Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Good Neiprhbor Commission Of Texas Austin, Texas Qen tlement Attention - Yiss Pauline it.Kibbe Opinion NO. O-7412 Rat May the stqnoaTapher*s exnenses be paid while attending meetings OP the Commission outside 4P Austint to whether Be have your letter a&in g our opinicin..as. the Secretary OP the Good Neighbor Commlssio~.oP Texas can he paid out of the Appronrjation Bill Por all exposes Incurred rhile attending meetings of the Commisslcn when !!e?Aqnutside of Austin. ,' The 1 aw creatinr theSGood.Nei,fibor.Commission,~,and saklnp an a?nronriation therefor, ie contained ln House Rj?l NO. 804, which is on pnEe~_?33 oP:$he~~General and Special ?.aws of the 49th Tzegislatura~ ., \~ ‘\., the llmits oP Punds made apnropriation from time to in said Bill !)33eOO.OOper secretary and $I620000 per year for the for traoeline; expense Por the and consultants ~350~00 It-appropriated money wfth which to lay the teleohone and telceranh, stationery, nrinting, mostage and miscellaneous expn se. Since the T,ecrlslatureapnronriatedcxnenne i?onev Por the GxcC~tive ?YeCretarV, mcl djclnot anvonriate anv for the ex- penses 0P the stenneravbert jt 3s our orinion that the sterroera- Good 3ei~hhbor Commission of ~ex3.s - leap? 2 pher would not be entitled to expenses incurred while attending meetiags outside of Austin. The Legislature eridently was 0P the oplnlon that the ll3eoutive Secretary could attend to all olerieal msttsrs neoessary when the meetings *ere held outside Very truly yours ATTORNEY GRJERAL_:?F TEXAS BY -k--3- Gao. 1. Barcns ASSISTANT