39 OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATZC)RNm cENm?*t. Eoaorbbla W. P. Earw, Jr., Couaty Aukitor ubllar cobmtty &rm8tebd,T8xb8 t D8u Slrl oplaioa to. 017210 oa raqllmt, qeot*u lewd 8emplo raaalpt . Court, tha rid . oollaokd $14.00:.: P. UOlhCt8 OOat8, t88U.8 111 CkOtieOAttcX'Uby'r fW.18 dOV0 tb8 abrritf'8 008t 88 M.00. ?FOU thi.8 r80&, l8 cOll5tyAuditor, 1 Ch-@@ th, Couaty Attommy Sbrlff, lto., vlth tb- n tiva UODOt8, &lliqJ W 88 cOn.Otti w "F"' 8UO offiaar, 88 Of dbk l'9Wipt 18 L88u.d. Eoaorebla U. P. &foll. Jr,. - Pam 2 "#Or, tk J. P. timlit tbr $1.00 trial f.0 aad 85s or 85+ or tb $1.00 fine vith tbo County Traaaunr, and tha oouaty in tura 188~88 t&a J.P. l Wvv8nt for $3.00, vhloh 18 hi8 oorgR88tioo ior 8Wh trial. %8 qW8tiOll UlV.8 l 8 'to jU8t Vh80 th8 COUllty Attorney or sh8rffr 18 to report th8ir foe l8 Collooted. %8t UI ~.uU, fOP 0~1f10&1On, thBt th8 (;5..w 8ttOrtUy’8 f.0 l8 p8r 8U$& vhlah Va8 OOllWt- ed by J, P. lo*. 6, b5, (N8 not aetwlly &van to tba Oounty Attbraey until X3946. The qUO8tiOtl h8 8rlwo 88 to .vhatbr th18 item rhould be nported a8 aollaok&. by tb Cowty Attorwy In l945 or 1946, @N OontrntlOn 18 tl-& th. deto th. NO8lpt 18 l 188Wd ty th8 J. P. or County Q&rk, lpd tM momy aotmlly collaoted by. tbea, &o~lQ be the date vhioh llrs ooarldor that the CouatyAt- tha Oo wty sh o uld torwy or Shorifi poalvad 8ad colleoted hl&yi, erra thou& J. P.;er ooua~y Ol+c act&l the&&~ Attommy Or 8hOSiif 8aOh mI1pIz 8 a t l l “Supper, la tke m8pXe hava the ‘Uouaty Attor- say Y88 sot l otudly psld bli @icrb fee by the J. P. until 1946. Ny quertloa 18; "1. 11%County Attorllsy’r 1925 .aWLml Vapoit 8h o uldh a 8h o vth lr item 80l fe8aolleetad or un- oolleoted? .I’ ?t aontentloa 18 that ruoh fee 18 deewd oolleot-, 04 by t L County Attorney or Shbrlff at tha tlm of the at of suah fine 8nd t&t the date at rralttarwe to 'm unty Attornay by J. P. or County t3.ark18 lrnl8- vat. 8Wh 0fifOW.r. 41 jioaor~blaW. P. I?~mr. Jr.. - Pm8 2 .I a ll lpproolato pur o p llllo M ga 8r dla the g qW8tloo lbova 8Wkd.” tit. 3897,V.A.O.S., ~OVid88 88 fO=OV8t rO8id.8 l SltOrO 8t&,lN8lrt 10 tripliO~t0 (OR fOrPI de8iga&ed lpd lpproVO4 by th8 Sta teAudito r )l oopy of vhleh rtrkmvat 8hall ba foruardod to tb State Auditor b tbv Clvrkof dlrtrlat oourt of uld oouaty vi ihtn after the 8mm hr be60 tiled 10 hi8 copy t0 ba tiled rfth t& aquaty ldltor~ if my& otherwfw nld copy 8hal.lk tile4 Vlth tb, aotml88lorierr'court. said r.pOrt.~l 8hoV th. &aOUnt Of 811 t.08, WlEn188l0118 l&d aoqmautloo8 vhatenr earwd by uld offleerCur- ing the tiecal yasa~ mul vvoomdly, abvll ahov t&m l- mouat as fee,, 0omml8810a8 u$d oompm88tloa8 oollacted durlag the tiwal year2 thirdly, uld report OlttaiR a ~Itw¶.aed8ktOlPeRt Of all fW8, OOIIL- mf8rfoag rad 003Bpea8&tiOll8 earwd during the tiwrl yew uhioh vera act uolleetrd, togetbr vlth .tba ouly of tin perty ovlag laid few, aonmtl8rloo8and compea- (Wtloa8. Sold report 8ballbe filed I&O&Uter than FObNU’y 18t tOlkrriw th@ Oh& Of th0 ti8Cd JIG-’ ld for ewh day after nld date ttnt fWd re ort XWMiZl8 not tiled, rid ottlaebvlmll bv llabL to a prmlty ot Tventiy Flvo (&GO) a-8, vhiah 6ay ba r8eovond by th oouaty io l 8uit brought for 8UOh pU?pOUI, ~nd,fo edditloa uld offiaer rhll Bo rub lt to ~4-a tX’olV OttiW. dbt8 w9fo, hl8t MS., th C.S. 11 p. 30, ah. 29, S&o. 58 A&r '932,44th mth, 2rd CM., p. 1762,uh. 46!5, sea. 9. ,(Undor . Morlng wlded) Art. 3898, V.A.0.S. prO~ldO8~ W0ng Other t&113&8, that th8 fi8oal yem, vithim &a amartitiof tbr torqgolag -tub*, dull bogin on J@~~tmry 18t Of vcrohJeer. ft 8hallbe aote6 that uld Art. %3-f, 8uPr% Po*ld88 -4t uld report8 8h0W all feel, WltIRi88~0~8 and aW-8tiOn8 v~hmr owlred during th8 flroal year by the officer lMklng 8-h report; th. @mount Of uld fW8, oOYSEi88iOil8 U&d O-a- wtiOb8 ooJJeot& by 8af.dofflCrerdurlw th. ii8081 Jsrrr#8Qd 42 la ltamlsvd 8titOPYIltof ln 8U8h fe88, eta., e8rrwd w uld ottloer dvrlng the fiveal yvu vhlah voro sot oollvetod. Berr- i5# th8w provl8loa8 in rlna, we ne 00 FM800 u&y tk8 couaty AadltoP OUUIOt a88117 drtcrrmltn frw th0 mual r6pOrt th@ exmt amount8 eartad 8ad oo~8oted by th8 OfffcOr8 la qw8tioa. &id Artlab 3897, 8ujwa, pHbvlde8 for a rqmrt of foe8, *to., eollvotod by the ottloor m&lag the report. %2mrold ‘ool- leatad’ la thlr utlale 8~~8 to bo us&d la the 80088 of ~wal~d." fIrit aid fO.8 OOePi88icM8 alpOollps~tfOa8 hW0 bO8Q rroaSosd into the ooatroi or ou8tody of th8 ltwrlff or oounty attommy la qU88tlOa vo do not 8ee h0V 8Uah rhsHff or aOU#LtylttoWOJ oould -truthfully report tint h8 -8 “eolleoted’ um. In th elveat th8t 8UOh OftfOW did Rot aOlhOt Or Z'OWiW 8UOh fM8, eta., durw the SivaaL ~rar lo vhloh vam WIT euard but did re- port w l6 uaoolleoted for 8U5h mm, 88 ea r tmd then if 8uch fee8 me aolleotod or rsovlvvd by him during th, follovlag tlwpl Jb8F b RU8t N&?Ort W a8 oollected la 8Wh 8rrbS.'JWIlt pa. Thwtfcm it ii om oplnro5 bawd on the SaetaIn- lore the I.945 a a nua il8 tlat r eploof r th t oeo ualttoty r tiy 8h0d.d &LOW tb $5.00 ltel la quS8tlOa a8 8 SO0 urattd atid ua- collecteb durl~ the tlwal ~aru,of 2943, ld uld offlaer!r annual report ior the ourmat firail yew of 1946, vhea sade, 8hould regiortaaid dilfogu8at foe a8 colleoted. rOUP8 very truly JLTK)wlWOBUBlULOFTEXA3 : 8J RKiaid A8818tatlt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion