. .-- kb-870 Q,F TEX'AS ,'.. AUSTIN~a.- PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL cctobor 26, 1817 RWA. Charlss C. ~Bannister - Irage 2 (T-418) doer aot sxoeod tire yeara, the de?wdant shall have the brnailte OS the auspsnded sentenos aat.” There is nc sxprees~ rapeal of Arti 12570, oontalasd in Bouaa Bill l?o. 120, nor do wa find say lan- guage in the bill that oould be oonetrued as a repeal by Rapeala by irplloation are not favored In 2wuoat~oa* . The Suspended ntonce Aot originally enaotad In 1913 (Aotr 193.3, ‘page 8 r is as Sollows: *Whtwe there is a ootmiotion of a felony in any dlstriot or orlninal ,distr“f at oonrt 01 this State, exorpt murder, perjury, burglaw (Pi a private miidsnoe at night, robbery, amon, tMa6t, bigamy, seUuatf.on, and abortion, and tb punIshmeat assessed by the jury shall BOt 4xoaed rive year8, ths oourt shall auspsnd eentenoe upon writ- ten aworn~applioabion made thereior by the defendant , riled betore th6 trial ’bsgfne. when the deRmdant ha8 no oouas~l, the oourt shall appoint oounsal to prepara and present same it doaired by desendant. In 110oaae shall sentsnoe be suspended exoept whmthe proof shall show and the jury shall fihd in their ‘terdiot that the defendant has never boforo brm oonviotod ot a ‘felony in this or, In Amyother State. This law is Bat to bs oomtxue4 as p~,ematli& ths jury rrom pase- ing on the guilt ot thq dofsadaat, but he may eater a plaa OS hot guilty.* Iz Ztzler 9. Stats, 158 9. W. (Zd,) 495 (4) It Sa said: *Artiole 776 0, C. P. epoolttoally ex- oepta from the suspazsicm of ~sefitenos mph offonsee aa robbery, arson, eta. The :(appel- lent) oontends that &!tlole 1227a, Varnon’a AM. 0. O., rapsalad the former ‘rtatute and now make8 the suspended sentenoe applicable to all Selozy aontiotions. Weedo not so oon- strue the artiola last mntiomd. llrtials 778a, Yoraon~a Ann. 0. ‘0. P. also expres81 .. lxoepta Wbbery, arson @to,. tram thki app lL oatioa or the suspended santenoe law. Art. Hon. Charles U. Bannleter, - Page 3 (V-418) 1257a, supra, deals with the crime of mur- der 0nly and gives one convicted of murder the benefit of a suspended sentence if the punishment do8.s ,not exceed five years, Art. 776, supraa $4 repealed onl insofar a8 it c4nflleCP with Art’. 12570, &Ws Ann. f. G. anb this c4nflict extende only to murder, There is no repesk by Implication or by express language af any other portion tbrwich3 776, c. c. o.* Article 778, Vernon’s Code of Civil Broood-, ure, a part of the original 3uspencled Sentenoe Agt. shows olearly that the c(lurt’a auth,erity to suspend a sentenoe dep,ends upon the defe’ndant’s havl,ng ma&e a written re-, quest for such suspended sentence, and that the, jury has recommended such susPenaie& In Its verdiot. Now, House Bill No., 120 empowers the, courts of the State havine original juriedlction of f'elony cases to p&ace det6ndants on prebatlen under, certain aondltions. The power here Wzited :ln the o4uTt is alearly ,independent of any request by the defendant-fo,r a jury findlnp recom- men&k@ suspensloh or probatle@, and Independent Indeed of the presence of a jury in the ,oase. There is no la&on- sletsncy In these sets. *TiaS$both stand. Not only is there no repeal of Article 1257e, but on the contrary it is expressly declared in Housr BllL NQ. lstb that *nothIm in this act shall be construed as repeallnf; ArtloLe 716 through 7$L of Vernon’s Annotated Ytatutos, Code of Criminal Procedure, commonly known a5 bke Suspend08 Sentence Law.* Thlr opinion is, in harmony with our Opinion NO. 'v-389. .iie agree with the opinion expremsed by you in which you say: “It is my opinion that the Legislature did not Intend for ii. 5. 120 to affect the provision for sus- pended sentences ,ln murder casea but the lawuage of the new statute does not a0 specifically state.** Article 1257a, ‘v’ernonls Penal Code, has not bet3Arepealed by House till1 Noi 120 of the 50th Legislature - The Adult Probation and Pa*- rele B&t. goon. Charlea 42. wnalstdm - Pa&O4 (t-418) lmne will NO. x2q JOYtile WiOth'bE%b lature, the &d~lt Probafion and 8WolO AOot, do05 net.re$eal &tilols 12!!7a, VerAO11’8 Pq- ~81 0046, ia rbspeot to eumm4s~ sentenoe ln'o murder aa8b. 0d:wb Assistant . . :
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion