by the Board, the nature of the Board In part determines the applicability of the Open Records Act to Board records. The Board is not a court. A separate entity, the juvenile court, not the Board, exists to adjudicate matters concerning P. 1186 Houorable John R. Holmes, Jr. - I’age 7 (JM-266) juveniles. Nor Is the Board directly controlled or supervised by a court. Horeover; simply ,becsuse the Legislature chose judges aa Board members. art. 5139353. 91, does not in itself indicate they perform on the Board as members :of the judiciary. Board members are paid a separate salary for their Roard work in addition to their salaries as judges. Further- more, classification of the Board as judicial or not depends on the functions of the Board, not on members’ service elsewhere in government. The Board’s role as described in art. 5139555 z exclusively administrative. . . . The judiciary exception, 02(l)(C). ins important to safeguard judicial proceedings and maintain the independence of the judicial branch of government, oreservinn.statutorv and case law already_ -govern- ing access- to judi&al records. But it must not be extended to every governmental entity having any connection with the judiciary. The intent of the Open Records Act must not be circumvented by an unnecessarily broad reading of the judiciary exclusion. (Emphasis added). Using these guidelines, we conclude that the office of the district attorney is not within the judiciary exception. This office is not a court’ nor is it directly controlled or supervised by a court. Its functions. moreover, are primarily executive, in the sense that its primary duty Is to enforce the law. Code Grim. Proc. art. 2.01. In our opinion’ the office of the district attorney’ like the office of the county sheriff, clearly Is supported by public funds and therefore Is within the section 2(1)(F) portion of the definition of “governmental body” contained in the Open Records Act. Because ve are of the opinion that this office is not within the judiciary exception to that definition, ue conclude that it is a governmental body within the meaning of the act. In aosuer to your second argument’ the fact that a request for public records might be more appropriately directed to a different governmental body does not mean that it cau be dismissed by a govern- mental body to vhicl’ it Is properly directed. Section 3(a) of the Open Records Act provides that [allI. information collected, assembled. or msin- talned by governmental bodies pursuant to law or P. 1187 . Honorable John 8. Holmes. Jr. - Page 4 (~~-266) ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business is public information. We have already concluded that the office of district attorney is a “governmental body,” and the information you have provided convinces us that the filer in question constitute “public information” under the foregoing definition. Unless they ere excepted under sectioa 3(a) of the act. therefore, these files must be released. We now turn to your section3(a) arguwnts. First, we reject your section 3(a)(3) argument. You contend that this section, the litigation exception, applies because the files requested are records of final convic- tions but these convictions remaln subject to collateral attack so long as an inmate Is con- fined. A criminal defendant has standing to attack convictions vhich result from guilty pleas as well as jury trials by means of a writ of habeas corpus. Should inmates begin receiving free copies of files kept by the District Attorney’s Office, the anticipation of litigation is very real and very reasonable. You have, hovever. done no more than show that litigation could ensue in one or more instances. Section 3(a)(3) is triggered. not when a mere chance of litigation exists, but only when litigation coucerning e specific matter is either pending or reasonably anticipated. Set, s Open Records Decision No. 331 (1982). Concrete evidence must be adduced shoving that the claim that litlgatlon may ensue is more than mere conjecture. Open Records Decision No. 328 (1982). In this instance. you have furnished us with no concrete evidence indicating that litigation regarding a specific matter is reasonably anticipated. Section 3(a)(7) excepts information concerning matters in vhich the duty of the Attorney General of Texas or an attorney of a political eub- division. to his client, pursuant to the Rules and Canons of Ethics of the State Bar of Texas are Prohibited from disclosure. or which by order of a court are prohibited from disclosure. This section might be applicable in this instance. You have not, however, cited any specific “Rules and Canons of Ethics” or court orders vhich would be violated if information in the requested files were released. Unless you do so within ten (IO) days of the issuance of this opinion, we will conclude that section 3(a)(7) is inapplicable. P. 1188 Honorable John B. Holmes, Jr. - Page 5 (m-266) You also claim exceptiona under sections 3(a)(l) and 3(a)(8). Section 3(a)(l). you assert, excepts the portions of the requested files which contain attorney work product, Code Grim. Proc. art. 39.14; Brem v. State, 571 S.U.2d 314 (Tex. Grim. App. 1978); lnforma- tion that would be tantamount to grand jury files, Code Grim. Proc. arts. 19.34. 20.02, 20.16; Open Records Decision No. 398 (1983); and information excepted under consnon law privacy. Billings V. Atkinson. 489 S.W.Zd 858 (Tex. 1973). Section 3(a)(8), you contend, applies for the following reasons: The District Attorney’s Office is a ‘law enforce- ment agency’ within the meaning of section 3 (a) (8). Investigators who are peace officers are assigned to each felony District Court, the misde- meanor division. and the Special Crime Divisions. These Investigators assist prosecutors in pre- paring evidence for trial. The files of the District Attorney frequently contain Inter-office reports prepared by investigators for internal use. Sections 3(a)(l) and 3(a)(8) very likely except from required disclosure some portions of the requested files. This office has repeatedly stated, however. that governmental entities which claim exceptions to the Open Records Act bear the burden of demonstrating, when such is not readily apparent, how and why those exceptions apply. In this instance, it is not at all apparent how sections 3(a)(l) or 3(a)(E) apply to some of the requested materials. What you deem “attorney work product,” for example, is not clear, nor is it readily apparent how the release of some of these materials vould “unduly Interfere with law enforcement and crime prevention.” See. e.g.. Open Records Decision No. 297 (1981). Within ten (10) days of the Issuance of this opinion. you must indicate which specific portions of the requested materials are, In your opinion. excepted f ram required disclosure under sections 3(a)(l) and 3(a)(8). and you must also indicate, where such is not readily apparent, why these sections apply. If you decline to do so, we vi11 be compelled to conclude that these sections are not applicable. In summary. therefore, the office of the district attorney of Harris County is a “governmental body” within the meaning of the Open Records Act. Within ten (10) days of the issuance of this opinion. you must demonstrate how and why sections 3(a)(l). 3(a)(7). and 3(a)(8) apply to specific portions of the files which have been requested. If such demonstration is not made within ten days, the files must be made available to the requesters. p. 1189 Honorable John 8. Holmaa, Jr. - Page 6 (3~266) SUIIHARY Tbc office of the district attorney la a "governmental body" within the meanjng of the iOpen Records Act. JIM MATTOX Attorney General of Texas Ton GREBN First Aaslstant Attorney General DAVID R. RICNARDS Executive Aasistnnt Attorney General RICK CILPIN Chairman, Opinion Cmittee Preparad by Jon Bible Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COI44ITTEE Rick Gilpin, Cbairmsn Jon Bible Colin Carl Susan Gerr'iaou Jim Uoellinger Jennifer Riggs Nancy Sutton
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion