Rob. Claud aibmr, Page 2, V-161
aad declaring an lmergeaay.
“Be it enacted by the Ieglslature
OS the &ate of Terasi
"Suc4lon 1: That Subsection 4 of
Abtlclo7150 of the Revised Civil Sta-
tutus of. TUMS~ 3905ir,jm and the sam Is
hereby amended so as to hbreatter .read as
follows t :: : ~.
“Subsect¶m 1. All property, whether
peal or @wsonal, belonging sxcluelvel~ to
this State, or any .pollt lo al subdlvls ions
tllamof, QP the Vrtitru States, sxceptkhat”~
la cabh 6 mtr. la th$s W&o, uhere the
6tata bC sibx&u had. ad .m@:aeqnlh and .oua
l4w rw p*pmb of. establ.ldhlag. thb24+ :,
on @eat* Pclnrs and rqM ag ttlaro.oa.~con%W
labosiwu Zktate *eeount,.. tL psakteatiary -.~--
: .; ;.,
: .<::,.1 :
aald ciountf.rad. to the tax assessoF’ dr: dach
tadepaadeat sa!mol district.., In ~whlOh;.siiid.iT
POpWtyj or any pa& ‘thereof, la’located;
and the taxes on saaa shall be assessed and
oolidoted . In the manner requlred~by’ law,?
‘f’or t4b assessrat ‘and ooll~ctlon’:.oi.:oth~r~
,. taxes; ~oS%dad, that ~ral.&k~ee~-shall ,&ei ‘:~
assesebd and .co~leoted Sor aountf .aad’lade-
Pt’school dlstrldt par
hul.ld%txgaiad other lmprovoabat $yd by
t&~MaW'ead sitURW$ oa fbaM !a . 1.
"Bee.2. The fact that oounty taxes
are dellhqwat, and unpeld agalnet various
,&ate farms oovered by this Bubseotion, and
the further fact that the counties. In which
aaid State tams am looatbd aPe in. dire
. -
HOQ. o~*,,a o-r, pys 3, v-161 .. .,
need of bald taxea, In order to efflaloQtlY
perform thulr goV+amsnat81 fwotlotm, .create
aa euergenog . . : . (bipharrls adfled)
firticle 5065, Subd. 3, now Article 7150, Subd.
4, Revlsod O&v11Statutes, as amended by OhaPtOr 159,
.. “l%e 2a110u1u&JrQgbr?,*tJ
aha be OxMt
Prom tox8Ulbn, to wl? :
II. . .
Hon. Claud C+ilmm,~ Page 4,. V-161 .
of operat Ierg such farm, and no debt shall
be- created analnat, the general Enud of
& State In case om ramm 40 pg-
said tsxes sy %~venues of’-% such
farrm.B provnedurther, that In a=-
lng at the amount to be paid In taxes to
the corntim the value .of the land shall bs
considered and not thC value of the bulld-
lags and other Improvements owned by the
State and situated on said land.
%uc .; 2. This Act shall repeai Sub-
dlvlalon 3 of Article 5065 of the Revised
Statutes of 1895, only in so far,as the
aam IS ‘In:confllct herevith.
“SbC.~ 3. The ‘ract tba; the ~st& -of
Taxas has acquired valuable lads .ia!;~arloh?
count,ies of’ the estate -of .S&aa tu. bb :ased
In ceagbct 10s with ,tla6 State pyiit&atiary.
8Jstam; thqrqby depr~\r~Ahe ‘6Wntlos~~wl.qe
.3ald Uads ~am,:locatbd .of .any rtjwtiW~~fr:@n
.: t&x0* therdn;. aad .&thefarther ~iact:.*tliit~:
.thO mat&l&3 IWhi3r-u .Bald :f&i&hr6 ,...lOo&ed
nood skld’reveaue, ,cruats ‘an’emrgency 4 i
. . ‘. .~“. mlphaalb. adgyl~ <
It will be ‘noted irun a .oomparlson of the
emphauIesd portlona~of:.the two.acts;: that: the. import-.
aat &ange. made’~ by the FoNy-&tith.:dglalaturo ~was30’:
reMal that .po~tloa of ‘the.~orlgInal.:.act -.whlch,provlded
that p &j& w & I&?$@&$ m &&general fund’
for t o- pa~naa o aertaln taxe&md~ lnatead specifi-.
oally prooIde that au& taxes, ‘lacludlng all delinquent
t,ax+s, am I?s, Q&& .a & t& d#nsral SWI.
: Without dlsouaslng th6 obvious Unconatit ut lon-
alit* of House.Bill Ro.. 289, Act8 49th.bgl~slature, be-
aauae of Its dofeotlvs daptlon (brtIole~III~, Section 35,
CcimstItutloa.of~,Texas), It is oletar that both &use
Sill Ro(0112 A&a~ 31st bglalature and House Bill. Ho. ..
2891Acts 44th bgislature, are unaoastitutlonal and
~014 Insofar as either of anch acts attempt8 to amend
or roped1 the. provisions of Subdlvlsloa 3 of Article
51065, (now Subdiv~sl&a 4, &tlcle 7150) siace each Is
violat ivd of Article XI, ,Seutlim. 9, of .the~‘Constitution
of .Texas, which reads as follows:
T!&~prop4rt~ of oounties,~olt~es an4
tovns, ova04 aa4 hoi4 0aT ?or publio,pur-
poma, such as pub110 buJ 4lrrgs an4:the
sites themfor. Fire englass an4 the ium-
lttu’i thereof, 5~9 all p$qertr used, or
lnteM44 for extlr&iiibAag flr44, PUbliO
Hon. cla.ud Gilmor, pago 6, V-161 .
on4 pook4t f0r the purpose of putting it into
8nother -- leas-the cost of assesslug and ool-
14ctlng th4 texr dbvlotmly that proc44ur4
could never aacompZ.lsh anJthlng but “an idle
oxpendlture of public ~ftinds. ? . .
Situ24 tho~ameadmeots crested by both %ouae
Bill No. 12 aa Etouse Bill’- No. 289 above quoted are
uncoastltutlonal an4 ~014 Sor the roason stated, House
Bill No. 38, .Flftlsth Legislature must be consldsred
, as a asparate and dlst.lnct bill, the constltutlon~litg~
OS vhich must be determined solely from the construction
of Its own pr.ovlsions under the Const ltutlon and laws .of
%xaas, which existed prior to the passage of Hous Bill
Ho. 12 by the Thirty-first. Legislature In 1910,
,.. Arti&III; .*0t1& 5 of the condtltutl~P
oft fexall, provides ia-$8rt that. 4 L9gIslature ah.931
&we. ~ti.power to malts’a grant. QP.authorUs the tlk-
Rou& Bill &!o ~j".EFl&lOth fsglslatare
~~~ecaingar the pqmsnt of certafn texoa 0;
State ‘am~4:l.aan4s ta certala.counties~'dut of
the &qorai Fund oft th4.8tate, la unconstltu-
tlonsl and -wild as vlolatlve of the provlelone
off Artiols z11, Se&ion. 5X, and Ar8lcle %I;
&34tiOn 9, OOIl4t%t,Ut;iaa Of T4=8.