.* 47’ 1 (I . . @ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN v@ aoklIavlodJp no0 In vhloh pu nqu8t 48 opih lovlsg ~qwrticm, qwting trolr WI. qtmmtiap, in Comllsslowrs’ Court a in o&w rtrttltor IA that eowtior w f’s the construction ruowx# Court of lt o l,1 39 o r ta rth o se& c ir lc nrth er sg lir 1 *tur o ilth e or- co of toadr fca. oourthoutm, jallr, ;ubllc mule, Rrcwablo v. A. aouba - pogo 3 . 477 MO th@mfOt'O hold oubjoct to tha lrpr.,ro -8triC- that, tionr !.8pOMd br th. Conrtltutlan ti fi+eaerrl I&Y. &nd provldod th a th telppliublo A9y.btiOll8 nl@tUq to tholr lrruonco lm etriatly Ob8WYOd, tin0 VWt. Yt k 1B8UVd to ~IJ for upon- dltono incurrod in eoaaootlon Pith CoumtJ tirportr. langmdto4 uo quot. Iran 8 lottrr of the Baod , dated Rav i6. 19&P. vhI@h lrtk? Va8 8180 00a~mod with tlm butherltr of aiOilil;tO :OSUi tin WarXWlt@ of l library fOC tb0 OOli8tl'UOtiOll “sbo Aotr of tbo &00&d callbd krolaa of th@ Mrt -Birth kgirktuu of 1919, 219, hove booa C-Pi I Od b v*mW’@ a8 &tiO'lO# 1 r-n-1696, inOhldV0, to wbloh law vo hove nformd and ht. ooaoluded that the only authority tho Cmlrrloslon Court bar for tho ertobllobmont of 4 aaunt fmo 1Ibraq Lo that aoakinwl la ruoh Irv, aad tll.la la vp r o r 1 U.r that luoh lfbmry can be rrtobliohed only ‘Irr the mo.nnor and vlth tbo function8 prooorikd in thlo tltlo.’ Yo doubt 0017 rerlow4 that the Oa~nloolmen Court boo the luthorlty to do ~thlng vlth nfonaao to the lotobllotint of a oowty llbraw ether thn 18 &UthOrImd urlcbrTit10 35 of the BDrlmd ClVil stat- Ilk8 or Texu. vo kllova that t.haoounty lr ritheut authorltr to ecartruot l llbmrr bull4ipg, It oppoarlng frum tho lw that tha county libmm must bo loeatod rt the county mat in the oourtheu8. l8 of tbo tlar it 18 datomlaed to lrt4blih 8UOh lib-, tir.84 at that tins tore lultoblo quorton are thm avolloble. fh8 Ait itrelf,, by 4ppl’OpPtitO 142X-8, 1iBited the C0Xls1881oIIO.F8 CO-t Of Uy COWltJ iXltb@ POW? t0 .8- tabll8h 4 i’m8 Ilbmry 8~‘StCUl for luoh co’mt~.’ In our o?lnlcn, them~om, a county h4r no authority to ccmetruct a llbmrp build- and, th6rOfOm no authorltp to issue tLme varrants ln payment th8mfor. Ylth mg4rcl to 4 muawn, hovever, ve mfar you to Art. 2:7id, Pac. 1, b-. A. c. L., V.‘liCt me& 48 fOll!,VS: “All counties ln the State acting by e.nC throwh their m8pectlve Cocaiaslonor81 Courts may provlds for annu41 8xhibitr of hortioultuml 4nC a;rFcultuml products, llveetock 4nd Plineml . woduok, and ouch other proauct8 aa arm or sat*?- oat to tho oamunltf. In oonn4otlaa themltb, 8UCb oouat1.r u rho lrtabllab md ulataln NIBOUI, lncluelag t x 0 lraetiaa of Lb0 aooorury bui1alJkga and otbor lapromtr, ln their own oountler or ln anr other oount~ or olty la tho Unltod State., whore falx-8 or oxpoeltMu am belag hold.* 8ina* the above-uuotod rktuto ltb o r lr o rtbo oamtruo- tloa of muoua buil4btngr ealr ln oamootlar rlth uhlbitr of hortl- aultunl en4 agrloultuaml prcduotr, livoatook rad linenl productm, md ruob other pmducto a8 are of interart to Uu oanunitr, It ir our oplnlon that the ttpo of Buuu build antlolpakd bt your lottor, aruly, l joint llbnry an& lWOUYu ilAln& lr not au- thorirod, br the oktutor OS tblr Iltato, and thonfon tin war- rants in payment for the connrtructlan of much building am not rutborlred. In regrd to I routb Ceate& VI BN unable to S&d an! rtatuto spocirloall~ aut&ZXXng b oountr Cml~oionerr~ Court to Conrtruat, purchae, luu, opemt.4 or ulntan a 'Youth cen- ter’ or riallar pmJoot. ft la l vol~-ortabli&od prbolplo of lev la thla 8Wto that luthorlt of Carlrrlenon~ Oaurto to uko oamtrrotr of any kind 1s rtrlo 1 11 Ualkd to that aanfomed litbes lxpnrrlf or br fair or neuaury lmpllcatlm by thy Canrtitutlon aad l~vr of Article P351, R. C. 5. 1925, eonkim the follovlrq general provlrlon rrlattve to authority for thr conetraction of public bulldlngr t ‘Eucb CamlLsslmer0~ Court rhallt . . . “7. Pmvidc and keel; in w*lr court$wses, Jallr em? all necessary Fubllc bulldln~b. 475 I . . .By the tern ‘public buildlry’ am urns& LZI Um mUtut@ la a unt l bulldlnq ured yrioarl4 for publlo or govoxmmkl purpoaoa, tht la, to bourn pub110 or ~vorneoahl lgoncloo. Tbo paver to provide inoludoo the povor to purohao*. Svarto v. borrd or Ca’ro of &ka Uouatl, 158 Ind. 141, 63 I. E. 31. ma Comlrrlmen a Court lo the legal bodr luth o r lo un- od dor tku ltatuto to doterrlmo rhothor or not l *public h u ll4 lDg ld it0 d00101acr nlatlag loQ ‘Do eeo o A~,’ tbonto waaot k aloturtad br thlo Court .t~p; ;p- a 8 rhoum of an abum of dioontloa. Ll &ooOlO~, roJ. COB. App., P2y a. U. J-71$ . . : l four lottor doe0 not lzbdla4ta the oxrot rvtun of the %utb Center for vhleh v8rmntr am aought to k ioruod, nor door thon spur to ba say rtatutory or judlolal dofinltlon of r uc h l projoot. In our 09lnion, hovovcr, ana f8lr aid turooaablr dofinltlm of l ‘Youth Coater” vi11 mot mot tba nquirmuita or tho doflnltlai of l %ecoooar~ publlo building” aa rot out la ca o (oupra); and rlncr no otbor otatutory authority the -F-Y-or to lrtabllahmnt oxloto br l ComiooIonen' Court, therefore, in our opinion, tirr varmtntr in prpwnt for rx~~nditureo for ouch a purpooo an not lthorlrod br thy lo of tblr State. It vi11 bo notod that tu lOOOOO8BAtO to k lovlod for the hrk Improvement and Airport V~rmnto w~~~tod am to purpooo 00 above wntlened ruot k cbargod lgaiast the county’0 pemuwnt lDpro*o8etlt rwid.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion