. , The Attorney General of Texas JIM MAlTOX .k1gust 13, 1984 Attorney General Suprm Ceurl Bulldlnp Honorable Patrick. If. Simmons Oplnlon No. Jn-192 P. 0. Box 12548 District-County Attorney AUSlirl,-I%. 76711-2543 Limestone county Ile: Whether salary payments of 51214762501 P. 0. Box 146 county employees mmt be approved wex 91(y87~1307 Groesbeck, Texas 76642 monthly by a c&ssioners court l.IecOpler 5121475.0255 Dear Mr. Stins: 714 Jackeon.Suite 700 Dallas. lx. 75202.4508 You have asked whether payment of salaries to county officials 2l4n42ao44 require monthly rlpproval either by the comPliseiooers court or the county auditor. Although you specifically inquire as to the effect of 4524AIberIa Ave., Sulle 150 article 1660. V.!!. C.S., other relevant statutes must be considered In El Paso. TX. -2793 resolving this qclc:stion. We conclude that each county warrant paid to 01- an official or InPployee of the county requires cotissioners court approval. ~Tylfr ‘I. Shelby County, 47 F.2d 103 (5th Cir. 1931). The 10011exaa.Suite 700 county auditor s rsrlor approval is not required. however. Nc.uetcn.TX. 77w2-3111 71Y223a56 A comlssiaoers court is required to “audit and settle all accounts against the county and direct their payment.” V.T.C.S. art. 2351(10). All ptlyments must comply with the county’s budget with SO5Bmadray. &It. 312 iegard to those or.laries which have been approvid for county officials L&bock. TX. 7940+34To Kef747.5232 and ,amployees. 1r.T.C.S. art. 689a-11; art. 166611. The funds are actually :disbursc!cl by the county treasurer under the direction of the comifmioners can’t. Article 1709s. V.T.C.S.; generally requires that 43W N. Tenth, Buile B all county money be deposited with the county treasurer or in the McAllm, lx. 7s501-lw5 5lmS24547 county depository and that [n]o m~leys shall be expended or withdrawu from 200 MaIn Plaza,Sul1e400 the cmnty treasury except by checks or warrants Ssn Antonlc. lY.. 7S20&2297 drawn OII the county treasury . . . . 512l2254191 V.T.C.S. art. 17OIla. 14. It Is the duty of the county treasurer, upon An Equal oppoftunlcy/ the presentation of a warrant drawn by the proper authority. to AfflmmtlveActIon Emplw~ endorse said wsrrknt for the benefit of the named payee if there are sufficient funds znallable. Id. W(d). Thus, the proper authority in the payment of ,slaries is-he- commissioners court, whose order directing paynenl: , i.e. the, warrant. is attested by the county clerk. -Id. 14(e). Although the county auditor has broad authority to “see to the -. .. strict lnfo r c em4 nt or cne law governing county finances.” article Honorsble Patrick H. Simmone - Page 2 (JM-192) 1651, V.T.C.S.. and the potter to disapprove certain claims against the county unless contracted for according to law, he does not have the authority to require prior approval of salary “claims.” Of course, the auditor may refuse to s:o-sign a salary warrant which he believes, in good faith, to be unauthorized. Without his signature. the county warrant is invalid and camzot be paid by the depository. Attorney Caneral Opinion S-149 (1955). The courts have been inconsistent in their discussion of a count:r auditor’s authority to disapprove salary warrants. The rule to be tlczived from the cases. however. is that if the county employee, as a clatter of right, is entitled to be paid a sum certain, the county autl:Ltor has a ministerial duty to co-sign the warrant and may be subject to a writ of mandamus to do so; however, if the auditor has reasonable grounds on which to question the salary payments, he may. in his dA,Ecretion , refuse to co-sign the warrant, in which event the employee’s remedy is a suit against the county rather than a mandamus action agaj,r,st the auditor. In any event, it is clear that salary payments are n>t “claims” under articles 1660 and 1661 which require prior approval by the auditor of such claims before action of the commissioners court. Article 1660. V.T.C.S.. provides that 1411 claims, t8illa and accounts against the county must be fj.led in ample time for the auditor to examine and allprove same before the meetings of the comissionerci court. No claim. bill or account shall be r.llowed or paid until it has been examined and app:cc)ved by the county auditor. The auditor shall examine the sams and stamp his approval thereon, If he deema it necessary, all such accounts, ‘bill [sic], or claims must be verified by affi,iwit touching the correctness of the same. The auditor is hereby authorized to administer oaths l’or the purposes of this law. Article 1661, V.T.C.S.. metalwhile. states the following: Section 1. E,e shall not audit or approve any such claim unl~s it has been contracted as provided by law, nor any account for the purchase of supplies or materials for the ,use of said county or any of !.ts officers, unless, in addition to other reqdirrments of law, there is attached thereto a requisition signed by the officer ordering same an2 approved by the county judge. Said requisition must be made out and signed and approved in triplicate by the said officers, the triplicate to raprlin with the officer desiring the p. 839 Honorable Patrick H. Slwons - Page 3 (JH-192) purchase, the &rplicate to be filed with the county auditor. cmd the original to be delivered to the party from whom said purchase Is to be made before any purchase shall be made. All warrants on the county tlz!asurer. except warrants for jury service, must be-counter signed by the auditor. ‘Sec. 2. The county judge of a county having an auditor may waive by his owu written order the approval of the county judge on requisitions. The order shall be .recorded in the minutes of the Cowissloners (Iourt. If the county judge’s approval is waived. all claims must be approved by the Conm&Monexs Court in open court. @mphesis added). The above requirements for the approval of claims do not apply to payments out of the county treasury for salaries, judgments