January 18, 1947 Eon. Reed McDonald Chief Clerk Texas Agricultural Experiment Station A & M College of Texas College Station, Texas Opinion Ho. V-01 Re: use of proceeds from sale of land ana prop- erty of an abandoned sub-experiment statfon to construct bui1dllng.s 'and other improvements in connection with the establishment of a new sub-experiment station on donated land, Dear dir: We have carefully considered the questfon pro- pounded in your letter to this department, dated Deeeni- ber 17, 1946. That question, copied verbatim from your letter, is as follows: "If the land for the establishment of a new sub-experiment station is donated to the A & M College, can the proceeds from the sale of land and property that was abandoned be used to construct buildings and other lmprove- ments in connection with the establishment of the new station?" It is the opinion of this department that the answer to this question should be resolved in the affirm- ative with certain qualifications which are herein set Our opinion is based on Articles 139 140 and 143 G$%onfs Annotated Texas Civfl Statutes R&s& of 192!?, Section 6 of Article 8 of the Constitution of Texas' Subsection 3 of the General Provisions of Chapter 3?'7a2 Texas Session Laws, 1945, enacted by the Forty-ninth Leg=- islature in Regular Session. Hon. Reed McDonald - Page 2 (V-01) Article 139, Powers of Board, provides as fol- lows: “The Board shall have power: “1. To establish sub-experiment stations at such places in this State as it shall deem proper In addition to those now In operation. “2. To abandon or discontinue any sub- station which may become undesirable for exper- iment purposes; and If deemed necessary to es- tablish others in their stead at such places in the same county as it shall deem advisable. "3. To sell any land or other State prop- erty used in the operation of an experiment sta- tion when so abandoned, and to apply the pro-. ceeds of such sale in the purchase of other land and property for the establishment of experiment stations.” The first object and purpose of Paragraph 3 of Article 139 is clear. The Board of Directors of A. & M. College is given the power to sell any land and other property of an experiment station which has been duly abandoned. It seems definite that this power of sale in- cludes the right to sell the land, buildings and other improvements and whatever equipment that was used in the operation of the abandoned station. The second object of that paragraph, we be- lieve, is to give the BoaEd :he power to use the proceeds from such sale for the gs ab Jo.&& of other experimental stations. The phrase “to purchase land and property”wodd seem to be merely descriptive and directive of the manner in which the proceeds for the establishment of experiment stations would be used. We do not believe the Legislature intended to limit the use of the proceeds solely for the e in the establishment of an experiment station. To so construe the phrase as a llai- tation on the use of the proceeds would, in effect, be giving the Board the power to sell buildings and other im- provements erected on land which had been used for an ex- periment station, but would prevent the proceeds to be used for the same purpose in the establishment of a new station, and would force the Board to look to other funds Hon. Reed McDonald - Page 3 (V-01) for necessary buildings and other improvements in the es- tablishment of a new experiment station. Such a result was, in our opinion, not intended by the Legislature. Ra- ther they intended by this paragraph to allow the proceeds to be used for the purchase of land and for whatever physi- cal equipment and improvements that might be necessary to tk&full and complete establishment of an experiment sta- . However, Paragraph 2 of Article 139, when read in conjunction with Paragraph 3 of the same Article, requires, in our opinion, the new sub-experiment station, which Is es- tablished with the proceeds from the sale of land and other property of an abandoned experiment sub-station, to be lo- cated in the same county of the sub-experiment station which was abandoned. That it was the intent of the Legislature that this provision be mandatory is made clearer by a read- ing of the Acts 1913, S.S., p. 98, Section 6, which reads in part as follows: I, .provided, however, no station shall be abando:ei and re-located beyond the bounds of the county in which such station was originally lo- cated." Article 143 reads as follows: II the location, da board uw t&a IntO consideration ana re - c%i e anv doD&&D, either in money, && or othk property, to be used in the ooeratjsn -t of UY such stat%& and for experiment work, may lease such land'as may, in its judgment be necessary for any o i the purposes named in this chapter." (Unaerscorfng ours) We believe this article, by Implication, author- 120s the establishment of an experiment station on donated land. The Board under its general power of sale in Article 139 would have the same power of sale with respect to any land that is donated unconditionally and without limitation as it would with respect to land acquired in any other man- ner by the Board for experiment statfons; and no loss can be seen by the erection of buildings and other improvements on land received as a donation to be used as an experiment station. To prevent such proceeds from being so used would necessitate the acquisition and use of other funds when an . experiment station was desired to be located or established A I Hon. Reed McDonald - Page 4 (V-01) on donated lands. Such, conceivably, could result in land, which was desired to be donated, being purchased in order to establish without an extended delay an experfment sta- tion thereon. Certainly such was not the intention of the Legislature. It is the opinion of this department that ft was the legislative Intent to permit such proceeds provia- ed for in Article 139 to be used in the establishment of experiment stations on land recefved as a donation without condition or limitation under Article 143, when such land is located in the same county as was the land of the aband- oned station from which the proceeds were derived. The last sentence of Article l&O reads as follows: "All funds received from the sale of sta- tion lands or property shall be deposited in the State Treasury and shall be paid out in accordance with the provisfons of this chapter," Under this statute the proceeds from the sale of land and other property of an abandoned sub-experiment sta- tion must be deposited in the State Treasury. In order to withdraw these funds from the Treasury for the establish- ment of a new sub-experiment station it fs necessary that it be done in pursuance of a legislative approprfatfon as re- quired by the Constitutfon of Texas, Article 8, Section 6 of that document provfdes In part as follows: "NO money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in pursuance of speciffc approprfatfons made by law; nor shall any approprfation of money be made for a longer term than two years, ., 0n While the last sentence of Article 140 might possibly be construed as an approprfation authority to allow the with- drawing of such funds from the State Treasury, in the face of the above constitutional provision and the repeated hold- ings of the courts of this State, it could not be authority for such an appropriatfon for a period longer than two years from the date of the enactment of Article 140, which was 1913. We are of the opinion that authority for the wfth- drawal of such funds from the Treasury for the establishment of a new sub-experiment station is granted by Subsectfon 3 of the General provisions of Chapter 377 of Texas Session Hon. Reed McDonald - Page 5 (V-01) Laws, 1945, enacted by the Forty-ninth Legislature in Regular Session. This Chapter deals with the biennial ,appropriatlons for A. & M. College and other education- al institutions for the fiscal years ending August 31, 1946, and August 31, 1947. Subsection 3 of the General provisions of this Chapter provides as follows: "Institutional Receipts. No property belonging to any of the institutions herein provided for 5 nv sency therea shall be sold or diszostd 0: without the consent of its governing board, and all nrocee& from the sale of such nronertp, from labor performed from the sale of maEerials, crops and supplies from fees, and any and all other recelpJs shall become ad are he ebg dce OP contInseL and with the annroval of the sovereieg board @&g hPiSaict~. Sa d e: v e boards are authorized to use out of't:e uroceedg of sali 1 receipts and fseds, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, such amount8 as t hev shall deem necessarv for the SUDDOfi I tit enance . OD eration andarovements o$ 1 ttu 0 r to the credit of anv sala &&j ,tutiona1 1 ca& funds at said lnstit gtions or in the Stat: Treasurv at the end anv fiscal vear arq berebv reannronriatedOffor the above mentiogga pumoses for the succeeu vea."' (Underscor- ing ours) It is our opinion that experiment stations of A. Br M. College are Included in the phrase "or any agency thereof." While the powers enumerated in this sub-section 3 are considerably broader than those given by Article 139, such Article controls over the appropriation provisions; and hence the powers of the board insofar as experiment stations are concerned, are modified and controlled by Ar- ticle 139. Such sub-section does, however, in our opinion appropriate the funds so that they can be withdrawn from the State Treasury for the establishment of new experiment sub-stations. Hon. Reed McDonald - Page 6 (V-01) Proceeds from the sale of land and other property used in the operation of an experiment sub-station which has been duly abandoned must be deposited in the State Treasury, but can be withdrawn by the Board of Directors of A. & M. College for the construction of buildings and other improvements in connection with the es- tablishment of a new experiment sub-station on donated land. such land donated, however, must be conveyed without any limitation or condition and must be located In the same county as was the land of the abandoned station or stations from which the proceeds for such improvements were derived. Yours very truly, APPROVED JAN. 18, 1947 ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS BY Assistant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion