Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hon. Wm. N. Hensley OpInIon No. v-597 Criminal District Attorney San Antonio, Texas Re: The payment from Coun- ty funds of fees of attorneys appointed by the court to represent the defendant In lunacy cases. Dear Sir: Reference Is made to your recent request which reads, In part, ,a8 follows: "On M&h 9, 1948, we received a request for an opinion from the County Auditor In regard to payment of attor- ney's fees by the County In lunacy cases under Article 5550, R.C.S. A copy of, this request Is enclosed. .~"On:AprIi7, 1948, we rendered our opinion No. E-103 thereon, answering said request In the affirmative to the effect that the attorney's fee provided by law could be paid out of C,oun$yPu&zds. A copy of this opinion Is enclosed. "The CoirntyAuditor now wants us to secure an opinion from you on the same question, not being completely sat&fied that we have settled the law thereon. "Ue, therefore, respectfully refer his request to you, together with our opinion therton, and we desire your opln- Ion thereto. The request of the County Auditor Is, In part, as follows: 1(OnMarch 29th, the Commissioners' Court passed an order approving the 1. ,,‘,., - ax ea, Hon. Wm. N. Hensley, page 2 (v-597) claim of Lester L. Klein, Attorney at Law, In the amount of $15.00 and auth- orized me to draw Voucher Warrant In payment of same. "This claim of Mr. Klein Is for representing defendants In three lunacy cases at $5.00 per case, he having been appointed by Hon.,Chas. J. Matthews, Judge County Court at Law No. 2, actlng~. for Chas. W. Anderson, County Judge Bexar County,~Texas.. Article 5550, Vernon's Texas Statutes authorizes the County Judge to appoint council In lunacy cases 'at a fee not to exceed $5.00 per case & be taxed as cost In the case. "This statute does not say that this fee shall be paid by the County from County funds. It appears to me that If there Is no other Statute auth- orlzlng this fee td be paid from Coun- ,ty funds that It wduld be paid If and when the cost were collected In each case. "Does the Statute permit th$s fee to be paid from Count,yfunds?" ', Article 5550, Vi C. S., Is as follows: "The cause shall be docketed on the probate docket of :the.CourtIn the uame of the State of Texas as plaintiff, and the person charged to be Insane as defendant. The County Attorney or the District Attorney In counties having no County Attorney, shall appear and repre- sent the State on the hearing, and the defendant shall also be entitled to COUH- sel; and In proper cases the County Judge may appoint counsel for that purpose. "In cases In which the County Judge may deem It necessary to appoint counsel for the defendant, such appointment shall be noted upon the docket giving the name of the attorney so appointed, and In cases In which the County Judge deems It neces- 8, . Hon. Urn.H. Hensley, page 3 (v-5971 sary a fee may be allowed to counsel for the defendant In such sum as may be fixed by the County Judge, and noted on the docket, In an amount not to ex- ceed Five Dollars ($5,00), to be taxed as coats In the case. Artlhle 4316, V. C. S., provides that: "When any person IS found to be of unsound mind or to be an habitual drunk- ard, the cost of the proceeding shall be paid out of his estate; or, If his es'- tate be InsuffIcIent to pay the aame, such costs shall be paid out of the county treabury, and the judgment of the court shall be accordingly. If the defendant be discharged; the person at whose In- stance the proceeding was had shall pay the costs of such proceeding; unless the Informant be an officer acting In his of- ficial cap&Ity in filing the Information, In which cash the costs shall be paid out of the county treasury.n we assume that a fee of $5.00 was allowed by the County Judge In each case. Article 5550 provides that such fee shall be taxed as costs. Article 4316 provides how costs shall be paid In lunacy,cases. Since both the foregoing stat- utes relate to lunacy oases, they must be oonsldered to- .~getherIn regard to the taxing of costs. When this Is done, and In view of the plain language of Article 4316, It is our opinion that If In such a trial the person Is found to be of unsound mind, such fee should be paid out of his estate. But if his estate be Insufficient, then It should be paid out of the county treasury. If the defendant be discharged, then the fee should be paid by the person at whose Instance such proceeding was had, .unless the Informant be an officer acting within his of- ficial oapaclty In filing the complaint, In which case the costs shall be paid out of the county treasury. SUMMARY In a lunacy case where the defen- dant was found to be Insane and the Coun- ty Judge appointed an attorney to repre- 1. . Hon. Wm. H. Hensley, page 4 (v-597) sent defendant and allowed.an attorney's fee, the fee should be paid out of defen- dant's estate as part of the costs of suit. If his estate Is Insufficient the attor- ney's fee should be paid out of the County Reasury as part of the posts. If the de- fendant was discharged, then the fee should be paid by the person at whose Instance such proceeding was had, unless the Infor- mant be an offloer acting within his offl- clal capacity In filing the complaint, In which case the costs shall be nald out of the County ~easurY. Articles-5550 and 4316, V. c. 3. Your8 very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY BA:erc:w AssIst+nt APPROVED;: