OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I(onor4blo T. II.Trlmbl4, ?lrrt StOta l3UQOrint4rdOtlt Au8tllLI, Tcxarn De4r Slra lruthc coun oi Publie A4414tant Ui8trWtlon Attornoy Oonenl'8 ?llr O-7522 Ret or TAUtOO8 tO~FOUQOFUUWX teroR~nlmlhi&h48 dirtdiot undo, Artla or 29220, f. 24cbp01 Qortlon8 of 4ohool blrtrlet4 1 / *""-h, ' 292 A. c. 8.7 \ \ o r lr t8b llr h QFOUOdUN b7 Vhieh lllng vlthln crrt8in 8ohol44tlo od for mar81 high 84hool di8- Q8rt8llM to tlm ma44 or aball oonw 1oN th8n Attom OOMr81'4 OQiZlhJt ~3.& ~ 1 ,l @ Q7 Of vhloh 1 8 cttoolmd h ONt0, di84U8448 8t L 0 hoFit t0 El'OUQ OF UkQ4X 8Oh401 di8triOt8 to form 8 rural hl&h 8ObOO1 dl8t~let. AFti ?g=4, t0 the extent tbrt it 18 QWtl- Ikant t0 thi8 OQiniOn, 944d8 48 fOllOV4C I "a-ah Ow84d W-t7 inthir 8Ut. rad in w OOU8t7 UhtCh 8ti h4FOUft.I’ b8 0--84d, - OOUt784hoottFU8t8.8 8u &we tin authorit7 to form 001 or Ppn mud hi.@ 8CbO1 (U8tFbt8,~~F@pOipl oOnt&UOU4 tCn 8ObO1 di8tPi8t8 bSV* 1.88 thu h&U hudnd 84bOl48tL4 p4&htbll ud MOpOlSd4nt 88bOO1 di8tPiCt8 WV- 1.88 tLvn tV0 h\udl'Sd rrd iv37 84hOlutiO ~QUbtiOIi iOr th8 )ur- QO8. Of l8kbu8 ud opontlry runl high 8OhOO18, BO tbt tb 8OWt7 44&01 tXl8t448 M7 WI @M OF loN Oom 84?VOl dirt?i4t8 OC Oa4 OI Y)?8 lIhdO~d8lrt 84hOO1 QNVldO a8tPl4t8 h8Vb 1448 t- tV0 handrad b& ?%r t7 8dO~#tiO QO~thR t0 l OQm 8-1 - Or 11oFO 84hOb8tlC '~Oi?:?Or%id4~ti~t "8:;"": bl;4 tVo hundred cud fift7 Or 84W 84hO1 tl w lation upon the 4~~~4~41 at tha board of t-8-8 Of 8aah 8ObOl dirtriot 8ffoatadI th@-n OW Or Y)N CO- 845001 di8tFi4t8 Il'4 80 -X44 t0 A 4-a 84ti ~f8trlcthV~ SOIL? =Fd Or IO- 8Obb8tiC QOQUhtiOn, OF to 48 hd4Q4rd4at d8tl’iOt hOriB6 tU0 hundred ud flft7, OC PDm 8-&88ti@ Q4JQtiAtiOll, 88 tb, -84 MJ b4, 4 bOUd Of tm8tM8 8h411 b 8l14Ot4d trar th4 di8triat 4t lW60 ud 8m hV0 ti MM6OlBt~adWtttFOl of u&o di8triOt l8 ala-d u8t11 thm tlJM for th0 D8Xt 4iOOti~ ub q~iiMtiO88 Of tFU8ti88 tOr O- ad i&?loptit dbtt'iOt8, 88 pmv1d.d b7 Oaa- enltrv.. . . (6ador8aor4 oum) ft 84UII) lQQ8Nntt0 Lhi8 dOQW'tM8t th8t Article 29224 ClO4rlJ QlVVi44’8 tht OXl7 di8tl’iCt8 m b4 6FOUQ.d OC U- naxad to fom nuCr1 hi@ 8ChO1 di8tPi4t8. WO 4?4 umbl4 to CO~8tl.W unir w k i8httV4 iak8t Vhhh VOPld 4Uthl’iM t& l8kbLimAt Of a lWlW f hi& 8-1 di8tdCt w th 6FOUP1~ OF 4M4X4 Of WF’t Of 84-1 diltri4t8. Th4 fr6i8)rtUlU bV4 Q?484Fikd 8 Wthd for tb fOFMti48 Of h ai&h 8OhOO1 di8- tri4t8 ud hW4 li&mt4d tb grOUp4 OF MlWX4tiOB Of di8tFiiot8 for t&t -84 t0 Oy OI DN di8tPiat8, l8 d484Pikd ti dofhed ti Airt1414 2g%b ud @HO, %t ?OlhV8 tbt tb OoWt7 84b401 tFU8t448 4m Wit&& 4Ut&rit7 t4 l8kbli8h 4 rUti bluh HOa. T. #. Trlubla - ?a64 3 44h001 dI8triCt In 4 PethOd 4t TOFI8nC4 Vita th8 8UthOrit7 granted them in tbs rsld 8tltuts. It 1s our opinion, tharo- fore, t&t 70u.r qW8tiOO should be annered in ttw -tire. we vi11 polmt out, &wav4r, that undrr wtlcler 27424 and 27121, Y. A. c. s., l porthnof8 40uon~cho01 diBtriCt lU7 k aaoSX4d t0 u1 iUidcQ4ndcnt 44hoo1 dl8triCt, tb8 procedure and legalIt. of vhlch 18 fully dl8ou884d la Attomb G4~ara.l’8 OQiIliOZl 60. O-6& 8, l cop7 of vhioh ir 8ttaclwd hereto. Thu, it 18 p O88ib t&lOt8pChi9>n OfOBlXi8tiri( school dI8tl’iCt da8hOd t0 b4 iDChd4d in 8 proposed m hl@ 8ChOO1 di8triCt w fint bsi?g annexed ti lCGOtdOW4 vlth Article 2742e ud 27h to 8 di8triOt, vhich 8Ub84qU4Iltl7 urrder Art1410 29220 Or 29124 18 earutltukd 8 ?lUWl hi.@ 8ChO1 di8tPICt. -7, ti tht IrdIlWCt WIlUW?,, b4 inClUd4d In 0 QX’4- TX pOa?d nVa1 hi@ l&O01 dirtrIOt lP40. TN4tiIIg thS 8bOVe 8ati8faCtOril7 an8VaC4 Jour iOqdW# ve remin Your8 vat-7 truly ATTGRUUY OlUUtRAL OF 4 Cb8t8!’ %. 01118On A88i8tOlLt CE0rbt .:. 1946
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion