AumriIh- BP. TExAl3 December 30, 1947 Hon. John M. Steele Opinion No. V-460 County .Attorney Lubbock County Re: The legality of search- Lubbock, Texas ing an automobile for liquor without a search warrant upon probable cause0 Dear Sir: Reference Is made-to your request for an opinion on the above-captionedaubjcct...Youhave indicated in your request that you'vlew the decisions'onthe subject as be- ing in conf lat. It 1s our opinion that the present per- tinent sta., tite and the decfsions thereon are reconcilableo You have indicated the cases of 'Weeksv. State, 106 S. W. (2d).27:5and Waltrip v+~State, ,114S. W. (2d) 555 as being authority for'preoludlngsearch of an auto- mobile for liquor without a search warrant.upon probable ea.&se,and as being irreconcilablewith-the~holdingin Bullock ~6 State,.lG.S.W. (2d) 1077. The Bullock &secited by you wasdecided in 1929 under prohibitionw~henthe offense was a felony,and a penitentiarysentence was.assessed therein;.so clearly there was authority',to.arrestand search without a war- rant at that time, In,both the Weeks Case and the Walt&p Case the objection of the Court was to the arrest.of the de- fendant without a warrant, preceding,or acoompanying?;he search of the automobilelandt,he,sel2u~reof t.heliquor, which vitiated the search of the automobile and precluded the introductionof -evidenceseiied thereunder. We quote the .significantlanguage in Waltrip v. State, supra, which parallels the holdlng in Weeks v0 State, supraj as follows: "Therefore,we must hold that the arrest of appellantwas'without ,authorlty,and, this being the case, a subsequent search of appel- ants automobile.waslikewise without authorfty, Honi.':John M..Steele, Page 2 v-468 We&s vs. State, 132 Tex. Cr. R. 524, 106 s.w: ,-(2d) 275.e, In discussingthe problem with particularrefer- ence to the cases you have'cited,the Court of Criminal Appeals in Cothren v. State, 136 Tex. Cr. R, 463, 126 Sb W?: (2d) 32, held as fo$lows: "Appellantcites Moss v? State Tex. Cr,~ 117 S. W. '2d428 and Weeks v' State %?+ex. Cr,,R, 524 166.S. W 2d 2i5 $0 "' support his,positio: that ,the*.arrest$as ilr legal, Weeks' case was decided in May,l937, and .Moss'case in 1938 on a t,ransactionwhich occurred in March 1937. Atethe time.the ~.: offenae.ineach oh'the cases mentioned'oc- curred t$he.Legisl&re'had not authorized arrests?withoutwarrant,forkthe offense here charged,.hencethe,hording that.the arre:st$ in the.foregoing caseawere ille' all."ByAct 8.. ..: of the l&h Legislature;page.10 9;,~ Se;&;@.;: A+,, l,..,Ch. '467,A&,2d C.."S,,:;?&th:' .Legialature;"was.,s~' amended as 'totiuthorize-.. an.arrast for theoffense here chargedwSth< out,~awarrant..' The:amended statute~b,ec,tie.- opemtive',onSeptembdr~l,~1937,~aud.wa%ef- fective~when the a.r~i%t..hdrewasmade Ion .:_. 12,'1938. The amended law is carried .Apxyil forward in Vernon's,..Tex.P, C. Vol.~l .as 666-30~. For opinion'makingappl&- 'Art.~ tion.,ofthe present statute see Eprosonv.. State,,Tex; Cr. App.,~120 SO W? 2d 1073. 'The ,arrestof appellant being legal~the .searoh:of,~his car'wos authorized..~Linthicum v.~Ctate~,134.Tex. Cr..R..608,116 2..W, 2d.714 and~many'authorities therein cited'. 'Theamended statute authorizes., theesearchland seisu+e 'with,out warrant'.,of,:allcontrabandliquor. Under the'tw6'provi~~ons:pointed out ,itoccurs to ua that'offic,sSs.non~hpVg the same rig&to. sear& a.vehi,oleupdn,probable causa~'as,.tin- "de* the for@er stateTwide.prohibition~law, ,tbat is,.tiere;th+ 'searchirigofficer pr$qP to the search hasknoyledge or informatiq of the facts constitu$ingprobable.causs. The subject w$.llbe f,oundtreat@ in 38'~,Tex, .~Jur,,Sets, 60&g,: $.,85 etc,~tith'qanp Hon. John-M. Steele, Page 3 V-468 cases annotated in the footnotes which il- lustrate our holding upon the phrases arising under varying facts." Of similar import see the decision of the Court of Criminal A peals in Moss v. State, 136 Tex. Cr. R. 36, 123 S. W. (2dP 355, (not to be confu~sedwith the case reported in 117 S. W. (2d) 428) holding Art. 666-44 V.P.C., as it now reads, authorizes arrestwithout a~ warrant in cases of search of an automobile for liquor. Since the foregoing expressionsof the Co&t of Criminal Appeals, the Court has repeatedlyupheld the search of anautomobile without a search warrant uor upon probable cause, as it had theretoforedone upon many occasions.~.Burns v:State, 141 Tex. Cr. R. 557, 150 S. W. (2d) 38; Crawford v. State, 145 Tex. Cr.~R. 497, 169 S. W. (2d) 719; Long v. State, Tax. Cr. R. -, 196 S. W. (2d)~635. In none of th-regoing cases was the questionof arrest without a warrant raised as vitiating an accompanyingor preceding search of an automobile for liquor the only question being the introductionof evidence seized as the result of the search of the automobile. It~is our 'opinionthatArticle.666-44,V. .P. as amended by-Acts'l937.45th Leg pe 1053 eh.: &A is determinativeof,thL problem i! the sea&h 'of an iutomobile for liquor without a search warrant upon probable cause. We reach this conclusion since, under the,foregoing cases,.thereis no qu~estionof~arrest with- out a warrant vitiating such search accompan$ng, pre- ceding or subsequentto the arrest* We quote the'per- tinent portionsof Art, 666-44, V, P. C. .vItis furthe~rprovided,thatif any wagon, buggy, automobile,'wateror ~airoraft,or any other vehicle is une~dfor the transportation of any illicit~beverage~;orany equipment de- signed to'be used -forillegal manufacturing.,of illicit beverages,;' or any material of any kind which is to be,used,in the maufacturing of. illicit beverages, such vehic.le.,together with all such beverages,,,;equ:ipment or ,material shall be seized with.out~ any repre-. sentative of the Board or any peace ~officer who shall arrestany person in charge thereof." lion..John M. Steele, Page 4,. ~-468~ SUMMARY An Putomobile~maybe searched without a search warrant for liquor upon probable~ cause by any repre~sentative of ~theestateLiquOr Contrpl.Boardor any peace officer,.Article @6-44., ,?I.. P. C.; Mom v..State 136 Teil. Cr. R.~36;:123:s. ~W. (2d.j ~355;Burns Vi State,,. UJ"Fexi.:Cr.,$. 557,-150~S. W.: (2d)~38; Craw- ford v.,. St&a,ll45~,Tex...@. R. 497,,.$69S. W.' _ (2d) 719; Len ~v. .-St+ite~' TeC Xr. R.L, 196 S.LW~ :(?II 7 635;'38 '$s'ex.Jur..$e&.:.60, page 85; Yours very truly ATTORNEY G&U& OF '&AS ATTORXEY,G&NERAL DJC:rt:bb
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion