TFIE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF%+EXAS AIJEJTIN. - 78711 April 7. 1975 The Honorable Je.sre Jamen Opinion No. H- 574 State Trcarurcr Treasury Department Re: Limitr of FDIC insurance State of Texar of rtate fundr deporited in Austin, Texae 78711 commercial bankr. Dear Mr. James: You have requeeted our opinion concerning the extent to which funds depooited by the State Treasurer in various bank account6 are insurable under Public Law 93-495, 12 U.S. Code Cong. & Ad. Newr 5684 (19744. Under Article 2529a. V. T. C. S., recurity for deporita of political rubdivirionr ir required only to the extent raid depoeite are not inrured under the Federal Reserve Act, 12 U.S. C. $1811. et req. Public Law 93-495, in addition to raising Federal Deporit Inrurance Corporation (FDIC) coverage to $40,000 for a11 inrured accountr, provider in part: (2) (A) Notwithrtanding any limitation in thir Act or in any othaprovieion of law relating to the amount of deporit insurance available for the account of any one deporitor, in the caee of a deporitor who ir . . . . . . . (ii) an officer, employee, or agent of any State of the United Staten, or of any county, municipality, or political rubdivieion thereof having official custody of public fund6 and lawfully inverting or deporitinn the rame in time and eavingr depoeitr in an inrured bank in euch State.: . . . hie depoeit .&all be ineured in an amount not to exceed $100,000 per account. (Emphario added) Section 101(a), amending, 12 U.S. C. 3 1821(a). p. 2564 The Honorable Jesre Jamer page 2 (H-574) The FDIC har conrtrued thecle provisions in Ruler and Rsgula- tionr Section 330.8, Public Unit Accountr, 39 Fed. Rag. 41359 (1974), which provide6 in part: (a) (2) Each official custodian of funds of any State of the United Staten or any county, municipality, or political rubdivirion thereof deporiting the same in time or oavings depoeitr in an insured bank in the same State shall be reparately insured up to $100,000. . . . , (5) .Each official curtodian referred to in para- graphs (a)(2), (3) and (4) of this clection lawfully depositing such funds in demand deporitr in an insured bank within the eame State,District of -Columbia, Commonwealth, po~aerrion or territory comprising the public unit or wherein the public unit is located, or in any form of deporit, whether time, sayings or demand, in an insured bank outside jurisdiction, shall be separately inmured up to $40,000. (6) For purposes of thin paragraph (a), if the same person is an official curtodian of more than one public unit, he shall be separately insured with respect to the public funds held by him for each such unit, but shall not be separately insured by virtue of holding different offices in such unit or, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this eection. holding such funda for different purposes. (b) Public bond iaaues. Where an officer, agent or employee of a public unit has custody of certain funds which by law or under the bond indenture are required to be paid to the holders of bonds irrrued by the public unit, any deporit of ruch p. 2565 The Honorable Jerre Jamer page 3 (H-574) fundr in an inrured bank shall be deemed to be a deporit by a truetee of truer fundr of which the bondholder6 are pro rata beneficiarier, and each such beneficial interest 6hall be reparately inrured up to $20,000. It appears that paragraph 2 ir more limited in itr application than the statute itself, the former limiting FDIC insurance to $109,000 per custodian rather than per account. Given the state policy to pro- tect the 6ecurity of state fund6 deposited in banks, we believe the more restrictive language of the FDIC Rule6 and Regulation6 should be followed under article 2529a, for while we have some doubt regarding the validity of this construction, it remains the official administrative interpretation pending amendment or judicial alteration. Under the FDIC rules and regulatlonr the deposits of each custodian of public fund6 for each public unit are inrured to $100,000 in the aggregate for time and savings depositr and to $40,000 in the aggregate fWh$8d depa~ti d BldepositsS ban&e outside the 6tate. Public unit is defined in 12 U.S. C. 1813 (m) as ‘I . . . any State of the United States, . . . any county, . . . any municipality, or . . . any political eubdivision thereof. ” Section 330.8(c) of the FDIC rule8 and regulationo provides: (c) Political subdivieion. The term “political subdivision” include6 anv subdivirion of a public unit, as defined in 6ection 3(m) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, or any principal depart- ment of such public unit, (1) the creation of which subdivision or department has been exprersly authorized by State statute, (2) to which some functions of government have been delegated by State rtatute, and (3) to whichkinG have been allocated by rtatute or ordinance for its exclusive ure and control. It also includes drainage, irriga- tion, navigation! improvement, levee, ranitary, school or power di6triCt6, and bridge or port au- thorities and other special district6 created by p. 2566 .~ _ .----. - ..-_. _. _ The Honorable Jerre Jamar page 4 (H-574) State rtatute or compactr between the Statea. Excluded from the term are rubordinate or nonautonomoun divirionr, lgenciem, or boards within principal departmentr. 12 C. F. R. S 330.8(c) (1974). Thir definition of political rubdivirion differ8 in some rerpectr from that adopted by the State for its own purporea. See H-365 (1974). Of course for FDIC purporer the above definitiox to be utilired. When the State Trearurer depoait6 fundr for different political rub- divirions an defined by the FDIC, the fundr of each rubdivirion are ineured to $100,000 in the aggregate for time and ravings deporitr and to $40,000 for demand deposit6 and all depoeitr in banks outaide the State. For example, were the State Trearurer to deposit fund6 for the University of Texan System, Park6 and Wildlife Department, and the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, the fundr of each such rubdivirion would be aeparately in6ured to the maximumr. To the extent any depo6itr are inrured by the FDIC recurity ir not required from the bank under article 2529a, V. T. C. S. SUMMARY The FDIC Rules and Regdationr, 12 C. F. R. 5330.8 (1974) i6 the appropriate rtandard for determining FDIC coverage of depo6itr of public fundr. The deponitn of each curtodian of a public unit are insurable to $100,000 per bank in the aggregate for time and raving6 deponitr in bank6 within the rtate, and to $40,000 per bank in the aggregate for demand deporits within the rtate and all depoaita outride the &ate. Greater coverage is available for fund6 to be paid to holders of public irrue bond6 and in nome other circumntancer. To p. 2567 . The Honorable Jesse James page 5 03,- 574) the extent that depo6itr of public unite are insured by FDIC, no additional recurity ir required by article 2529a. APPROVED: DAVID M. KENDALL, Firrt Assistant 3 Opinion Committee p. 2568
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion