Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

December 22, 1975 TheHonorabl~ %nryWade c&Lion No. H-753 DistrictAttamey m1lascounty awermnmt center Ra: Whetherawuntyamis- Dallils,Texas 75202 sionerscourtcan set a madatmy rstirm8ant age when the countyhas a civil service cannission. Dear Mr. Wade: You have requestedour opinioncmoemiq whethera countyannissioners court in a axnty havinga civilservicecmnissicnmay establisha maximunremtage of at least65 years. Youalso ask whethersuch an orderof the courtwould prevailover an inconsistent regulationof the civilservicecunnission. AttorneyGeneralOpinionsC-178 (1963)and k8-1050(1961)ruled that a carmissioners courthad the pcwerto set a retirenentagefor mstanmty enployees.Howaver,article2372h-6,V.T.C.S.,was subse- quentlyenactedin 1971 and providesfor the creationof countycivil setice carmissions.Such anrnissions are authorizedto 'make,publish, and enforcerules.. . relatingto . . .(4)layoffsand dismissals:. . . and (7)othermattershavingto dowith selectlon of anployeesand their advancement,rights,benefits,aridhvrkingamdhiozs. . . .' Sec. S(a). In our view theseprovisionsof article2372h-6are sufficiently broadto authorize a civil servicecannissionto set a -tory retire- ment age so longas it is not set l&w than 65 years. V.T.C.S.art. 6252-14. Theout-of-state caseswe havediscoveredsupport this resolu- tion. lxddv. VanRi --+ 51 A.2d 34 (N.J.1947);ses also Karrick v. EoardofWlcat~mo 3ndlayS&a31 District,190~~25677Xo~ m;-i&rrberger v-Watson, 114 N.E.2d15 (N.Y.1953);Cawleyv. -- Board of Trustees,76 S.E.2d687.Va. 1953). p. 3188 sincethepd.orcpinicmsofthisofficedidmtczncem aamties &aid had a civilsemice anmissim, and sincetheywsrebasedon the andssimers axrt's generalauthority over enplcyees,wk& nut believe themtoammJlyalrquestions. Whereaonmtyhascreatedacivil sewice amnis5~m, thatanmissionhasgeneraltegulatixyauthority over countynp:7y-es. See AttorneyGeneralC@nicx~H-619 (1975). In our opinionthisautbri~su@snts the impliedauthxityofoxmks- sionerscourtsm ret.iremntages. lhus a amnissiaers court in a car&y havinga +vil serviceonmisaim doss not have the autbrity to set amardatoryrzetummtage; thatauthoritylieswiththe civil semice camtissian. SUMMARY In a axmty whichhas createda civilservicecmnission pursuantto article2372h-6,V.T.C.S.,the civilservice cannissionratherthan the amissioners anrt has the autbrity to enactarmndatoryretiremantage for aoploy- ess subjectto its jurisdidon so longas suchageis notsetla+srthan65years. AttorneyGeneralof l&xi p. 3189