OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS &rro”~n GENIRAI. ~&UT letter'of October of this depaNnent. -- pmwnta . the quoeat - office1 Hon. Oeorge ii. Cox - Page 2 Article 1003 of said statutes provides: raon other than an elector reafdent of the be appointed to any office by the city cowail.” Article 2927 of eaid statutes prov,videe: *No person shall be eligible to any State, county, precinct or rmqicipal ofi%% in thie S,tate unlees he ahall be eligible to hold office under the Constitution of this State, and unlese he &all have rseidsdin this Stats for the period*of twelve months*and six months in the county, preofnet, or municipality, in which he offers himself aa a candidate, next preceding auy genafel or 8 cial election, aad shall have.been au aotual bona fide ur tlsen of said county, precinet oz municipality for snore than six munt.hsr 110 person iAel&ible to hold office shall ever have kio -6 placed upon the ballot at any germ-al or speciel eleation, or at 8ny prisary electSon where oandi- dates are selected under prlmry eleotion laws of thh State; and A0 6UO&%Mii&bb Candidate $httll 8Y6x be voNd UPOA now have votes oouated for him, at anyeueh gemral, epeo~al; or px-imary 61eotionr~ The qualifioatione for the office of 4.M health officer a pear to be preecrfbed by ganerel law, Article 1$0 3 sup?a,, in o L ar unamww .tana;ua.geprovidea that A0 pereon 0 de c tl-48~ 8n of the of ty &all. be appointed mWiz~ing, the 6krtUteS quoted to ulearly expreae the intent of the togi;tslntuxe quaLlfications of individuals &hey than those nilned in the Con&f-. tutioa to hold, any off&a of honor, truut OP euoltment provided b the lawa of the State, (tortinber~y va; State; 2S3 s. '8. 146,) Tie (ifflce of city health offher ia one of honor, truat and emolument . rovided by the lawa Of the Ytate &nd 80 held LA our Opinion to you, Ro4 O-816 approved June 1, 1939. In amwer to your question ~y’ouare respectfully advised that to be elfg;ible for 8p lntment do the office of city health officer under the general!lLiIof thb State a physiclgn must be M elwtor having #aided in such reurlcipaXi~y inore tksn six months. Tow% very truly BY
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion