AURT~N~~.TEXAS ‘. ,..~
Beer 8S.r:
,Your rquost rer an opiniea eenre~ln# the alova aub-
j*et h8a liem reeolrea. ,l)rem yeur lo~,o*, * ~uatot
: :
Hono Arthur B, Kniokerbocker, page 2
werding plaoed thereon ao preoeribed herein,
and whoeter alriTe8 any autesobilo, truek or
other motor Tehiels belenging to the State
upoli the streoto or say towm or oity or upon
a ublio highway without ouoh inooriptieo
pr xnted thereen shall bo tiaad mot leoi thoa
Iwenty-fire Dollara ( 5.00) aor aore thoa
One Hundred Dollars ( O0,Q@)6* (A&r 1921,
p. 122, as amendad Acts 1931, 42nd Leg., pa
373, oh, 219, 81,)
In construing thlo Artiole, we are guided by the
termo of Article 7 of Vern@nsu Aaretated Pemol Uode, wh3oh
“This o o dea ?dlfer y
other law upen the
subject of orlme which may be onaeted o&all
be eolutrued aoeordlag te thr lc~fn Ipp rt of
the language in which it is wr f ttaa, wr #hut
regard to the disbioobiaa uoaolly made between
the oonotruction of psnal lauo and laws upso
ether subjoeto; and ue person shall be p&Wohed
for 831orirnse whish lo net made pnal by the
plain import or the weraa of a 1aw.w
There oan bo a@ (IWtian that the torma of Article
821, aupra, are ao plainly port as werdo could bo. There
seem0 to bo 1~) mistake ia tk interrtion set forth in t&&s
Ar\r)lolee Going Back to the lrfginol Aot as poooed by Zk
u Lo&* 1921, Chap, 59 of the Goneral Law@, we find SW-
m hr stating:
Vhe f&at that State-owned metor Tekiales
ore not BOWdeaignatadB ereatu sonfwiu, and
is an impadimnt to th* peace officers enforting
the traffio laws or this Statoo D 4”
Ears we have the rpeaifio intent sf the Legi8lature stated0
It $o for the buofit of poe@e oftieers while they are oo-
rollww &Lo trarffie laws of this Blah. It kelped thee of-
iierm &a iaentlry readily atate-@ned meter vohieleo, and
not o&y t&at, it made more feasible the approhonoioa of
slakl. alelelo lrzd enp1oyoe.a wing Stabs-awzM vehiclu
ter ~a* p8rmouo The Me4 Le&datu# ef 1931 Qhrp.
229, w MO 373 sf the Gmnora%Lawa amen&Y No brifeb SO
that YI, &moerbptlen and morktags on the Wt bile t300ia
be om -a etiQf o@On aad Q&diingUishtis Ti effeot, the
4prl ~alwairo ~upbaoized tk* provisions or this Article
Hon. Arthur B. Knirkerbocker, PWQ 3
ati reoogpizs~ the importanea of it as stated by the 37th
?wrr*t-* The ArtMe,
_ . as
_ the 42~3 Legislature
_ arzendrd
W8rptioru or eretiptlen lagraftid
pPkebS4n air *0mtmmtki,
It ie conoeiv&le that emcrgeaaies mi.*Jt arise in
whiah the &$jutant Gene-2 could oporats to bebtep advanta(o
br ling -arked vehiol*F,- But
Eon. Arthur B, IFaiakorboakar, paga 4
required by Artialr 821, supra. On the other hand, the
Adjutant Gemral may re6eire liaemse plates for State-
owed ~ehie3m wiCheu& identifying mrkings normally
provided fer State-owned notor equipment, provided the
State Highway Department deems it adriaable,
1. There ir no authsrity for the Adjutant
General to operate State-owned vehicles
without thr identitiration mark* ana
rig8 required by &ticlo 821, TaA,P6Ca
2. Under the authority lf tha State HLgh-
way Dopartruat the Adjutant General
may ba irsurP iicansa plates without
the idri&tlfying markings normally pro-
vide& r0r State-owned motor a ulprnont,
if that Doprtme~t Umna the Itssuanoe
or rlub plates adtinbloa C&75&-3u, .‘.
T'aA.Q .li. .;. “,
m 10. 1967