against the county which are settl.c!d by the commissioners court. or purchases under special contract. Attorney General Opinion 8-977 (1977). The most recent ca;ltr discussing the auditor’s authority to withhold his signature fxom salary warrants Is Smith v. I4cCoy. 533 S.W.2d 457 (Tax. Civ. App. - Dallas 1976. writ dlsm’d). In this case three deputy sberiffs had been suspended without pay by the sheriff and later reinstated. TCz sheriff requested the commissioners court to award back pay for the period of the suspension. The comdssioners court agreed to do so a:iLi issued the warrants, which the auditor refused to co-sign, ques:::loning the legality of back payments for salary to suspended couhty employees. The deputy sheriffs, as plaintiffs, sued for a writ of mandamus against the auditor. seeking to compel his co-signaturr:. The court found that the auditor did not abuse his discretioh in r8eCusing to co-sign the warrants because the matter of back payment prc!clented a “difficult legal question,” or, In other words, that the plaintiffs did not as a matter of law have a right to the salary payments. Where a claimsnt’s r!L(:ht is established as a matter of law, the auditor has a ministerial tluty to approve payment. Thus, in the case of Jackson v. Leonard, 578 S.W.2d 879 (Tex. Civ. App. - Houston [14th Dist.1 1979, writ ref’d n.r.e.), the court held that the audit6r could not question the salary increases awarded justices of the peace pursuant to the salary Ii::ievance committee procedures. The court found that these claims were not claims subject to the auditor’s approval authority under articles 1660 and 1661, but that he was under a ministerial duty to cc-sign the warrants. See also Nacogdoches COUlltY V. Jinkins. 140 S,,\l.Zd 901 (Tex. WV. App. - Beaumont 1940, writ ref’d) (the county auditor had no authority to disapprove district clerk claim for salary under articles 1660 and 1661). p. 040 Honorable Patrick H. Simmons - Page 4 (JM-192) In the case of Guerra v. Weathbrly, 291 S.W.2d 493 (Tex. Civ. APP. - Waco 1956, nowrit),: the county had employed an attorney for which the conmissioners court had ordered three separate warrants to be issued serially as compensation. The county auditor refused to co-sign the warrants and t’h: attorney sued for a writ of mandamus. The court did not discuss al,ticles 1660 and 1661, as to whether or not these payments were claims :subject to auditor approval, but held that the conrmlssionera court was r,uthorized to employ an attorney and order warrants for his compensatlc~r, to be Issued. Earlier opinions from the attorney general’s office have been less than ,clear regarding the’ auditor’s authority to disapprove salary payments. None of the opinL,ns clearly conclude that the auditor may simply withhold his signature if he believes that the expenditure would be illegal. Attorney General Opinion O-6624 (1945) concerned the employment and payment ol’ an inventory clerk for the county. This opinion concluded that, pursuant to article 1651. regarding the auditor’s authority to see to the strict enforcement of county finances, the auditor would be authorized to inquire as to whether the clerk was actually performing duties contracted for by the commissioners court. The olbz.nion simply concluded that if the auditor believes that an employee is not discharging his duties, he should simply refuse to counter-sign the employee’s warrants. Attorney General Opinion O-4053 (1541) concerned the authority of a county attorney to continue salary payments to an individual not working on account of personal injury. This opinion advised that the auditor has the authority under article 1660 to require an affidavit from the county commissioner for ir>m the injured employee worked, to the effect that indeed the individual was employed and working. Ewever, as we have discussed above!,, article 1660 does not apply to salary payments, since they are not accounts or claims. Similarly. in Attorney General Opinion O-5890 (1944). it was found that payrolls signed by the respective county officials were’ required to be submitted to the county autl:ltor for his approval under article 1660. We believe that to the exta!nt that either of these opinions conclude that articles 1660 and 1661 require prior approval by the county auditor of salary payments, they are in error and are hereby overruled. In Attorney General Opinion O-5049 (1943). St was concluded that the commissioners court’s duty to audit and settle claims against the county pursuant to article 2351(10) cannot be delegated to the county auditor under a standing o:c&er authorizing the auditor to pay county officials and employees wIthJut periodic approval by the comlssioners court. In other words, tbe monthly payroll reports prepared by the respective county offlcialll are turned in to the commissioners court for its approval and its order issuing salary warrants. See V.T.C.S. art. 1637. Attorney General Opinion O-5049 concluderthat the commissioners court cannot clelegate this responsibility to the county p. 841 Honorable Patrick H. Slmorr - Page 5 (J&192) suditor. In summary, we conclude that salaries paid to county employees require c~issicl~,ers court approval before any warranxs may be issued. The auditor’s prior approval is not required, but his co-signature must be affixciil to the warrant before it may be paid. SUMMARY Salaries paid to county employees require approval by tl~ co&ssloners court before warrants may be issued but do not require prior approval by tht! county auditor, although his co-signature is required. (l$&Y&b Attorney Gsneral of Texas TOM GREEN First Assistant Attorney Grleral DAVID R. RICHABDS Bxecutive Assistant Attoane-r General Prepared by David Brooks Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Rick Gilpio, Chairman David Brooks Colin Carl Susan Garrison Jim Moellitiger Nancy Sutton p. 042
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion