May 29, 1974 The Honorable W. L. Hardwick Opinion No. H- 314 County Attorney County of Live Oak Re: Increases in salaries of George West, Texas 78022 elected county officials under grievance procedure of Article 3912k. V. T. C. S. Dear Mr. Hardwick: Your opinion request advises us that two Justices of the Peace in Live Oak County requested a hearing before the Grievance Committee as authorized by Article 3912d $ 2 (d). The hearing was to request in- crease in their salaries. The committee was not unanimous, but each Justice received at least 6 votes to grant the increase they requested. Thereafter, the recommendation of the Grievance Committee was delivered to the Commissioners Court and the Court considered and granted their increase at its next meeting. You have asked us in effect whether Attorney General Opinion No. H-11 &ted February 15, 1973, stating that any increase in salaries of elected county and precinct officers must await budget hearings for the next fiscal year, applies to elected mmtyor precitzt officers who have complied with the procedures set out in Article 39121.. s 2 (b),(c), and (d), V. T. C. S. , pertaining to the Grievance Committee. It is our opinion that the.grievance procedure established in 0 2 provides a procedure for obtaining immediate raises for elected county and precinct officials, without waiting for regular budget hearings. We arc advised that this is a commonly followed practice. This act estab- !ishas a coslr.:y grievance committee compoeed of nine members selected as set forth ?n subsection(b) and (c) of 5 2. Sb.tbucxtion (d) of 5 2 estab- liwhos.the purpose and functions of this cornnitt\*e ad follows: p. 1453 . . I The Honorable W. L. Hardwick page 2 (H-314) .I. “(d) Any elected county or prrc,nct ufiicer ~1.0 is aggrieved by the setting of his salary, expenses. or other allowance by the commissioners court may request a hearing before the committee. The request shall be in writing, shall state the manner in which he is aggrieved, and shall be delivered to the chairman of the committee. The chairman shall announce the time and place of the hearing, which shall be within 30 days after receipt of the request. If, after a hear- ing, the committee by a vote of six of its voting members decides to recommend a change in the salary, expenses, or other allowance of the person requesting the hearing, it shall prepare its recommendation in writing and deliver it to the commissioners court, which shall con- sider the recommendation at its next meeting. A written recommendation signed by all nine members and delivered to the commissioners court becomes effective without the action of the commissioners court on the first day of the month following its delivery to the commissioners court. ‘* The question you have asked is if an elected county or precinct offic,ial follows the procedure of subsection(d), supra, ind if the Commis- sioners Court grants the recommended salary increase, c-an it then amend the col;nty budget to implement the increase. Subsection (d) provides that if at least six members of the grInvance committee vote to recommend the increase it shall deliver its recommenda- tion to the court in writing and that the court “shall consider the recom- mendation at irs next meeting. ” There is nothing in the ilct that requires the court under these fact8 to follow the committee’s recommendation. but if it grants the increase it would then have the implied authority to amend the cbunty budget to implement its ‘dcclsion. Terrell v. Sparks, 135 S. W. 519 (1911); Moon v. Alred, 277 S. W. 787 (Tex. Civ. App., 1925. err. diam. ); Attorney General Opinions V-657 (13~13). C -505 (1965). M-436 (1969) and H-11 (1973). p. 1454 ‘. . The Honorable W. L. Hardwick page 3 (H-314) Accordingly we hold that when a county or precinct official follows the procedures of Article 3912k and thereby becomes entitled to an increase in salary. such increase becomes effective in accordance with the provi- sions of that statute and does not need to await the next regular budget hearing. SUMMARY Elected county and precinct officers who follow the procedures of Article 391tk and thereby become entitled to salary increases may receive them, effac- tive in accordance with the provisions of that statute, and do not need to await the budget hearings for the next fiscal year. Very truly yours, DAVID M. KENDALL, Chairman Opinion Committee p. 1455