The Honorable Joe W. Hayes Opinion No. H-32 County Attorney, Hemphill County P. 0. Box 613 Rc: Is the at-large method of Canadian, Tcxaa 79014 electing County Comminaionera constitutional in light of Article 5, Section 18 of the Dear Mr. Hayea: Texar Conrtitution? You have askedour opinion concerning the election of County Commirrionera of Hemphill County. Your letter atater that one precinct in the county containr 85 to 90 per cent of the entire county population and that, to avoid having to redistrict the county, the four commiaaionere are elected “at-large” with each voter in the county having one vote for each commissioner to be elected. Article 5. $18 of the Constitution of the State of Texas provider, in part: “Each county ahall in like manner be divided into four commissionerr precincts in each of which there rhall be elected by the qualified voters thereof one County Commissioner, who shall hold his office for four year6 and until hia successor shall be alected and qualified. . . . ” (Emphasis added) This provision leaves no room for interpretation and it must be obeyed. There must be one commissioner from each of four precincts, elected by the voter8 of each precinct. Your question wa*: “II the at-large method of electing County Commisrioners constitutional in light of Article 5, Section 18 of the Texas Constitution? ” We answer that it is not. p. 135 The Honorable Joe W. Hayes, page 2 (H-32) We would also call to your attention the decision in Avery v. Midland County, 390 U. S. 474, 20 L. Ed. 2d 45, 88 S. Ct. 1114 (1968), holding that the “one man - one vat:e” rule applied to the election of commissioners and that it was not permissible for members of the commissioners court to be apportioned among single-member districts of substantially unequal population. SUMMARY Article 5, 0 18 of the Constitution of the State of Texas specifically requires that there shall be four commissioner’s precincts in each county and that the county commissioners shall each be elected by the qualified voters of one of those precincts - not at-large. Very truly yours, v Attorney General of Texas DAVID M,. KENDALL, Chairman Opinion Committee p. 136
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion