THE ATTBRNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Hon. 0. N. Humphreys, Jr. Opinion No. H-l Administrator, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Re: Whether the provisions Sam Houston State Office Bldg. of Article 666-17(2) Austin, Texas 78711 b& V;;;;;'E,;;n;; PackAge Stores that were in existence prior to its effective Dear Mr. Humphreys: date? Article 666-17(2)(a), Vernon's Penal Code, as amended In 1951, provides: "Where a major,ityof the ownership in each of more than one '(1)legal entity, holding Package Store Permits under this Act, is owned by one (1) person, or by persons related within the first degree of consanguinity, the businesses thereof may be consolidated under one (1) legal entity and the permits shall be issued to such entity notwithstanding any other provision of this Act and further pro- vided that after such consolidation it shall be illegal to transfer any of such permits to any other county." Your request for an opinion asks whether this provision appliesonly to those Package Store Permits that were in exiS- tence on its effective date. You advise that the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has permitted consolidation since the effective date of the original enactment of the provision in 1949. Except for the use of "is owned" instead of "shall be owned' or some similar Ilanguage,we see nothing in the statute to indicate an intention .thatIt be limited to those Package Store Permits 4n effect at the date of ,i,ts enactment. -6334- Hon. 0. N. Humphreys, Jr., page 2 (H-1) Since, in 1951 and thereafter prior to the amendment of the Texas Liquor Control Act by Acts 1971, 62nd Legislature, R.S. Ch. 65, p.681, all permits automatically expired on August 31 of each year, such a restricted construction would render the statute virtually meaningless. Generally a statute is held to operate prospectively unless a contrary construction is required by its plain and unequivocal language. Article 1, Section 16, Constitution of the State of Texas; Life Insurance Co. v. Rey 50 Tex. 511 (1878); Cox v. Robleon 105 Tex. 42b 150 S W 1149(1912). Interestingly this rule is stated s~ecificaliy in the Code Construction Act, Art. 51129b-2,V.A.C.S., Section 3.02. Finally, the construction placed upon the Act by the Commission is entitled to considerable weight. We therefore conclude that the "consolidation" pro- vision of Article 666-17(2)(a) is not limited to Package Store Permits in existence on its effective date and we answer your question in the negative. -SUMMARY- Article 666-17(2)(a), Vernon's Texas Penal Code, which provides for consolidation of entities holding Package Store Permits into one (1) entity under certain conditions, is prospective in appli- cation and is not limited to those entities holding Package Store Permits at the time of its effective date. *rs very truly, Attorney General of Texas APPROVED: bAVID M KENDALL Chairman Opinion'C!ommitte& -6:j35-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion