fn Moore Y8. Hanaooa,~ 103 s. w. 666, it is salP : _ " ..n.. , w&&zd.:i uardian’ 6 bond $8 re- . dtiosd~ to sum ooihai ~erablglless a bhm the Value of the ,ward’# property ia total ala- regard ef the statute ; suck actloll mu& be hslii null and void." : Zhe Court ,‘~howe~?,r, q,uoted Woerner, Amerioan Lay of Adm2tistration, aa hollows: ,, “,., ‘. * “,, I I- : ‘.- Hon. R. A. Barton - Page 2 (V-324) %wm a voluntary bond, ii not &xi oontrarentionor pub110 pplioqqr 8t+U- tory law, 18 blndlng on tae laamn; -0 a bond glvem for the performme of a trout mpoaod, whether publio or pr%v&e, i men though this promOwow8t b0 a OO~~UOC propoeitlon or law, yet we would not a&in t&t din Qolul, ty Judge aooept th4 proff4reb money ueourlty ror In !um no ouoh authority. The proper oourlle to purllu rmltl be for fhe guardian to exeoutr tha rtatrrtorv.btia rtbh & uuroty or uuretier au requlre6 bf Utiolr d&4& A .oouaty $ndge ici a o t luthorlra6 to aoorpt the prrronal bond of a guardian M th elu$at* o fa no na o mp omentim u 8euuW by 6 deporit o? oaoh rith tha Oourt or 9) drr itr dirootloa ln lleu ot a band Nth ormtlor aa re~uire6 by the 8ht~k8~ lrrtb Oh. Stat., Arta. 4140~414ae fdlrr ve*ry tmly*
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion